Chapter 1 - Raccoon City

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Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword.

Classified TOP SECRET

Connecting to the Umbrella Database...

...Establishing a Secure Connection.

Secure Connection Confirmed.

Waves of vital data and firewalls began to light up across a screen. Widening with enough files, some black inked and others incomplete, to fill an entire police station's lockup.

In all of that information, finally an ID    photo, alongside the contact info popped up, revealing a bio of classified intel.

Name: Y/N L/N

Sex: Male

Age: 30

Nationality: Dual Citizenship -- U.S.A. and U.K.

Appearance: Caucasian. Brunette. Blue eyes. 5'10.

Occupation: Umbrella Special Forces —Former.

Location of Birth: Unknown ---- Classified ------

Warning Error. Data Corruption.

Attempting Reconstruction.


Reconstruction Successful.

Adoptive Parents: Travis and Rachel L/N —Deceased.

Cause of Death: Unknown — The Hive.

Attempting to access Classified Intel...

Attempt Successful.

Specimen Activation Date -- 1,463 Days Ago...

Subject Renewal for Project Y/N... Succeeded.

Subject Location.... Found.

The screen of text and data expanded, leaving behind everything, until it opened up a lone security camera live feed.

CCTV — Camera 234

Baker Street — Racoon City — Howe's Gun Store.

The camera flickered with grey and white, glitching across the screen, before it settled and fixed itself. Revealing the entrance of a gun store, as a man exited the building.

He was covered by a black trench coat that led down to his knees, and wearing knee high boots. His face shadowed in the dark, hiding his appearance, but what the screen could see was a pistol in his right hand, a Desert Eagle, which held tightly in his grip, and a shotgun wrapped securely around his back.

The camera began to zoom in, getting closer to the individual as the man came to a stop at the shattered glass doors. His face was perfectly shielded from the view, just barely out of the camera's line of sight, as if the man had known it was there, watching him.

Without a word, the man moved his pistol up faster than humanly possible, and before the camera could even hope to move, nor capture his identity, a gunshot rang out, and the camera was silenced forever.

The device itself collapsed onto the street, it's vision cracked and desoriated, but enough was left to make out a shadow of the man as he approached, a strong, confident spring in his steps as he stopped right in front of it.

Before the viewer knew it, the camera was lifted off the ground, and brought to bare. With a few fidgets, the screen finally was turned over, and in front bore witness to the man from the shadows in all of his terror and glory.

He was clean shaven, blue eyes and dark brown hair. His lips set in a thin line as his ocean eyes narrowed in on the camera, a seasoned glare in those pupils that held back the storm.

For a couple of seconds, all he did was stare, the complexion on his face mirrored a man who had a sense of calm, but inside was boiling hot with rage. Evident to that rage, the man let out a breath and opened his mouth to speak words that even they didn't dare to stick around to hear.

"I'm coming for you, and when I do. There won't be anyone else left to save..."

13 Hours Earlier...

My name is Alice. I worked for the Umbrella Corporation, the largest and most powerful commercial entity in the world.

I was head of security at a secret high-tech facility called The Hive, a giant underground laboratory developing and manufacturing experimental viral weaponry.

But there was an incident. The virus escaped and everybody died.

Trouble was they didn't stay dead. The T-virus reanimated their bodies. But I survived. Myself and two others, an environmentalist named Matt, and a security operative named Y/N.

When we emerged, we were seized by  Umbrella scientists.

Y/N... Matt, and I, we were separated.

"He's mutating. I want him in the Nemesis Program."

Matt! Y/N!

"Take them to the Raccoon City facility. We're reopening The Hive... Somebody's shut down the Red Queen and deleted the footage. I want to know who, and what went on down there."

We thought we'd survived the horror... But we were wrong.

In the small suburban place of Raccoon City, all felt right in the world. The weather was out, hot and blazing for the people below. Skies were clear of rain and clouds were dancing above, in a canvas of blue that shined across the entire horizon.

Except for below the surface, as the Raccoon City Radio droned on, nobody knew what was hiding beneath their very own backyard.

Nobody, except three people, and Umbrella was about to wake a sleeping giant.

