Chapter 14 - Adapt or Die: Part II

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The door suddenly closed behind Y/N and locked him inside. Shutting out the hallway lighting, Y/N was greeted yet again by the white strobes of light and walls that mirrored it.

Looking around, it was a small observation room with cameras and a see through mirror that was closed by a shutter. It was empty, no personnel to be seen. Sighing with relief, Y/N moved ahead and began working at the console set before the mirror. Swiping with the keycard, he unlocked the console and began typing through it before he got the information.

Mathew Addison, Nemesis Program, Observation Room 1.

'That's here.' Y/N looked up at the shutter. 'Matt...' He turned back to the console and began pushing deeper into the net until he finally came across what he was looking for.

Alice, Umbrella Operative. Project Alice, Observation Room 3.


Y/N finished up on the console and logged out, removing the keycard from the scanner and taking it back, before turning to his right to leave. But stopped when his eyes made contact with the next console.

Shutter manual release.

Without hesitation, he reached across and pushed the button and immediately the metal shutter covering the room opened up with a beep and revealed what it was hiding.

'Oh my god.'

Y/N took a step back, out of fear and shock, he almost walked into the back end of the wall before stopping as his eyes widened at what he saw.

Countless whims of machinery like in the Hive could be seen, and the low hums of air was pumping through, the temperature cold that he could feel it in the opposite room. But that's not what shocked him, but what, no, who he saw. It was a person, infected as lines of drip and fluids and blood ran all across the floor, connecting to the test subject.

The person was hardly recognisable except for the familiar wound across their shoulder that Y/N instantly remembered.

"Matt..." Y/N breathed out, shuddering as he saw the lines of blue and green that could only be one thing. "The T-virus... They're--" He found himself reaching for the console and steading himself so he didn't fall.

It was Matt, but could it be him anymore? He was scrapped to a gunnery, made to stand tall in pain as his eyes were closed and all sorts of wires connected into him. The wound had progressed worse, so much that it had begun to spread up his face and the rest of his body.

His skin had turned murky brown, his flesh pulled and cracked under the infection. His body had undergone change, his bones broken and cracked as the T-virus changed him in a way that Y/N couldn't begin to understand.

They had changed him... into a monster.

Backing up and sombering himself, Y/N made to try and stop it at the console, but his mind was barraged with questions that needed answers. Everything he had thought he would see was not what was standing before him. It was the stuff of nightmares that Umbrella continued to unleash.

And Y/N worked for them.

And if they were capable of this, then Y/N didn't want to think what else they were going to do, and that meant...


Immediately, if so with some hesitation, Y/N made his mind up as he suddenly turned around and rushed to the door, opening it automatically. But as his feet hit the white tile floor of the outside, a security alarm tripped in his ear, breaking him out of his thoughts. He had been so worked up that he forgot to close the security measures.


Y/N thought as red alarms began to beep and glow along the walls. Scientists and personnel began rushing around him, in confused panic.

And they weren't the only ones.

Y/N turned and picked up his speed, rushing into a low jog as his gaze came face to face with two security guards sprinting towards him down the corridor.

Without hesitation, the first guard made to attack him with his baton but Y/N blocked it with his forearm, and kicked him in the shin, causing the guard to stumble down, enough that Y/N disarmed him of his baton and struck him across the face with it, knocking him out.

His adrenaline spiking up, Y/N deflected the other guard's baton strike away from him with his own, and turned the tables as he knocked the guard to his knees and knocked him down with the baton.

Dropping it, Y/N pushed forward, following the signs direction. He was in the shit now, everything he had worked for was going down the drain for this, but despite that, he knew it was the right choice.

Pushing past the personnel, Y/N made it to the third observation room and scanned Dr. Isaacs keycard and it beeped ready. The door opened immediately and Y/N rushed in, with his guard up he made the same move as before, but stopped suddenly as he came face to face with another person.

A familiar one.


Immediately Y/N was attacked from his sides, two guards latched out and made to grab him, pulling him down, but Y/N attacked instantly, his honed reflexes working a charm.

He elbowed one in the ribs and grabbed the other one and brought him down fast, bashing him in the face with his knee.

With the two guards down, Y/N turned to make a move towards Wesker, but was stopped as another figure came out from the shadows of the large room.

