Chapter 4 - Till Death Do Us Part

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"It's my sister. She's not well."

Jill Valentine had seen some crazy shit in her life, but this was pushing the fucking limit. After having pushed her way through the church and forced her way deeper into the building for the source of the noise, despite the priest's protests, Jill was beginning to regret ever having entered.

"Maybe I can help." Jill certainly wasn't going to let anything slide, and whatever this priest was hiding, well, she had had enough.


"Out of my way." She pushed past the older man, shoving him out of the way as she entered into the room, only to stop in her tracks as the priest begged her to leave.

Shackled to a chair, groaning and gusting over the flesh of the living was a zombie. An older woman with rimmed nose glasses and the same greying hair as her brother. Jill stepped backwards, only to stumble into a piece of bloodied flesh, a torso of a man or woman, she couldn't tell. All around her was the remains of people, young and old, dead or alive.

"You're feeding her? You're sick..."

The priest shook his balding head, "Just leave us alone."

The zombie thrashed in her chair, trapped and squirming. Valentine wasn't taking any chances. She pulled her sidearm to bare and aimed at the zombie but the priest protested, exclaiming as he rushed to block her aim, only to become prey to his beloved sister as she tore into him from behind, biting into the flesh of his neck as she pulled him into her.

In the main area of the church, the others heard the noise and gurgles of flesh, and the gunshot that followed. Terri in particular didn't want to stay any longer.

"I'm getting out of here!"

Terri, in her frantic panic and curling fear that gripped her, rushed from the main altar and to the great wooden doors to their left, and immediately worked to open them up, despite Peyton's shouts. Handles breaking free, the door swung open, but not before the swarming of infected bodies greeted her.

Terri Morales let out a piercing scream that rocked the church to its very foundations. She suddenly pushed the doors back, as Peyton rushed to her aid and the both of them began pushing the doors against the dead. In a struggle of chance, the two managed to close it enough for the blonde haired man in the room to rush forward with a candle stick and place it between the handles, blocking the dead from entering.

The three of them retreated to the main altar, the lesser of them cowering while the two of them had guns ready, primed for combat as their nerves flared and hackles raised. The dead at the door lessened in their assault and their groans ceased, only for another to wake in their retreat.

"What the hell was that?"

It was a growl, a menacing one that sounded high above them. From the ramparts and ceilings. Basked in the shadows, undetected and hidden from them. Like a wolf stalking its prey. They arched around, Peyton's flashlight shining across the balconies and rafters.

While the other man who had yet to be named, dragged forward, the gun in his hands shaking. He thought the sound vanished, as he relaxed his guard slightly as he stopped at an archway, only for a piercing scream to etch from his lungs and nothing more.

Back with Valentine, she came down the set of the hallways, after having shot the zombie dead, and left the priest to his demise.

Skidding to a halt, she came to gaze back out into the main hall and find it devoid of anyone. They were gone. Jill aimed his sidearm higher, as she searched the room. Reaching the center, she spotted something under one of the pews, a gun. She slowly walked over, before bending down and reaching for it. It was the revolver the man had been using, and it was drenched in blood.

Pulling back up from under the pew, she held each gun in hand, as she stared out into the dark, her eyes narrowed and hands clenched. Her heartbeat erratic as her mind ran wild. Just as she was about to call out, a thump sounded behind and she reacted, turning only to gasp as the bloodied and shredded body of the same man greeted her.

Immediately she turned upwards and saw the flash of flesh, red and scaring, ugly and undead. She fired both guns, a folly of gunshots at the figure but too soon had it fled out of sight, and shots hit the marbled stone ceiling. Dropping the empty revolver, she jogged ahead, running as she pushed into the better part of the room. The archways to her left, she aimed her sidearm out into the wider room, and called out to her friend in a whisper.


Suddenly she was grabbed from behind, a hand clasped around her mouth as she was dragged back. She struggled against it, only to find that Terri was gazing back at her, she stopped and Peyton let go.

At the sounds of growling, the three turned to the source and found the Licker was stretching across from them, high up on the balcony that hailed in the church second floor, just above the candle light.

"The Irish dude?"

"No, he's scottish?" Why Terri felt the need to correct him, Jill would never know.

"Was." Jill answered as she readied her sidearm, cocking it back to check the chamber, and realized she was low on ammo.

"I count three of them. They've got us boxed in."

"What are we going to do?" Terri asked, her voice devoid of that confident streak from before, and now just the teetering of fear and panic.

"You wanna pray for help?"

