Chapter 13 - Apocalypse's Beginning

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Arklay Mountains, Outskirts of Raccoon City

Two hours later

"U-Gamma 9 to base. Confirmation. We've located the crash sight."

An umbrella helicopter dispatched to the area hovered above, their sight focused on the crash sight below. The wreckage was tucked in nicely, right beside a waterfall and a flash of greenery and trees. A sight that would be beautiful if not for the charred remains of a destroyed helicopter.

"Fetch the medical team."

It didn't take them long to scour the outskirts, like a rat in a gutter, they swarmed every corner, looking for any and all crumbs they could find.

Soldiers in black, lab techs in white, the whole gang was here. Umbrella spared no expense. The lead man in charge of the operation found his own steps giddy as he traversed the trail of mud, before stopping at the base of the wreckage of the crumb they had found.

And they certainly found the crumb.

"What about the others?"

Dr. Alexander Issacs, blonde haired scientist and top dog at Umbrella, turned to the one of task forces assigned to the search, frowning upon what they found.

Two bodies.

"No other bodies found, sir."

Issac's frowned further at that, but decided to dismiss it, as he kneeled down at the two body bags laid out before him.

Alice and Y/N, their bodies mostly intact, if not for the burnt damage and lacerations. He stared them down as if one would a great prize, or an invention of their own making, and signalled the medical team.

It wasn't long before they were airlifted out, and ascended to the sky by chopper, that the scenery blew away to reveal the vast green that swallowed the land, until vanishing completely and revealing a flash of images so fast no one could hardly keep up.

"We have unconfirmed reports of disaster at Raccoon City. These shocking images just in. A mysterious plague or viral outbreak has run rampart — Implicating Umbrella Corporation in deaths of innocent citizens. This tape, work of former Raccoon 7 and anchorwoman Terri Morales, who's whereabouts are currently unknown — New evidence now discredits earlier reports."

News reports by the dozen, reporting everywhere. From Washington to Shangri-La, news of Raccoon City's deadly destruction in what the public believed to be another bloody Chernobyl. Caused by human error and a great a big fucking oversight.

If only they knew the truth...

"Nothing more than a sick joke."

"Fake videotape totally discredited."

"Nothing more than a big hoax."

Never believe the media, kids.

"Playing on the very real tragedy which overwhelmed Raccoon City this week. The reactor at the nuclear power station went critical — The worst atomic disaster since the Russian Chernobyl incident in 1986."

And you get the fucking gist of it.

Goddamn Umbrella...

Three weeks after Raccoon City incident

Umbrella Medical, Research Facility

A suspiciously long corridor opened up, steel and glass side by side, illuminated by white lights that lit up the area. Slapped on each row was the hideous red and white Umbrella logo that threatened to burn into the heads of everyone that witnessed it.

And right at the end of that corridor, it opened up a much larger room, one full of machinery. IV tubes, monitoring equipment, and most of all, the giant fucking test tube in the middle, and it's occupant... Alice. She was inside the tube, filled to the brim with a green substance only they could fathom. Her externals were covered, attached by tubing like a goddamn test subject.


Now clad in a white overcoat befitting his position, Dr. Issac approached the chamber, his voice like silk, wrapped in snake oil, course and leathery and full of shit.

"Alice, wake up."

If on command, Alice awoke, her green eyes opening and flustering upon realisation of where she was. She thrashed around, even as the tubing restrained her, panic setting in her, Dr. Issac spoke once more.

"Can you hear me?"

Registering his words, she looked to him, her eyes narrowing.

"Do you understand what I'm saying?"

She reached out with a hand and placed it against the glass, and with it, the doctor got his answer.

"Good." Dr. Issac turned away from Alice and gestured to his colleagues surrounding him. "Begin the purging process."

The lab techs did as he asked, and immediately the green substance in the chamber began to evaporate, lowering and lowering, enough so that Alice began to regain her movements. She thrashed around, before finally finding the strength to remove the tub round her mouth, just as the glass pane of the chamber opened.

"Her recovery's remarkable." A lab tech said, going over the details on the computer, as Dr. Issac placed a white towel over Alice who was on the floor, in a state of shock. "And her powers, both physical and mental are developing at a geometric rate."

