Chapter 11 - Unraveling the Truth

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The only thing that was heard as Alice led the team through a narrow corridor, brightened by blue ion lights, was her own uncontrollable breathing that threatened to undo her.

Her hands clasped tightly around the grip of her newfound pistol, as her eyes focused on her path ahead. Trained for any sudden movements, intently for any shadowy figures that could leapt out at any of them at a sudden notice.

Stopping momentarily, she looked back at the group, and peered slightly at the three. Rain was being supported by both of J.D and Matt, while Spencer huddled around in his own world as he stared heavy eyes to everyone in the immediate area.

Sighing, she turned back and continued forward, not allowing her mind the peace that it yearned for, as she solely focused on pushing forward.

It wouldn't dwell to focus on the pain that they had just left behind them.


Alice closed her eyes for just a moment as she stilled, her face scrunching up into what could only resemble a pained figure of distress.

They had left Y/N and Kaplan behind to their fate. Despite how Y/N had ordered them to, she couldn't help but the shudder and pain that broke away at her heartstrings heavily in her chest.

'I'm sorry.'

Alice reluctantly opened her eyes and slumped her shoulders, before continuing ahead. Ignoring the creeping feeling of defeat, and even pointed staring from the others that began to penetrate the back of her head.

Coming across a hitch in the path, Alice held her gun up steadily and moved to the left, lunging into the sight of another corridor, expecting another infected in her path. But she found nothing but the empty steel stained walls and low hums of the various air conditioners and machinery.

"When I get out of here," Rain said, her cracked voice piercing the air, as she huddled for breath at even the slightest movement. "I think I'm gonna get laid."

Only thing that followed was the dry chuckles from Rain and company, excluding Alice who stopped again, her head turning back to face the way they came. A feeling of hope that littered her heart, just a small chance. She waited, (while the others proceeded ahead) as if she expected Y/N and Kaplan to follow right after them, but alas, they weren't.

They were gone.

"Yeah. You might want to get cleaned up a little bit first."

Only J.D's sarcastic comment brought her back to the present time, not lost to hopeless thoughts.

But, as the team had moved ahead, Alice stayed stuck in her roots, as if she had melted to the floor. Something was holding her back, a nagging feeling that breached her mind, and the familiarness of the hallways began to nick at her brain.

She had been here before, more memories were beginning to resurface and the amnesia was wearing off piece by piece. So much that she began to relieve it, as a wave of memories hit her hard. As she looked around the hallways, moving her head back and forth between spaces.

Memories of scientists, businessmen, security. People from all walks of life came rushing through here at one point. Equipment and laboratories were an everyday point of this facility, and as Alice reached out with her hand to sooth her incoming headache, her mind flashed with scenes of testing and injectors. Vials of green and blue substances became the focus of her searching, the beckoning in her ear that told her they had a chance, before she was pulled back by the pressure on her shoulder.

She flinched hard as she whipped around, her gun at the ready, and only to freeze and lower it as she came face to face with Matt who looked his usual fair share of concern.

The concern in his eyes led her back to Y/N's dazzled blues, and immediately Alice shut it. Far too painful to even unravel with what had happened.

Instead, she breathed in slowly, before clenching her hand at her side, "There's a cure."

It came out breathless, at the realisation that maybe Rain could be saved. That even after everything that had happened, she could at least save another life.

Just like Y/N had wanted to.

To save those he could.

Now, it was up to her.

"What are you talking about?" Matt asked, stunned by the revelation as he fought to keep himself standing.

"There's a cure." Alice repeated again, emphasizing the word along her tongue. "The process can be reversed." She turned her head towards Rain who J.D and Spencer helped her stand. "There's a cure! You're gonna be okay!"

In a mad rush of adrenaline, without thinking much, she made a dash past Matt and down another shady corridor, lined with glass stained windows leading into a laboratory like so many others. Quickly followed by Matt, while the others stood shocked and stunned to their core.

Almost having given up.

Yet, Rain was appreciative for any help she could get. Especially if it meant she could survive, nevermind get laid.

Well, that could always come afterwards.

"I was beginning to worry."

"I swear to god, if we ever get out of this place alive, I'll buy you the first round."

"Ah, Y/N, screw that. I'll buy the whole bar."

"Ha, I like the way you think, Kaplan."

Bringing herself to a stop, Alice braced herself and pressed her hands against a steel cover railing as she took a moment to observe the lab she had just entered.

It was flooded, though only up to their knees if they were going through it.

Which they were.

The room was equipped heavily with machinery and scientific equipment. Enough to produce a whole sum of vaccines or antivirals.

So, surely they had to have some of the cure in storage, much less, intact.

"This is where they kept the T-virus." Alice stated as she peered around the room, her hands gripping the railing more tightly, whitening her knuckles.