Was Valentine's only response as she leapt out from the darkness alongside Peyton. The two of them fired towards the Licker with haste. Each shot sounded off an echo that breached the church's inner sanctum, and neither found its mark as the Licker dodged their attacks and back into the darkness it went.

The three stood still in the centre of the church, Jill and Peyton back to the back, pistols ready as Terri cowed behind them, her camcorder up and rolling. They didn't need to wait long for the beast to attack again, as it leapt out from behind them and landed on all fours, growling and hissing its slender and long tongue at them.

The two of them turned and fired, but only the sound of their sidearms dry firing was heard. They were out of ammo, and luck it seemed.

The Licker left fourth a growl, it's mouth opening up wide to reveal it's mountain worth of daggered teeth and fleshly gums that threatened to chew them in half. The three of them braced themselves and readied to run, as if that would save them, before another roar sounded before them.

But not from the Licker, no, that one was different.

The three of them immediately turned to the stained glass windows of the church and were greeted by the sight of blaring light that came from outside, and the roar that followed when the shattering of glass came fourth. A motorcycle crashed through the stained windows and entered into God's house, armed and prepared for war. The three survivors escaped it's path and crashed to the stone floor as the motorcycle hit the ground and sped on forward, barreling into the licker and sending it flying into the alter.

Once it touched the ground, the figure parked and the exhaust thummed with smoke at the pressure as their newfound savior removed their helmet. The locks of rooly blonde hair and green eyes was the only signal as to who it was.



Alice sped the bike forward, churning the engine forward as it raced against the licker. Suddenly she reacted with a speed not thought possible and flipped backwards, gracing her presence on the stone flooring as the bike spurred towards the licker itself. When the bike was about to make contact with it, Alice pulled two pistols from her holster and immediately opened up on it, her shots accurately hitting the gas tank as the vehicle crashed into the licker and exploded in a hail of fire, and before anyone could question her, the pistols holstered soon after.

They thought it was over, as they sighed in relief.

But it wasn't alone.

Alice could sense that.

Two more lickers charged out from the church railings above and prepared to strike at her. One dared itself to spring forth and latch onto the wall in front of them. Where the large wooden beam that consisted of a church cross hung by metal chains. Alice reached for the two submachine guns at her side holsters and opened fired, the bullets colliding with the chains pelted into the wall and they let loose. Centuries old concrete cracking at the weight as it pulled and gave way, the heavy cross fell as the licker made its approach, only to be crushed under its weight.

From behind her, she turned fast and sharp, as the last licker reached out for her. Alice kicked a pew bench forward and it managed to divert the licker, as it jumped over and right into her line of sight. Dropping her empty submachine guns, she pulled her shotgun from her back to bare, and let loose a fire of buckshot that doomed the licker in the face, and tore its flesh asunder and dead.

Without sparing a moment to breath, the others watched as Alice turned back to the other infected, the one trapped beneath the cross. She pumped the shotgun back and the empty shell ejected as she sped to the licker, before pressing the barrel against it's scarred temple.


The licker's head exploded and blood flew from its remains, staining the stone flooring and even landing on Jill Valentine's boots as she approached, mouth agape before shutting it close.

Alice herself, turned from the dead infected and peered down at her thigh at the familiar thump of slight pain, and spotted the remains of a small wooden shard embedded in her flesh. She pulled it out and threw it away, as if removing a splinter, like the pain was barely an itch. She turned to face the others as she cocked her gun back, and noticed their shocked, hesitant faces and jarring looks.

In the end, it seemed only Valentine was able to look past it all, and approach the blonde heroine with a spring in her bloodied step.

"Who the fuck are you?"


They weren't the only ones out for a night stroll it seems, as a black cadillac came vooming down the street. Its driver, LJ. or more known as Wade, drove through the street without a care. A zombie soon roamed out onto the road and Wade didn't need to stop.

"GTA, motherfucker!"

The car sped up in speed and rammed into the zombie, sending it crashing onto the hood of the car and onto the road, it's body heavily damaged and bent.

"Oh yeah! Ten points!"

Passing by on the street, Wade spotted the roaming of more zombies, this time the half naked bunch of, what he assumed, was undead strippers. Breasts coated in blood and flesh cracked enough to make any young man look away.

"You're still looking good baby!" Wade hollered as he turned his attention to them on the right, pearing from the open window. "I'll spend 5 dollars on your stinking ass!"