The Hive entrance — Beneath Raccoon City.

A dozen men and women in white hazmat suits stood guarded, equipped with automatic weapons, as they hacked their way into the Hive. Unaware of what really waited inside for them, just begging to get out.

Hive Core Accessed — Authorised

One of the scientist's electronic devices beeped with the all clear, and immediately the steel bulkhead of the Hive that locked it all away, opened it up, slowly as it unfolded and finally wretched itself open.

"Advance Team, proceed."

Three men, armed to the teeth with automatic weapons and submachines proceeded ahead, standing visually next to each other as they entered. All while one of their own in the back monitored the T-virus levels via a scanner.

When the men entered, at first it was quiet, too quiet. Yet the three men continued on until they were stopped dead in their tracks by a guttering roar that echoed around them.


Before any of them could confirm, they were each wrecked out of their thoughts as piercing, agonising screams sounded from ahead of them. Gunfire followed and hurried footsteps thumped against the flooring as the suits in the back stepped away in fear.

"Holy shit!"

One with the scanner checked his device and went pale when the T-virus levels increased by ten folds and orange bleeping blots outlining infected personnel approached across the screen in waves.

Like a swarm of bees, the infected breached through and the last thing the scientists saw was the infected that tore them limb from limb, and echoing screams that would haunt there forever.

Raven Gates Bridge — Entrance to Raccoon City.

Effectively mobilized and ready to move, a black Umbrella chopper flew overhead, flying in rapid haste as below, across the bridge a convoy of black SUVs formed a tight formation.

Each of them not stopping for anything.

Except their own personnel.

It was the dawn of the day and hardly anyone was awake yet. Streets were empty and the city was like a ghost town. The only noise that could be heard was the engines of the SUVs that cruised down the roads and each took
off on their direction path. Each picking up valuable Umbrella Personnel in the city before it was too late.

One of those people was Dr. Charles Ashford.

The Black SUV stopped just outside his mansion house, and two men in black suits stepped out of the vehicle and proceeded to the front door, a sense of calm in their mannerism, unknown of what was about to happen.

The door immediately opened after the bell rang, and revealed an older man in a wheelchair.

"Excuse us, sir. There's been an incident."

(That's putting it mildly)

"How bad is it?" The doctor questioned as he looked between the suits.

Dodging the question, one of the suits stepped closer with a hand on his side holster, "You must come with us."

"I must get my daughter."

"It's taken care of." The other suit moved ahead and began moving the good doctor out of his house by the handheld of his wheelchair, all while the Dr. Ashford protested.

If that wasn't bad enough, it looked like Dr. Ashford wasn't going to see his daughter anytime soon.

Inside the city limits the black SUV carrying Dr. Ashford's daughter was attacked, as a large truck slammed into its side and derailed the vehicle, sending it off course and flipping over onto the side.

Soon enough, chaos began to overrun Raccoon City. Zombies began to pile up from The Hive and before anyone knew it, the city was in a state of martial law, and Umbrella Troops were battling against the dead alongside the RCPD.

Especially in the Raccoon City Police Station, where an African-America male was being attacked by a zombie before it was put down by a gunshot to the head, by a female officer who came to his defence, before pointing the gun at him.

"No, no! Please don't shoot—"


The handcuff tying him to the chair was uncuffed by the shot and the woman walked off in a hurry, and not before giving out advice that they should all bloody follow.

"I'm leaving town. I suggest you do the same."

The man took that as his cue and ran off, followed by the officer who took her own path. All while the station was in complete chaos as police officers attempted to bring law and order to the masses.

But they weren't up to it, and neither were the Umbrella Forces.

"We've received reports of the Umbrella Corporation dispatching armed guards and troop carriers..."

Only two people were, and they were about to be woken up.

Inside an Umbrella tent at the city limits were Umbrella Command was standing by, protected by a giant wall of fortification they had erected up all since dawn to prevent the T-virus from escaping.

A man, the one in charge of the operation, was sat before a computer typing at the console, and stopped when the exact detail he was looking for appeared above the screen.

Project ALICE -- Activation initiated.