"How do you know all this?"

Immediately her mind flashed back to the woman in her memories, of what she had said, and what proceeded.

She knew there was no point lying now, especially after everything they had all been through.

"Because I was gonna steal it." She turned back to meet Matt's shocked eyes with her steady green ones, and told him the truth. "I was your sister's contact."

"You betrayed her."

The realisation dawned on the man, and in its wake he looked at her with something Alice hadn't seen from the man before.


If Y/N was here, he'd believe her. She foolishly thought, and internally shook her head. No he wouldn't have, but he would have least given her the benefit of a doubt, and the chance to explain herself.

But in the end, she didn't know what to even think about herself.

"I don't know."

She said, but it only seemed to make it worse.

"You caused all of this."

"I can't remember." She insisted as she pleaded with her eyes, wide and stinging as she retracted her gaze away from him and back towards the rest of the room, before trying to move forward, and only for Matt to grab her by the arm.

"The truth."

"I don't remember the truth."

Pulling out of his grip, Alice moved ahead and proceeded down a small set of stairs and into the water below. Her boots did her wonders to keep her afloat.

As Alice moved around the room, trying her best to uncover, something, anything that could Rain, the three others finally reached them. Carrying into a dislevled Rain who looked as if she was already on Death's door.

And even more evident by her shortness of breath and panic that began to settle in her stomach.

"I can't do this." The dying woman hunched over the railings and grimaced and winced against the pain. "I just can't."

"No. It's not over." Alice promised as she appeared by her side to support her as Spencer came into view of the laboratory, looking around, almost in a trance.

So much that Alice locked her gaze towards him, as soon as he turned to face her, something in her head clicked, and so did he.


Vivid flashbacks marooned Alice's thoughts as she groaned against the tide as she held her head once again, and only stopped once it had ended. Memories of Matt's sister, Spencer, The Hive, they all crashed down around her almost at once.

And the same was said for Spencer, unlocking enough that the booth of them remembered enough of that day. They had planned to steal the T-virus, however Alice had a change of heart, yet Spencer had gone through with it and now...

"Spencer?" Alice questioned as the man looked around frantically before settling on the gun that she set down before.

Immediately, Alice's eyes widened and she leapt towards the gun in a desperate charge to grab it but was too slow, as Spencer had already reached it, and now.

He had them all at gunpoint.

Alice sputtered, rising to her feet after having tried her best, and glared at the seemingly changed Spencer before them, as the man held the gun tight and clutched in his palms.

"What the fuck?!" J.D exclaimed as he held on to Rain, and was only silenced when Spencer pointed his way.

Eyeing each of them dangerously as Alice moved away, stumbling against the water as looked away from him.

It seemed Y/N was right, that bad feeling he had was not unwarranted, and now Alice knew why.

"It's not too late. We can still make it out of here, come with me." Spencer offered as he tried to lure Alice to him, but she wasn't fazed, only taking to slowly looking up at him, and glaring. "We can have everything we've ever wanted." He chuckled. "Money's out there waiting. You wouldn't believe how much."

Alice gave him a look of pure loathing and her eyes didn't stop it's verbal attack, "Is that how you thought all my dreams were gonna come true?"

In a desperate attempt as Spencer was more focused on Alice, Matt jumped over the railings and landed in the water, intending on stopping him but stopped when the gun found its way, leveled at his chest with reflexes quicker than most.

"Please. I wouldn't want to shoot you. Might need the bullets." Spencer growled. "Back off!"

"You won't get away with this." J.D glowered as he hefted Rain upwards, steadying her as weight began to shift under him. "You'll be a dead man."

"Like the rest of your friends?" Spencer hissed. "No, I don't think so."

Alice stared heavily at him, uneraved and unblinking as he turned back to her, "I won't take any part in this."

"Okay, but you can't just wash your hands of this." Spencer explained. "Just like Y/N said, we work for the same company. You knew what they did, we all did. What makes you or I any different?"

At the mere mention of Y/N's name, Alice eyes narrowed in and she forced herself not to lash out as Spencer edged closer to her.

"I was trying to stop them." Alice insisted.

"You really believe that."

It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

And it's what Alice believed.

"People like him." Spencer pointed at Matt. "They think they can change things." He chuckled darkly, "Nothing ever changes."

The tension in the room was heavily worned out by the sound of Rain's wheezing cough threatening to break her, before she asked their hostage taker, "Where is the antivirus?"

"It's on the train where you found me." Spencer drawled as he continued to hold them up, unaware of the sudden sound behind him only noticed by Matt. An infected rising from the water. "Couldn't have been standing more than three feet from it. I so nearly made it out. Didn't realise that bitch of a computer had defence systems outside the Hive."