Unfortunately, Wade had a tendency to be distracted, and before he turned back, his vehicle crashed into another wreck along the way that sent him buckling and wavering against the car's steering wheel and smashing his head.

Wade groaned as he exited the car, cupping his head as it bled and throbbed with pain. He turned towards the end of his car and noticed over the alarm of his car that the two zombies were back for revenge.

Cursing, he legged it from his car and into the night. With both hope and vigor in his heart.


"They just keep coming!"

Frantic screams, cries of pain and torrents of gunfire and smoke were becoming blurred in Carlos' vision. Infected drones, swarms that just kept coming, swarming their positions by the hundreds and counting. He had lost count of the amount of men they had lost, both Umbrella soldiers and police members holding the line.

"Hold them back!" Carlos ordered, opening fire on another incoming zombie with his submachine gun. A 3-round burst into its head and onto the other.

Stacked against a police cruiser, he brought the stock to his shoulder and turned to full auto and sprayed a group of them with rounds as they came shambling down the street. Others followed suit, firing into the hordes of infected but it only served to deplete their stores of ammunition.

Cursing, he went to reload his weapon but found himself turning to the side of the street, closest to him, when he noticed his teammate Yuri falling to the ground. A zombie chomping down on his arm.

Carlos acted fast, pulling a knife from his side holster and throwing it at the zombie, the blade finding its mark in the infected forehead. Yuri shoved the dead body off of him as he nursed his wound.

"Yuri, you okay?"

Yuri gave him a nod as he grabbed a grenade from his pouch and pulled the pin. "Bite this!" He threw the grenade down the alleyway and it landed at the feet of the incoming zombies. The soldiers all got to cover as Yuri was grabbed by Carlos who pulled him behind a barrier of concrete. The explosion soon sounded and the shrapnel shredded through the zombies killing them. Carlos then pulled him to his feet and checked him over.

The other teammate, Nicholai, turned their way and spotted a zombie in their blindspot that was about to attack them. Without warning, he leveled his rifle up and aimed the scope, zeroing the sight on the infected head and he pulled the trigger.

Carlos and Yuri flinched slightly before turning to Nicholai in thanks, and then back onto the street they moved. With the rest of the soldiers, they were getting overrun, badly. They opened fire on the infected, blowing one's brains out before another took it's place.

But it was no use.

Carlos cursed, reloading his submachine gun before pulling his sidearm and placing two rounds into another zombie, and turning to his team, "Pull back! Pull back!"

The three of them turned to the opposite end of the street and pushed ahead into the alleyway, taking down any zombies in their path, as they heard the final screams of their comrades as the infected finished them off.

They had to retreat, the zombies outnumbered them by the hundreds and their only chance was an evac.

If Umbrella would allow them.

Somehow, Carlos doubted as much.

"Who the fuck are you?"

Alice didn't have it in her to sass her, as much as she wanted to, before she lifted a finger to her lips to silence her and her friends. Jill stilled and pulled her sidearm to bare, Alice noticed her teammate do the same. She inclined her head to the side, her ears picking up a faint noise, and her sense picking up something... she could feel something coming, something strong and different from the shambling corpses and lickers she had felt.

There was a slight breeze from the cracked open stained glass on the wall, and a drop of rain from the entrance that the rest had to strain to hear, but not Alice, her hearing was perfect, too perfect, she thought.

Her hand curled around the weight of her shotgun in hand, as she listened to the noise and strained her eyes to the shadows.

Tap, tap, tap.

The lights had gone out in the fight, it was a pitch of darkness except for the moonlight shone in from the shattered glass. A padding noise she could hear, like the faint footsteps of one wanting to be quiet, it was impressive, she almost missed it.

Tap, tap, tap...!

Immediately, Alice inclined her head left towards the shadows of the archway and entrance of the room, moving faster than the survivors could anticipate, as her shotgun in one hand levelled towards the noise and figure she hoped to find. But suddenly, as her weapon found its target, a hand reached out and grasped the barrel of the shotgun and bent it upwards, causing the gun to fire and buckshot to hit the ceiling.

The gunfire left the survivors flinching in its wake, as Alice stood still. Her lips pursed and eyes widened at her weapon that had once been in working order, was now twisted, its barrel wrecked and ruined.

Her green pupils turned back from the gun and to the sight of familiar blue ones that gazed back in the same widened, shocked way she had done, before the person let loose a remark that had her holding in her breath for air.

"So... What did I miss?"

A/N: Aye I promised action. Next one's gonna be even crazier. Cuz, you know, Nemesis!

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