The man turned in his chair, and searched the room to make sure no one was watching, and closed the file, before moving onto the next file that popped up.

Project Y/N -- Activation?

Chuckling in his seat, the younger man moved his mouse cursor and deleted the file, moving away from the activation, and instead clicked onto the tracker of the location.

Project Y/N — Outbound to City Limits— Transportation — Armoured Vehicle Response Unit.

Proceed Towards Primary Exit — Issue Command.

Without another glance, the man closed down the console and moved away, smirking as he made his way out of the command tent.

Unaware of the shit he was stirring.

Inside the deserted Raccoon City Hospital, a familiar white washed containment room could be seen, and the patient that laid against the testing bed.

With a flinch, Alice's eyes immediately opened up, revealing pure emerald green that stared hard, unblinking at the ceiling above.

Taking in a shuddering breath, Alice reacted quick, reaching upwards quickly before a straining shot of pain began to spread through her body, causing her to let out a scream.

Reacting fast, she reached down and began to pull out the tapes and wires of I.V and testing kits that stuck to her like glue. Tearing them away in quick success, before reaching up and pulling out the final one that connected to the side of her head as a last primal screech of pain left her mouth.

In shock, she fell over and collapsed to the floor, and hurriedly backed herself up against the bedding. Assessing her surroundings, all she saw was the white walls and stained glass window that gazed back at her.

After a few minutes of silence and thought processing, Alice soon made her way out, as the door holding her in seemed to open up on it's own automatically, or someone had opened it up for her.

A wrapped white cloth pair of scrubs secured around her, Alice passed corridors that looked the same, like a maze, before she made it to the entrance, or exit for her.

Opening it up, she flinched backwards as the sunrays breached her eyes, for a few seconds she blinked them back. Readjusting her eyesight, before stepping foot outside the Hospital, hopefully of what she'd be fine, but it was anything but that.

Only chaos and destruction greeted her.

The streets were trashed, cars remained abandoned, shell cases were scattered across the ground, and newspapers flew in the wind. And one caught her attention, she picked it up and revealed the cover, and it was as if her greatest nightmare, or fear, had become real.

The Raccoon City Times:


Throwing away the paper, Alice turned her attention towards the main street. Shouts and screams, groans and agonising spatters could be heard in the distance, along with sirens and gunshots. Pushing her way past idly shopping carts and debris, she moved to a row of police cars, and reached inside one through a shattered window, to grab a pump-action shotgun that laid still against the dashboard.

She carefully gripped it in her hands, gazing down it and then to the barrel, before placing her left hand beneath the barrel itself, and pumping it back, locking a shell into the chamber.

Looking up from the shotgun and towards the streets and the city ahead, her thoughts began to wander wildly as she moved ahead slowly, as her bare feet took her, and the important thought she had was for her two missing companions.

Y/N and Matt.

'Where are you.'

Deep in the city limits of Raccoon City, a
wave of undead marched down one of the commercial streets, each walking like shambles of their former selves. Hunting, prying, for any fresh meals to feast on.

But before they could even continue to move through the road, a black armoured truck plowed through them, ramming them aside and crushing them down as it rushed through the street. In a fast paste, while late to it's checkpoint of schedule.

Inside Umbrella personnel, a dozen soldiers knitted out and equipped the teeth. Black tinted helmets, bullet proof vests and armed with automatic weapons and plenty of personnel arms, stood guarding a canister.

It was face down, glass of the container staring up to the black roof of the large armoured and the only motion it made was the small patterns of breathing that sounded through it, and the basking of air against the tight lid that showed through.

It was transporting someone to the quarantine walls, and eventually out of Raccoon City, but that wasn't going to happen, at least not with them.

The monitor connected to the container beeped and blooped with the vitals and life line of the patient. Showing a steady heartbeat as the head soldier moved away from the screen and sat back down across from it in a seat as the others stood at alert.

Suddenly, the monitor switched screens, and another one picked up. It began showing the person's files of credibility before quickly switching to something they had finally found.

It was clear it was being accessed by outside means.

Project Y/N — Activation initiated.