They all saw it now, an infected, one of the dead had risen up from behind Spencer and he was unaware.

All they had to was wait, as the infected woman got to her feet.

"In or out?"

Alice's face was impassive as she stared down the barrel of the gun without fear, and uttered her end for him.

"I don't know what we had, but it's over."

Immediately the zombie came up behind Spencer as she finished and latched onto him, taking a bite out of the man's neck as he screamed, reacting as he moved his pistol and fired two rounds into the zombie, making it collapse off of him.

Just in time for Matt to charge at him, and Alice went into for a hit was ultimately forced backwards as Spencer pointed his gun wildly at her.

"Back. The. Fuck. Off." Spencer hissed as he clutched at his neck, before backing and towards the door as he smirked at her face that was twisted into a pissed off look.

"I'm missing you already." He landed one more time before immediately reaching out and closed the door behind him, escaping into the corridor from their way in.

Trapping them inside.

"You're boyfriend's a real asshole." Rain commented casually as she hung onto J.D.

Alice's eyes flashed dangerously, though not at the injured woman, as she slung her black coat off her and into water, exposing her skin to the light in her red dress.

And instead of saying that she wasn't his to begin with, she turned to the door and Matt who groaned heavily in frustration.

"He shot the door mechanism." Matt exclaimed, turning back to face the others. "I can't believe that son of a bitch is gonna get away with it."

Silence loomed over the room as the four of them exchanged dire looks, before a familiar childlike voice pierced the air through the lab's speakers.

"I don't think so." The voice of the Red Queen was enough to send chills down their spins, but not for the right reasons...

"I've been a bad, bad girl."

"Oh will this day ever fucking end!"

The raging voice of Lieutenant (Now acting Commander) Y/N L/N sounded throughout the glowing blue light of the Hive.

"I'd say it could be worse, but..." Kaplan commented as he rushed after Y/N and through another set of doors, shutting it behind them.

"Nothing's worse than this nightmare fuel." Y/N said as he braced himself against the door as the banging of groaning infected ceased to inflict moral danger on them. "Oi, Red Queen. What's the status of Operative Alice's location?"

"Operative Alice and intruding personnel have retreated to the sublevel laboratories on level fifty six. Do you wish for directions?"

"Yes fucking please." Y/N huffed as he picked himself up and began rushing through the halls, the pain in his leg long forgotten thanks to the rush of adrenalin flowing through his veins.

"Very well." The Red Queen concluded and the blue lights that brightened their halls changed red, while others stayed the same.

Highlighting their path.

"Thank god." Y/N sighed in relief as he followed the red lights donned by the Queen, Kaplan following him close behind.

"See," Kaplan chuckled, catching up to him. "I knew you'd warm up to her eventually."

"Yeah," Y/N huffed, picking up the pace as they turned a corner. "If she gets us all out of here alive, then I'll sing her praises."

"Thank you."

"Ah, fucking computers." Y/N sighed.

They continued on, pushing past the many doors until they reached a steady route of a hallway that stretched as far down enough to provide a straight path to the depot, and then the train station.

Not to mention the labs.

It looked like they had a real shot of reaching them.

But, they weren't the only ones.

Y/N and Kaplan suddenly came to a stop as a figure came rushing out from ahead of them from their left. Y/N immediately recognised who it was, and who's gun he was holding in his hand.

It was Spencer.

And he had Alice's gun...

Y/N opened his mouth to speak, but his words died out on his tongue as Spencer's eyes widened as he saw them, and perhaps on instinct, maybe it was a based reaction. But the man immediately reacted, leveling his gun up faster than they anticipated and a single shot rang out throughout the facility.

And all Y/N could hear was the heaviness of his breathing, and gush pained filled slouch from his right. It was as if time had slowed down, his body stood still, his hands curled to his side as he reacted on impulse and ducked.

For half a second, Y/N had thought it was him, that he had been shot. But when he looked to his right in a flash of a second, he immediately cried out as he reached out and grabbed Kaplan's falling body as it went to hit the ground.


Y/N shouted as his hands made contact with his best friend's back and reached around and steadied his waist. Only to come up short when he pulled him back, revealing the single gunshot that pierced through his black lined combat uniform and breached his skin.

"Kaplan!" He cried, cradling his beat friend's body to the ground, only so focused on the life leaving his face, his eyes fading out.

Ahead of him, the rushing footsteps of Spencer could be heard as he retreated, but Y/N heard nothing but the pain and gutted grimacing as blood spurted from Kaplan's mouth as he tried his best to hold on.

"Kaplan, you're gonna be okay." Y/N grimaced as he placed the man down, his mission and his objective forgotten in his mind as he pressed his hands tightly together against the gaping 9mm bullet hole that bled through Kaplan's chest.