Alice was up now, hunched over, gasping for air, as Issacs brushed away the blonde locks in her face as one would a child.

"Where are you?" Issacs asked her, and though she did not answer, he attempted to reassure her. "You're safe. Come on." He grabbed her hands and pulled her to her feet, guiding her forward. "That's it. There we are."

Alice was on her feet now, and taking in her surroundings. Her mind was muddled, movements jarring, she felt like she was one push away from collapsing, even as she felt her strength coming back. Gaze fractured, she found herself drawn to the scratching of a pen, the lab tech to Isaacs was ticking off a check list as one would a product.

Issac mistook it for a clueless animal's curiosity...

How wrong he was.

"Do you know what it is?" Issacs asked her, grabbing the pen and showing it to her more visually now, gesturing it towards her with notepad in hand. "It's a pen. You see? You try."

With a shaking hand, Alice reached out and took ahold of, and took to the paper. Circles upon circles, marked by black ink, before he brought her to a stop, and placed it aside.

"That's it. Pen."

He reached out for her, his leathery hands wrapping around her soft face, and gesturing forward. "Look at me." He said, looking deeply into her gaze with his own. "Can you remember anything, hmm?"

In a daze, her eyes unfocused, she looked around the room. Blurred and disconnected, she found herself examination every single corner, every person, every spot on a wall, before they returned back to gaze at the face of Dr. Issacs.

"You remember your name?"

Alice's eyes began to focus and clear, her mind becoming more and more stable, allowing herself to open up, her lips red and gaping.

"My name?" Alice gasped, coughing as her back grazed against the stone pillar supporting her stance. "My name." Her eyes twitched, and her mind opened up, and suddenly, a flash of images assaulted her very brain.

Seeing nothing of note leave her lips, Dr. Issac huffed and shook his head, stepping away from Alice and towards his colleagues, "I want her under 24-hour observation. A complete set of blood work." Alice clutched her head, the images coming much faster now. "Chemical and electrolyte analysis by the end of the day."

"My name."


"My name."

"Advanced reflex testing is a priority."

The onscreen monitors began to bleep red, Alice's brainwaves were going into cardiac levels, and dangerously so.

"My name.

"Monitor electrical impulses—"

"Sir — Sir!"

Dr. Issac's finally focused back on the lab tech, turning his gaze to the monitor in question, as Alice was barraged with everything she had ever witnessed, and finally, that faithful day in Raccoon City Hospital, with Dr. Issacs standing over her body in the lab.

"What is it?"

Alice's eyes focused, her brain stabilised, and her thoughts ceased their rambling flashbacks, and allowed her to flush out a smile that was as devious and cunning as it ever was. Her voice, while course and rough, opened full, and let loose for all to hear.

"My name... is Alice."

Dr. Issac and the white coats turned in surprise, eyes widening in on Alice as her almost sinister smile widened in comparison.

"And I remember everything."

Oh shit—

Alice immediately attacked, grabbing the pen from the one lab coat and jamming it right toward's the man eye, until she stopped yet a centimetre away. They all stood in silence, stunned by her quick action and reflexes. Captivated, shocked, it mattered not, Alice used it and knocked out the lab coat with a quick jab to the face, and then knocked out the the two that surrounded her, along with a guard that rushed towards her.

She quickly grabbed Dr. Issacs and shoved him into the glass pane of the chamber she was in, bringing up broken glass everywhere. The two other techs in the group ran out, as the other guard aimed his taser at her and fired.

The taser round stuck to her lie, and yet she did not flinch, instead she looked seriously pissed off, as she grabbed it and threw it back at the man, causing him to electrify and shock to the ground.

Towel secured round her waist, Alice moved to the corridor and made her way out.

Through the many monitors, the camera man in the security room watched her escape.

"This is central. Request immediate backup. Maximum response."

Suddenly all the camera screens in the room disabled and switched to the only one worth watching. The one of Alice marching down the white marbled floor the facility. The security guard looked around in shock, before focusing on the main screen, only to something to take him hold as him, as Alice stared up into the camera, and to the man directly.

The man gasped, bringing his fingers to his nose, he removed them to find that blood coated them. Feeling a sensation come over him, and then a rush of blood in his ears, he then screamed. Blood began drooling down the sides of his ears and out of his eyes, killing him from the inside out. As the man dropped to the floor dead, Alice's smile dropped, and she moved on.