It was a man, covered in a black uniform and a mask that covered his face. His arms crossed and posture strong, standing with his head held high, and Y/N immediately recognised the Red Phoenix tattoo that was showing, the man's uniform rolled up enough to see it.

"What the..."

But the man interrupted him, suddenly rushing him. The man sent a kick towards him but Y/N deflected it away and sent a jab towards him that landed on his ribs, and then moved back as the man put his guard up, blocking for any strikes, as the two began to pace.

Attacking, Y/N feinted a punch to the man's left who saw it through and directed his swing to Y/N's right and landed a punch to his cheek, bruising him. Y/N grunted as he pulled back, and shook it off, and blocked another punch, this time grappling onto it and holding the man down, before sending a series of three quick jabs to the man's chest, knocking him back.

The man in black cursed, grunting as he massaged his chest, heaving a cough, before holding his hands, ready to assault him again.

Y/N made a move to strike at the man's lower section and get him off guard, but before he could land the strike, Y/N suddenly felt a shock hit his back causing him to wither with pain as he reached behind and tried to subdue the combaton but was struck by a punch to the face by the other guard who had gotten up.

He collapsed to the floor, breathing heavily as he was forced to his knees. "Son of a bitch." He cursed, glancing upwards to face the gaze of the man in black, but was surprised when he found he wasn't looking at him, but the guard who had stunned him.

Without a word, the man moved towards the guard, brushing past Y/N, and suddenly landed a punch across the guard's face, knocking him to the ground.

"He was mine."

The man said in a growl as he returned to Wesker's side, and stared back at Y/N who
was being held down by the first guard, and another who came in to take his place.

Turning back from the downed guard, Y/N frowned as he gazed back at the Wesker. The man was staring through his shades at him, watching him, having not said a word since he entered the room, until now.

"I'm disappointed."

That struck Y/N to his core, as he stared up at Wesker, still struggling against the weight of the guards, but he knew it was futile to try and escape. He didn't let it show, he didn't flinch, but he knew, Wesker knew. Still, he hung his head, as to not gaze into the eyes of his mentor.

"But not surprised."

Y/N immediately glanced back up, and locked eyes with Wesker who still hadn't moved away from the console.


He was still trying to figure that out himself, to be fair. Y/N had seen what had happened to Matt, what had happened in the Hive. Was he wrong to oppose such terror, such nightmarish creatures that he had seen?

But no, Umbrella already had him on a watchlist, even Wesker did. So he did what
he had to, what he thought was right.

Why should he be judged for such a thing?

"It doesn't matter why." Y/N denied them a proper answer, as he shut his eyes and breathed, pushing back against the guards holding him.

"It does," Wesker assured him. "I wonder if it has anything to do with this..." He signaled the man in the mask next to him, and the man himself moved to the console.

When the man was done, the shutters hiding the see through mirror opened up and revealed what Y/N had come for, who he had come for.


It was a similar room to the one Matt had been in, but except for that one, this one held much less. Similar wires ran through the room collecting blood samples and tests were running from the machinery.

On a table in the middle of the room, Alice laid still, unconscious thanks to the sedates they were pumping into her. Wires connected to her forehead, and drips of IV were running along the length of her. Covered by a simple white scrub that kept her naked body covered.

Y/N gaped at the scene, and he couldn't help his retort.

"What have you done to her!?" He struggled against the guards grasps, pulling him to face Wesker more openly but was backhanded with a baton for that.

After a few seconds, without an answer, the door behind him opened up and in came none other than Dr. Issac, a smirk across his face as he came to stand beside Wesker.

"Her time in the Hive has been a rather productive one." The older doctor answered. "It seemed she didn't come out unscathed."

"She's been infected with the T-virus."

"What?" Y/N's mask slipped up, and his eyes widened. His mouth gaped, and he turned away from the doctor and back to Alice who laid motionlessly.

"It's quite extraordinary," Dr. Issac continued. "Her body's immune to the effects of the T-virus, and rather than attacking, are actually working together to—"

"Spare us the scientific lecture, Doctor." Wesker said, interrupting him as he moved past him and stood directly in Y/N's line of sight. "We're not here to discuss your findings."