"I-I'm s-so-rry--" Kaplan stuttered against the blood. The pain was unbearable to keep out, as Y/N locked his eyes with his.

"It's not your fault." Y/N promised as he looked up towards the direction Spencer had headed off and gritted his teeth as his eyes began to sting with fresh tears. "You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be fine."

Kaplan, despite the pain that clouded his vision as Y/N tried to save him, laughed, but it only came out as a gurgle of more blood, that spilled from his mouth as the bullet had pierced his lung.

"Y— You alw-ays were a b-ad liar."

Y/N chuckled, no mirth or humour to be found, and checked his pulse.

It was fading, he wasn't going to make it.

Y/N knew that.

Instead of offering words of reassurance, he only said what he thought at that moment.

"I'm sorry." Y/N choked up, his eyes now blurred with tears and fury as he tightened his fists against him. "I'm so, fucking sorry. It should've been me."

"I'm... not..." Kaplan whispered as his body overcame cold and deadly, enough that his eyes blurred completely and any strength he had before, vanished, and the life left him.

"Kaplan?" Y/N almost whimpered, removing his hands from his chest, and to his friend's cheeks, wishing for any life to shine through.

Years of training and discipline couldn't stop even the strongest man from breaking at the loss of someone so close. "Kaplan, wake up." He begged as his reality began to crash all around him.


All around him, the lights glowered, alarms blared, and only the heavy damping of his heart, and the shaking breaths of his soul could be heard.

And within all that, Y/N couldn't help but ask, why him?

Shaking his head, Y/N shuddered and banged his fist against the hard steel flooring, and immediately got up. He reached down and grabbed Kaplan's dog tags, before facing the way Spencer had retreated to.

"RQ." His voice was hard, and unwavering. Filled with complace anger and sorrow as he clenched his fist at his side, enough to break the skin and bleed. "Intruder's status?"

He walked ahead, not sparing Kaplan another look, far too painful, as he came to a crossroad of hallways leading everywhere like a freaking maze.

"Intruder: Former Operative Spencer (Spence) Kallus. Serial Designation 5753 4421 765. Heading for the sublevel depot."


"And Operative Alice?" Y/N asked, reeling back in his bloodlust, as he wondered what had happened to her, and them. "Status?"

"Alive." Red Queen stated which at least calmed him somewhat. "But trapped. May require assistance." 

"Fuck!" Y/N cursed, hanging his head low in defeat as fist threatened to punch something, anything at all, that he could find.

"Be advised. Intruder: Spencer Kallus has stolen the unstable and heavily experimental antivirals containing the T-virus. Advise discretion: It cannot fall into enemy hands."

Y/N looked torn, gazing towards the exit Spencer had taken, and then towards the fading blue strobes of light that led towards the science laboratories.


Shaking his head, Y/N took off running in the direction he knew he had to take.

"Guide me, RQ. Sent me a pathway to the team's primary location."

Silence lingered in the air, and no further input from the Red Queen. until a moment later, as she sounded with childlike naivety.

"But, Operative Y/N. That's not the mission."

Y/N skidded to a halt, and looked up, as if to spot a camera watching him. He narrowed his eyes at the blinking red lights of the facility and sighed.

"The mission's changed. They always do."

Mission Objective: Stop the intruder and recover the T-virus by all means necessary. Deadly use of force is authorised.

A molecular recreation of the Red Queen appeared above a monitor in an unknown location. The only thing that stood out was the dark and brooding room, and the person that inhabited it.

"Sitrep: Lieutenant, Y/N L/N: Serial Designation 7751 6954 743. Codename: Rising Phoenix. Umbrella Special Forces... Subject has pulled away from the mission objective, and is proceeding to aid allied forces."

"Hmm, I envy you, however, so predictable." The figure sighed, and even expressed a slight moment of emotion before hardening on the task at hand.

"Continue to monitor his progress. His survival is of the utmost importance."

But to who?

"Leave our other assets to deal with the intruder."

The shadowy figure spoke like a hard steel, memorising and intimidating as they instructed a hologram from the outside, through an infrared monitor staring back at them.

"Confirmed, Chairman. Initiating command as followed."

"Warning: Intruder has breached the containment field. Hazardous material has been stolen. Warning: Activating offensive mechanism. Bioweapon activated."

The black shadowy figure leant backwards, the only thing that gave away who they were was the black tinted shades that covered his eyes, and his blonde hair, and obvious features of a male figure in all its glory.

He sat against the chair, and allowed a small twitch of his lips, that could only amount to something such as a small change of humour, for the ironclad man of the corporation.

A/N: Aye! We're back! One more chapter left and we're onto RE Apocalypse!

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