To the outside doors, she opened one up and stepped out, only to be greeted by s company of umbrella soldiers. All in black, guns at the ready, red laser sights plastered on her very body.

And then, a black SUV came rolling in, and suddenly the guards came to a halt, as whoever it was stepped out of the vehicle.

"Thank you, gentlemen. We'll take over from here."

Jill Valentine, Carlos Oliveira and LJ motherfucking Wade Jefferson, dressed in black, came forth to Alice's rescue.

"On whose authority?"

Carlos stepped up, "Classified. Level six authorisation." He handed the soldier in question a sheet of documents,

"Sorry, sir."

Jill guided Alice to the SUV as the soldiers lowered their weapons, and once inside did she allow herself to lower her guard. The SUV took off, and soon enough the found himself heading to the exit gate, all while Dr. Issacs back in lab spoke into a comms system.

"Program Alice... activate."

Alice's eyes fluttered, her once green pupils filtered into the parasite logo of Umbrella, before fluttering back to those greens of hers, unaware that something more sinister had been done to her all along.

"Are you alright?"

She turned her head slightly, and smiled upon the sight of the girl, Angie, hiding in the backseat. Before it suddenly waned, and the smile was replaced with a frown. And her lips, bitten on in anxiousness, questioned them at which she wanted answers for desperately...

"Where's Y/N?"

Elsewhere in the country, a similar facility of origin was also in effect. This one much of the same, above ground, long corridors marked white and lighting overhead that bared down upon every person that walked the floor.

Umbrella logo on every slab.

The double glass doors of the corridor opened up to reveal a man in a black leather jacket, his feet steadily making the walk through the hall, each step with purpose and grace. The back of their head was of a dark blonde, and a firm set of black shades rested on their face. When they got to end, metal doors that led into a larger room opened, and revealed the face that stared into the room that looked so familiar.

Albert Wesker.

"What's the subject's status?" Wesker demanded, taking in stride when the lab coats turned his way, jumping on their feet.

"The subject is recovering remarkably well, sir." The lead tech explained, gesturing to the tub inside the room filled with the same green substance seen before, and yet this time inside, was Y/N. "We're receiving similar reports from Dr. Issacs team from Site Alpha."

Wesker did not respond at first, only silence as he stepped up to the front of the chamber that held his former student. Black shades staring deep inside, only one could guess what he was thinking.

"Good. Keep me posted."

He stepped back, and took towards a side door that led to an office. Once the door shut behind him, he looked to the on screen computer in the room. It showed the site of Raccoon City, it's crater and it's aftermath.

The loss of Raccoon City was unfortunate, but in comparison to what they had learned, was invaluable.


The hissing of the door opening, and closing behind him, Wesker turned his head. The security tech he had requested from the crash sight had finally done his duty, so he hoped, for his sake.

"You have something for me."

The tech stepped up by Wesker, and handed him a heavily damaged data pad, it's screen slightly cracked but seemed functional.

"We managed to recover the data files from the pad, just as you requested, sir."

Wesker was pleased, though his face did not show it. He grabbed the pad from the tech and dismissed him, turning it on with a swipe of a finger, he marvelled at the two files found inside.

"Dr. Ashford," Wesker said, as the tech exited back into the lab and the door hissed behind him. "Resourceful man you were, it was such a shame you had to die with the rest." He opened up the files and scanned through him, "Alas, a man of your talent was not allowed privy of such information."

What revealed on the pad lit up in big bold letters in white, data streams and genetic matches, just as he thought.

Y/N L/N — Clone Specimen Foxtrot/November: Number 001.

Implanted memories ranging from aged 2 to aged 16 — Unaware of temperamental diagnoses, successful operation.

Warning: Genetic Match to Subject as followed — Albert Wesker — 50% genetic material discovered.

Remaining 50% Unknown.

Wesker deleted the files with a swipe of his hand, and placed the data pad on a desk in the room. "But I will commend for digging your way through the deepest darkest parts of our firewalls." He hummed, shaking his head as he turned towards the door when he heard a sound of a yelp.