Immediately Dr. Issac sobered up, and nodded, "Of course."

"We're here to discuss you." Wesker reached up and removed his shades, to reveal bright blues. He placed them in his jacket, and stared deep into Y/N's same ones.

"Why?" He repeated the same question.

Y/N hung his head low, away from his mentor's peering eyes that threatened to tear him in half. The disappointment and shame ripped through like a chainsaw, cutting him down.

Sighing through his nose, Y/N rose up slightly, his spirit still high and confidence unwavering.

"Because I can't stand by and watch this continue any longer." Y/N directed his gaze towards the see-through mirror. "If I let this continue, if I simply walk away from all of this, then what did my team die for? Why did my friends have to die?"

The room was silent, as they listened to only Y/N's heavy breathing. Neither made to speak, nor to correct him, nor to stop him, and so he continued.

"They died down there, in the Hive." He settled his eyes on Dr. Issac who just stared at him, his eyes narrowed and calculating. "So that you and the rest of the company can continue to experiment in the dark. Without all the unseen consequences, no matter what happens." He quickly shot a glance at Wesker and narrowed his eyes at him. "The same affliction that I have been blinded to my entire life."

He remembered what he had seen down there. The infected, the dead, everything. It haunted him, to a degree. That a person could be responsible for such hell, such carnage.

"And I don't want to be a part of it any longer."

The room was silent after that, all miffed by his little speech, how quickly he had turned over them.

And a part of Wesker was actually surprised by his former student's new loyalty to his friends.

But it wouldn't do.

The silence was broken by the slow clap from Albert Wesker who walked closer to him, stopping just a leg stretch before him.

"You've always been driven by your heart. Your sense of righteousness." Wesker explained with a soft sigh. "And I've put up with it for far longer than I should have." He made to move away, but stopped, and glanced towards him. "Your unwillingness to follow Umbrella's orders... my orders, leaves you as a wasted asset."

Y/N visibly deflated at that, as if the ground beneath him was being swallowed whole. He hung his head, and looked away from the prying eyes of Wesker.

"And thus, your status is to be terminated, permanently."

Shocked, Y/N's gaze quickly took its course to Wesker and stuttered, as he tried to speak but was cut off by the Dr. Issac who looked to be grinning like a mad cat.

"I agree." The guards began moving, the man in mask crossed his arms, and the good doctor signaled them to begin to take him away, at his order. "The subject will be removed from the facility and—"


The entire room went silent. The guards stopped, even the man in the mask stopped briefly, shocked in his tracks. But not as flustered as Issacs who looked as if he had been slapped.


Wesker shook his head, clicking a noise with his tongue to voice his disagreement, "You do not simply throw out a weapon when it has become defected." As he stared down at Y/N who stared back into his cold blue eyes. "You break it down, you pull it apart piece by piece, and you build it back up. Until it is whole, and functioning again."

'What the fuck!' Y/N thought as he pulled on his restraints. Watching as Wesker turned to face Dr. Issac, and if he didn't know it already, he would've thought the man to be smirking at his panic.

"Dr. Issac, Y/N L/N will be transferred to your division and will be fitted in the same way as his... friends. There's no point capturing new subjects when we have a perfectly healthy one here."

Y/N was outraged, and even frightened at the possibility, he tried to struggle against his captures but only received a baton to his side as he exclaimed his distaste,"What? You can't do this to me!"

"I can, and I have." Wesker huffed back at him, before returning to his colleague. "Dr. Issac, you will begin a new project, one I would be most interested in seeing through. Codename: Project Y/N."

Dr. Issac, for better or worse, had expected no such thing, but was now singing the man's praises, "Of course. We will begin the experiment in great haste." He motioned to the guards to take him away.

"No!" Y/N exclaimed, louder than he had ever uttered before, as the guards pulled him up. "You can't do this to me, Wesker!"

The men began to drag him away, as Wesker turned to face the mirror and gaze back at Alice, while Y/N struggled to slow them, as he hung back and dug in was futile.


The guards immediately let go, and Y/N slumped over, turning back to face Wesker who was facing towards Alice, watching her
as if trying to piece together a puzzle.

"I do have one final inquiry. You knew this plan was futile. It was obvious from the beginning that it would have never worked. But still, you went through with it... Why?"

