Chapter 8 - The Nemesis

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There was a coordinated response between the two of them when they jumped, the two of them simultaneously vaulting the railing as a team. One that seemed to act on instinct and impulse alone. Seeming to follow each other's strength.

Alice was first, her feet landing graciously on the train tracks below, boots clinking against the roughed out crushed stone ballasts. As if she hadn't just jumped from a 17 feet high overpass, and without injury to add.

Immediately she pulled her twin pistols to bear and charged forward.

Alongside her, she took note of Y/N hitting the ground with a grunt, his feet planting directly into the dirt with a crunch, unearthing the ballasts as he pulled his pistol from his holster, and took aim at the looming figure across from them.

The Nemesis growled before them, his scarred mouth opening wide with a torrent of rage and pure chaotic ramblings of a deranged monster. But before the Nemesis could even think to move itself, Alice and Y/N attacked in a rapid display of coordinated and clear plans, despite being the ones that were caught by surprise.

Alice was the one who opened fire first, her twin pistols firing a range of 9mm rounds that impacted against Nemesis' body as she charged forward. Her feet taking her faster than Y/N could keep up, even if he wanted to. As he opened fire with his own pistol, firing a dozen rounds into the Nemesis from a distance before emptying his mag; slapping another one in, and chambering a round.

Alice got closer and closer to the Nemesis. The front of her was pretty much empty and wide open, except for barrels and crates by her left up ahead. Taking the lead, she sped faster, into a full sprint, unloading continuous rounds into the Nemesis, until she reached the crates.

The pistols in her hands ran dry immediately as her boots planted on top of one of the wooden crates, and went forward as Y/N continued to fire in the Nemesis' direction. In a quick attack, she used her momentum against the crate and leapt towards Nemesis, planting a swift kick against his face that had him reeling back and Alice herself dropping to the ground in a combat roll.

"Raghh!" The Nemesis roared as he pushed back, and turned to Alice as she quickly got up and jumped into cover behind a concrete pillar. Nemesis (if he wasn't pissed off before, he was now) prepared to unleash an array of machine gunfire on her when he was interrupted by an unstoppable force.

Alice quickly removed herself from cover when she heard the grunts from Nemesis as something collided against him, opting out and she turned and noticed Y/N wrestling with their attacker, before being backhanded and sent flying across the ground.

Gritting her teeth, Alice sprinted forward with a spring in her step, right up behind Nemesis as he was busy reeling from Y/N's own strikes, and pulled the shotgun from her back.

The same shotgun Y/N had given her.

Immediately she fired, the buckshot penetrating into the back of Nemesis and causing him to roar with a primitive rage that shocked the foundations around them. Bracing herself, Alice cocked the gun back before unleashing another shell as he turned to face her, and doomed him right in the chest.

The Nemesis roared back, flinching at the damage as flecks of blood splattered against the ground and stopped him in his tracks for the moment. But it seemed whatever force they used, it simply wasn't enough to kill him, though they could wound him enough that they could possibly retreat and regroup.

Cocking the shotgun back again, Alice charged forward, when she eyed Y/N getting up and nursing his face, and fired. The shots hitting the Nemesis. In return he opened fire with his belt fed machine gun, but before he could hit her, she had sped forward and arced herself into a slide.

Wincing at the stone that grazed against her upper arm and caused her to bleed, she slid under the Nemesis, and reached the other side. Turning to Y/N as he sprang towards them, she threw the shotgun and her friend caught it.

Getting up, her ears brought forth news of the gunfire as she found Y/N firing at the Nemesis, and Alice joined him. Mags from her pistols fell empty to the ground and suddenly she threw up her guns, and pulled her last two mags from her belt; before they could drop to the ground, she arced them in and cocked them back.

She unleashed another round of fire as the two of them continued to hold the Nemesis at bay. Wounding him and extorting his energy, as they tried their best to hold their own.

They had to up the scale, and it seemed Y/N was thinking the same.

"We're never gonna beat him conventionally."

Alice heard Y/N exclaim over the gunfire, as the two of them rushed for cover and she watched as Y/N threw his shotgun to the ground, empty and out of ammo.

"What do you suggest?" Alice asked, ducking her head as Nemesis fired towards them. A volley of bullets hitting the concrete pillars of their cover and spewing wildly between them.

She watched as Y/N pulled his pistol from his holster again and checked it, before he turned to her with a smirk.


Nodding, a small smile gracing her lips. She immediately pulled out from behind cover and sprung forward. Her feet leaping after the other as she ran to her left, and so the Nemesis followed her. Aiming with his gun, he opened fire and tried to hit her, but Alice was faster than she was given credit for and outran the speed of bullets that followed.

Taking a turn, she ran past the outer concrete pillars of the overpass and vaulted over a set of barrels when she made out the selected fire of Y/N's pistol and noticed the fight. Changing in an arc, she sped back around the area and made to join the fray once more.

When she got half way, she returned to her familiar tactic and made way to the set of high crates that had been docked there. When her feet made contact with the first crate, she hightail jumped to the next until she was high and fast enough to charge forward and jumped.

But suddenly, Y/N's gunfire stopped and immediately she noticed him ducking as rounds began to penetrate around him, not that of their attacker. In turn, Y/N was forced to pull back and Nemesis attacked him, sending him into retreat.

Right as her foot was about to make contact, the Nemesis turned and backhanded her, and Alice soon made hard contact with a pillar, sending her crashing to the ground with a groan. Quickly, she got up and rounded the pillar and braced herself as gunfire bounced off her cover.