Guard always raised, Wesker proceeded to the metal door and it opened up immediately. He was then greeted by what he could only describe as carnage. The entire facility room was trashed, things knocked over, equipment broken and lab techs on the floor dead from wounds he knew to be hand to hand.

Effectively, he was then greeted by the same hand, having no time to prepare he was sucker punched in the face with enough force it send him spiralling backwards before the hand grabbed him by the neck and pulled him forward.


The man in question, face unmoving, stared directly at his attacker. In their nude form, the only clothing they had on was a white towel they grabbed from a rack.

"Y/N." Wesker strained out, the hand on his throat almost crushing him. "You're awake."

Now fully awake and lucid, Y/N stared back at his former mentor, eyes glaring and brows furrowed in anger. "Noticed that, did you?" He growled, throat rough and course, he threw Wesker across the room with but a swipe of his hand.

Wesker landed on the marble slab of flooring on his face with such an impact that he felt something in his body break. "Hard not to." He coughed, and attempted to move but was suddenly kicked in the abdomen. "You've gotten stronger, too. Impressive."

"Impressive?" Y/N glared down at him, foot on his chest as he felt something inside him burn dark, "Impressive? Umbrella turned me into a freak!"

"Hardly." Wesker disagreed, "You've been improved. I find the benefits far outweigh the negatives."

"I don't!"

Y/N's rage imploded, picking Wesker up he slammed him into one of white walls of the room, and forced him to look him in the eye.

"You were my mentor, a person I looked up to." Y/N argued, shaking his head as he trembled from anger, betrayal, even hurt. "And after everything I did for you, the missions, the loyalty, complying on your every word; and you just threw me away like — garbage!"

His former mentor was slammed back into the wall, causing him to squirm and at the pain that penetrated his body, and while that hurt him, he was not going to show it, not one bit.

"You wish for an apology."

"I wish for a fucking answer!"

Wesker's face remained impassive, through his shades he was but a mask. A terrifying one that stared back at the dangerous pissed off bull.

"You betrayed me."

Y/N scoffed, "I betrayed you? The fucking irony. You talk about betrayal, when you've been lying to me for — for my whole life."

That did something to him, deep inside his soul. Wesker's shoulders slumped slightly so that Y/N almost didn't catch it. 

"Yeah, that's right. I know everything." Y/N told him, putting more pressure on his hood as his emotions took over him. "Dr. Ashford didn't survive, but his data did. You were never going to tell me, were you?"

Nothing left Wesker's lips, no words, no sounds, just the heavy breathing of the room.

"Answer me!"

Y/N brought up his fist and punched Wesker in the face, causing the man to react, flinching in pain, he landed another one, holding back his true strength, and another, until his final punch cracked one of the shades, and revealed the same eyes staring back at him. Same colour, depth, and likeness, he could see it now.

All of it.


"No?" Y/N questioned, his fist at his side and trembling.


Both his fists bawled up, and without a second thought, he threw him to the ground.

"I was never going to tell you." Wesker admitted, looking up at his student.

The one he had put the most effort through, the best work and personal training through. He owed him that, he purposed.


Wesker focused on is face, eyes narrowing in as he barely adjusted his shades, now broken, "Why? Because we could." It was harsh, and that harsh truth struck Y/N. "An army of untold amount of manpower. Did you never wonder where we got our recruits? Clones."

It hurt him, it broke him, it wrestled something deep inside him. Even on the helicopter, he couldn't believe, and even now...

"Perfect, DNA, genetically profound. But you, you're nothing but a glitch in the system. A test subject, perfectly crafted and taught to wield all I gave you—"

"You put memories in my head." Y/N growled, finger jamming in his direction. "You made me believe I was — I was someone. When all along I was your—" He felt his throat dry, his lungs burn, and most of all, his eyes teared. "I was your fucking offspring."

All that time, the memories, the training, the sense of duty and commodity between soldiers. It was all because of that one single fact. And deep inside, that hurt Y/N most of all.

And Wesker didn't even have the good decency to blink in response.

"You never chose me because of my skill, you chose me because I'm your son."

A long silence followed, the two staring each other down, well within their rights to kill each other. And while Wesker had always been superior, he was staring up at the mercy of a soldier he trained all his life, and what he said lamented on his own survival.

"You are."

Wesker broke the ice, his face passive, but his eyes speaking something else. A slight glint in movement, a softness, that then vanished as his face clearly hardened.