The container itself began to depressure and the freezing cold temperature of the container began to dissolve, clearing up enough to reveal who was being held inside.

It was Y/N L/N himself.

The soldiers around him began to notice the change in the temperature too, and looked around confused.

"What the hell..."

The head soldier in charge got out of his
seat and marched over to the monitor and immediately noticed the patient was waking up.

"Oh shit." The Lieutenant cursed as he reached for his radio, and gazed into the container. "Control, we've got a problem down here. It's— It's the subject, he's... he's waking up—"


The soldiers all startled at the noise and turned their attention towards the container but found the man was still asleep, his eyes still closed and undisturbed.

"Sorry about that," A man on the radio responded, the driver. "I hit a bump in the road."

The soldiers around them began to chuckle and laugh, before the lead man turned back towards the container in a split second and suddenly jumped out of his skin, and let out a gasp that everyone heard.

Blue ocean eyes stared up at them, as they peered back at him. They didn't move, didn't even dilate at all. They just watched back, as if he were sleeping awake.

And that all would have been dandy, if the container didn't begin to blare with an alarm, causing them all to freeze up, as the container door began to open up.

When the lid finally removed itself, and revealed the half naked Y/N who started back up at the ceiling, the soldiers cautiously approached it, with their fingers on the trigger.

But that wouldn't save them.

Suddenly Y/N's eyes blinked, and the soldiers immediately pointed their weapons, as the now clear and non-frozen hand reached out just as fast and latched onto the side of the container.

Coughing, Y/N looked up and stared into the black tint of the Umbrella's helmet, before letting out a snort as his cough subsided, and looked down, to gaze at the barrel of a rifle aimed straight for his chest.


Y/N reacted immediately, faster than the soldiers could anticipate. He reached with his left hand and grabbed the barrel of the guy's rifle and yanked it forward, causing the man to stumble forward, and fall. Without hesitation, Y/N reacted with his right and reached into the man's side holster and pulled out his sidearm.

Quickly taking aim at two Umbrella soldiers, moving forward as he took them down before they could even effectively aim their weapons, placing a few well shots in them, killing them. Before focusing on the one in his grip and shooting him three times, the barrel of the gun against his chest.

Dropping the soldier and the gun. Y/N dropped himself to the floor, and rolled as two incoming Umbrella soldiers opened fire, releasing a hail of bullets that missed their intended target, and instead hit the wall.

Seeing as they missed, Y/N acted fast on the ground, and picked up an assault rifle from one of the downed men. Then fired, taking down the two soldiers with quick three-round bursts that shattered them, blood oozing out of their vital areas.

Not even breaking a sweat, Y/N climbed to his feet and engaged two more with close-quarter combat, throwing his borrowed rifle at the one on the left, knocking him aside, and then focusing on the one on the right.

Grabbing the guy's rifle as he aimed, and disarmed him instantly, pulling the gun out from within him with a elbow to his ribs and aiming at the soldier on the left, putting a hail of bullets into him before he could move to help his comrade.

Turning back to the man he had disarmed, he watched as a brave one pulled out a knife, and readied himself to attack.

Snorting, Y/N dropped his rifle and held his hands up in a guard. Lashing out, the soldier swiped with his combat knife, attempting to slash him, but failed as Y/N quikly ducked under his strike and moved around him.

Now on opposite ends.

He pushed again, attempted to stab him, but Y/N pushed forward himself, grabbing on the man's hands and directing the stab upwards, so that the knife was positioned up to the roofing. Quickly, Y/N kicked the man in the back of his leg, collapsing him to the ground, and then knocking the knife out of his hands that it went flying towards the ground away from them.

Not stopping for anything, Y/N took a fast move and wrangled around the downed man and quickly took a hold of him, wrapping his arms around his neck in a chokehold and squeezed with enough force to knock him unconscious.

After a few seconds the soldier in black collapsed to the floor with a thud, and the only sound left to be heard was the humming of the armoured vehicle.

Y/N himself almost collapsed under his own weight as the silence settled in. Marks of blood and I.V spread across the floor, the wires that had come undone during the fight. It left him hurling with an intense miragine, before puking up beside himself.