The nagging question that even Y/N struggled to answer, but as he turned to face the see-through mirror, his eyes focused in on Alice, and he deflated, slowly showing what Wesker had been thinking since they had recovered them from the Hive.

Wesker almost scoffed, it took him great strength to even calm it. "For them, for her? After years under Umbrella's wing... my wing. And you turn over like a common brigade. Tell me, why?" He sounded outraged, despite the calming, low voice that gave nothing. away. But Y/N heard it, and it made him shudder. "Why ruin everything you've fought to gain, for two people you hardly know."

Y/N sighed and glanced at the back head of Albert Wesker who didn't turn to meet his eyes, and decided to unload his thoughts.

"Umbrella has been the only home I've ever known. The only family, the only friends, that I've ever had. And now they're all dead." He slouched, feeling the emotional exhaustion that he had been dreading, and looked back up to face Alice through the mirror who couldn't even see him back. "Except them. We went through hell down there. I had their backs, and they had mine." He lowered himself to a whisper. "It wouldn't be right to just leave them behind."

Wesker finally turned back around to face Y/N, and placed his shades back on, "Right and wrong. Good or bad. It's always been black and white for you, and even I couldn't change that." He admitted as he looked down, the slightest dip of his head that showed even he was disappointed in himself, a little bit.

"People do good and bad things, no matter who they are."

"Take them for example. Mathew Addison snuck into the mansion with the intent of exposing Umbrella to the world. But his attempts were lined with bad attributes. Breaking in, taking an identity. Thief, misconduct, and planting a mole right in the heart of our facility. His own sister. And now people are dead. Your people."

"And Project Alice... She and her colleague were going to run away with the T-virus. Take from us everything and sell it to the highest bidder. Except... she had a change of heart, she tried to stop him. In the end she succeeded, and yet the T-virus is still in the company's grasps."

Wesker's speech wasn't interrupted, no one dared to stop him, and Y/N couldn't blame them. As he gazed back at Wesker's form, his mentor, his teacher. He thought he saw a flash of anger in them, the eyes that were hidden through the black depths.

"People aren't naturally bad or good. Heroic or evil. They're just people, with nothing but emotions filling them with greed, and compassion. Heart, and envy."

"That's all we are, and that is why you chose to try and save your new found friends. Even when the cards were stacked against you. In a way, I admire your loyalty. But your loyalty has only led you to ruin, and now, defeat."

Each word felt both like a stab at his heart, and a disappointed lecture. Like a father berating his son, a teacher scolding his student, a boss reprimanding his underdog.

And each word filled him with such emotion that Y/N wanted nothing more than to cut him off, to unleash everything.

But nothing came out.

"People are hard lined to act on their impulses, and that was one of yours."

Wesker finally slowed, enough for Y/N to digest everything, until he picked up again.

"So in the end, people do whatever they think is right. No matter how wrong the others think they are..."

He was finished, he had said his piece, and Y/N could tell he was waiting for him to say the next word.

With an inhale, Y/N breathed in to control himself, to calm down, before breathing out and finally facing Albert Wesker for the last time.

"I know." Y/N nodded, finally letting go as he openly glared at the man that shackled him. "And that couldn't be anymore clearer to me than it is right now."

The Chairman, Wesker, said nothing as Y/N kneeled. His eyes glaring, showing such emotion than ever before in front of him that even he was surprised at.

For that, Wesker had nothing left to say, and neither did he, so he issued the only command that he could for Y/N L/N.

"Take him away."

Y/N huffed and grunted as the guards grabbed him and lifted him up, dragging him away as the three men in the room watched him leave.

"This isn't over, Wesker." Y/N said, raising his voice as his anger found him. "You hear me! After everything I've done for you, after everything I've given to Umbrella, and this is how you repay me."

"Not everything..." Wesker turned back to the see-through mirror, not bothering to share a glance with Y/N. "But, in time, I hope you will realise I'm doing this for your own good."

The protesting shouts from Y/N continued as the guards pulled him out of the room, the strikes and wips of batons could be heard, and the grunts of pain he displayed as they took him away, and the shouting that even penetrated through the very room.

"Wesker! WESKER!"

A/N: Oh shit, let's go!

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