"And yet, you are what we wanted you to be."

Y/N felt his soul shatter, his anger leaking, as his fists bawled once more at his side.

"Everything before your initiation into the Umbrella Corporation is false. Faked, designed, made up."

Each word felt like a knife twisting in his gut. Painful, unimaginable, it tore him in half.

"Your life before Umbrella is nothing but the mere illusion we wished you to believe."

Everything from his childhood, little moments here and there, walks to school, a parents love, a life of a child that did not know the cruelty of the world.

"Your memories... the childhood..."

And it made him sick to the bone.

"They. Aren't. Real."

"...But they are real to me!"

Y/N acted with impulse, his training forgotten to the wind as he grabbed his former mentor, his commanding officer, and worst of all, his fucking father, and walloped him into the ground.

Punch after punch, he felt the blood leave his knuckles, scrapes and bruises, pain like nothing he had ever felt, as each one connected with Wesker's face drew it further and further away, leaving him numb beyond reason.

Until he was left in his hands, held up so that his feet weren't even touching the ground. His face was a mess of bruises, blood and tears, and glasses that remained was broken in half, leaving an eye free that was blundered and red.

"I should kill you."

"You should."

Weaker, for the first time in his life, smiled, showing off bloodied teeth. It was unnatural, to see a smile on such a face.

"But you won't."

Y/N had him where he wanted, and yet the silence that surrounded them was deafening.

"You remember what I said back in the hospital." Wesker said, eye blinking as the smile subsided. "Of course you do, besides what I taught you, there's always one thing that held you back. The difference between you and me, Y/N."

Y/N himself felt his own grip tighten, as Wesker's words battled against him like a ship in a storm.

"...What's that?"

Wesker, despite everything, did not smile this time, nor did he retreat back to his stoic iron cage. No, this time he did something that shocked Y/N to his core.

He frowned.

"You care. I do not."

Y/N felt like he had been sliced in half, cutting him deep across the heart like one would a fruit. He stepped back slightly, his grip on Wesker waning, as the man stared back at him.

"So, you do... what you have to do."


Wesker was dropped to the ground without a care, causing him to grunt. Looking up, he barely missed Y/N as he walked out of the lab, something in his step that had him slowly exiting.

Breathing out a sigh of relief was new for him, and moved back, backing himself up against the wall he had beaten with, and breathed in, removing his glasses and throwing them off to the side.

With Y/N, he left the lab, his steps scraping against the floor as he made his way out of the corridor and into the greater facility, his mind ablaze and wandering, as his fists bled at his side, his face taken an angry approach, but deep inside was broken by what had transpired.

Immediately the guards of the facility surrounded him, rushing out of their holes to stop him. Feeling something in him snap, Y/N quickly moved out of a way of a baton strike so fast that he almost thought time had stopped. Doing it against as another guard attacked, he dodged faster than the naked eye could see.

Acting fast, he dodged again, and this time, he could see it happen in real time. He realised he hadn't slowed down at all. He was simply too fast for them to comprehend, and hit.

They tried attacking him, strikes of batons that never hit. They looked on in shock, and then one guard pulled a sidearm and fired, Y/N quickly dodged the bullet, much to all their own shock.

All while Wesker was watching through the camera screen in the lab, his face shocked for the first time in years. Seeing him dodging attacks and bullets. He couldn't believe it...

Back in the hall, Y/N quickly took them all down without a worry, disarming a baton and killed them all by brunt force trauma. Huffing, angry, and covered in blood, he made to the large exit doors to outside, dropping the baton to the floor with a clang, he felt the rain drop from above, and the darkness of the night.

He raised a hand to his face, wiping away the rain, before lowering and marching off down the steps of the building, and into the night. All while Wesker watched on screen, shocked and disbelief, he reached for his comms on his wrist and spoke three simple words.

"Activate... Program Y/N."

Y/N's eyes fluttered, causing him to stop in the middle of the deserted street road, the raining soaking him from above. The umbrella symbol beeped in his eyes, revealing the red and white, before switching back to his original colours.

And on he moved, into the night, once shackled with purpose, now broken without direction.

Y/N survived, and yet, he felt like he had never lived at all...

A/N: :)

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