Retching up whatever he had stored in, Y/N wiped away at his mouth clean, before clutching his head as the headache continued and a roaring pain shot up his spine. Grunting, Y/N reached down and picked up another sidearm out of one of the dead. A black label Glock, he pulled the slider back; chambered a round, before checking the mag.

The sounds of a walkie-talkie from one of the corpses sounded from his right.

"Hello, is anybody there? Team report? Echo Team, are you there?"

Without a word, he got up and proceeded ahead, not caring as he pushed aside the dead bodies of his former PMC's colleagues and into a narrow hallway as a door shut behind him.

He entered and immediately recognised the cockpit, or drivers seats of the armoured vehicle.

And it seems he wasn't the only one there.

Two drivers, the main, and the co-driver, turned around just as the door opened. But before they could even protest, they were shot dead in the head.

Y/N moved forward and removed the dead body from the seat and slammed his foot down on the break before they crashed. Just as he thought, the vehicle swerved but began to slow down as his foot on the brake lessened, and before he knew it the truck had stopped with a staggering halt.

With a second to breath, Y/N slumped back against the leather seat and groaned as the headache began to worsen up and his eyes closed. Memories and thoughts began to stab at his mind as it struggled to comprehend everything at once.

"He's mutating. I want him in the Nemesis Program."

"She's been infected with the T-virus."

"We're here to discuss you."

"Dr. Issac, you will begin a new project, one I would be most interested in seeing through. Codename: Project Y/N."

"Wesker! WESKER!"


Y/N eyes opened with a flash, flinching hard against the seat, he struggled against the migraine that threatened him. Worming it's way out of his head, exploding his head like a drum against his ears. Until suddenly it all subsided, and all he could hear was the droning of his own, short, ragged breathing.

Shaking it away, Y/N got out of the seat, and back into the corridor, moving as quick as his feet could take him. Through the black canvas hall that offered only dead bodies. Looking for an escape hatch, Y/N searched and searched until his eyes locked onto something in the far corner.

Reaching for it, Y/N unsealed the emergency exit door and it opened with a hiss, and out showed the sky as it began to darken, and the sun disappeared into the horizon. Stumbling out, he fell to the ground, the street pavement battering against his skin. Looking down at himself, he noticed he was only covered by a white sheet of scrubs that held with a tight knot.

Pushing away any curses, Y/N pulled himself to his feet, and began to move around. The streets were deserted, empty, except from way off sounds in the distance.

Though he was surprised that he could hear that far from close encounter shootout that should've had his ears ringing from all the gunfire.

Instead of focusing on that, Y/N began to move. Wandering aimlessly across the street like a lost stray. Eyes searching, wandering for anything in sight.

The last thing he could remember was being taken away by Umbrella, and Wesker's appearance as he didn't dare spare him another glance as he was taken.


Y/N groaned, as another wave of memories battered his skull. Scientists, doctors, he could see everything that had happened. The white room, the wires, the T-virus.

He watched, almost in real time, as the blue and green viral toxins were inserted directly into his very veins.

Shuddering from the wind, and the dreaded realisation, Y/N began to check himself but found nothing wrong, nothing but scars and injection marks.

"She's infected with the T-virus..."

"I want him in the Nemesis Program."

"Codename: Project Y/N."

Project Y/N.

Gasping, Y/N reached up and cusped his throat, struggling for air.

Alice! Matt!

As the voices and hysteria reached his mind and threatened to break him, he could only utter those the most on his mind.

"Alice... Matt."

Shaking himself out of it, he pushed forward, hurrying into a jog. Afraid that if he didn't move fast, then they wouldn't be enough time for either of them. But as he rounded a street corner, and this time came face to face with a store entrance, he stopped weavering in what he saw in front of him.

This one still highlighted and the neon lights lit up the glass windows, and the prospect of what was inside had him visibly lit up with a small sense of hope.

Howe's Gun Store.

Y/N looked back down at his half naked self, and then back to the store that held all sorts of weapons, and even clothing.

In the end, he had made his decision.

A/N: Aye we're finally here! Hope you enjoyed this one I'll see you in the next one.

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