Shit, Alice thought, grimacing when she eyed back across the yard and noticed Y/N being fired on from above. Cursing, she tried to make her way there but was forced to retreat just as the Nemesis opened fire on her, moving faster than ever she rushed out of his path and began to retreat.

Splitting up again.

Something she definitely didn't want to do after having found each other again, after those hellish months being dissected, she yearned for something familiar, someone that she cared for, and now it was running out of her sight.

Alice faintly saw him when she turned her head, and spotted him hightailing across the yard and past a wall, leaving her vision and a worried heart to beat. Bringing herself back in, she sprinted further as the Nemesis' gunfire lit up all around her, upping earth into the air and the smoke that blazed through.

Through blurred eyes from the smoke, Alice's vision cleared up and revealed a tall chain link fence and what looked like a parking lot and the Police Station ahead. She looked back and regretted it as the Nemesis pulled his RPG to bear and fired. Wasting no time, Alice quickly turned back to the fencing and jumped, her legs taking her higher than humaningly possibly as she landed on a cop car, and then followed another one as the rocket impacted the car and it exploded.

Landing, she rushed ahead as she faintly saw the T-virus monster jumping the fence and crushing another cop car beneath it. As it opened fire on her and impacted the building. Pulling her submachine guns from her vest, she leapt into a window in front of her and rolled to the ground. Grunting, she picked herself and grimaced at the glass shards that had cut her through, before escaping through the room.

Knocking over files and anything on the desk in her way, she stumbled through and exited the room, cupping her arm slightly as it bled before picking up pace just when the Nemesis crashed into the building from behind her. Smashing right through brick walls, he chased after her, right on her heels.

Pushing herself forward, she rushed down the hallway and turned left, rounding the corner and heading straight down. Her eyes made note of the garbage disposal unit against the wall ahead of her, and made up a plan. Pulling her submachine guns and leveling them, she fired underneath the metal casing and shot through the cheap plaster and drywalling, opening up her own little entrance to head through.

Behind her the Nemesis roared and Alice immediately slid down and began sliding across the smooth surface, firing at the Nemesis with the rest of her ammo and managing to hit in the legs. The guns ran dry and she dropped them, leaving them behind just as she slid into the hole she had created, and fell into a slide down the chute.

On the way down, the barbed wire and chaining fences in the opening gaps of the tunnel proved an issue when her left arm struck against one, cutting in a gaping hole and bleeding her once again as she gasped in shock, and grimaced. Looking down as best as she could, she gazed at a cart at the bottom and landed directly in, groaning as her side bashed against the tide.

Gasping, she turned back up and noticed the infra green light of the Nemesis' RPG and her eyes widened, pushing herself forward she rushed the cart over and it covered her just as the rocket impacted, sending a fiery explosion that rocked the cart.

And Alice, as she groaned and pushed herself upwards and took notice of the destruction, breathed out heavily as she tried her best to regain her composure.

She pulled herself up and tried to get moving but thrashed, stumbled and collapsed against a nearby wall, digging herself into a smaller position, and breathed in more as the pain greeted her.

Looking down, she saw her middle finger on her right hand and cringed. It was dislocated and bent, she had barely noticed it.

Grimacing, she cracked it back in place, and locked her head against the wall as she looked away, and gasping as she set it straight, before gazing out into the rest of the room.

A garbage room, for any and all trash, not to mention undesirables...

Alice laughed, chuckling as she braced herself against the wall at her luck. Only stopping when she thought back to Y/N, and the rest of the group, as she bit at her lower lip in pure spite and contempt at herself despite having survived the attack.

What a shit show...

Away from the battle, Jill Valentine had managed to escape the fight. After having lost her friend, Jill had been sucked in with grief, even if she wasn't showing it. But currently, she was trying to get her mind off of it, and by that, she was trying to hotwire a car.

Well, trying was a key word. She was having trouble starting it.

Before a noise rocked the car.

Flinching, Jill picked her pistol up and aimed at the passenger door, turning the safety off she prepared to shoot, only to lower it when the familiar face of Terri Morales greeted her from behind the window.

Hurrying, the reporter opened up the door and got in just as Jill closed her eyes and slacked against the seat of the vehicle, gun pointed to the sunroof as she breathed out a sigh.

This was a lot to handle for her, and shit was it getting out of hand.

Watching as she returned to hotwiring the car, Terri spoke up, nothing but empathy littering her voice, "Look I'm—I'm sorry about your friend."

Jill nodded, her head braced almost against the steering wheel, and replied, "Let's just get to the school and find this kid." Trying again
at the car, she switched with the wires until finally the car sprang to life, the engine roaring and ready to move.

But their celebration was short lived, when the zombified corpse of Peyton lashed in through the open door of Jill's side, trying to bite at Jill as she held him back and cried out his name, but to no avail. Desperately trying to push her friend back, and reason with him, despite what he had become.

She quickly placed her foot against his body and pushed, sending him falling to the ground and crashing against another vehicle. They watched as he got up, snarling and groaning as one of the dead, and immediately Jill pulled her sidearm.


Peyton went down with a bullet to the head, his blood paving the street as it bled. With Jill breathing out, trying her best to control herself as tears basked against her eyelids, and her emotions spurred. Before quickly shutting the door to the car and turning to the steering wheel with due haste, and driving off.

Taking them down the street and towards the school they passed a lot of empty buildings and burned out cars. Everything desolate and devoid of life or death. The silence, which Jill had savoured for most of her life, had now become a terrifying aspect of their survival.

Hands on the wheel, Jill pulled into another street and passed by another set of empty buildings, eyes more on them than she should've been, she suddenly swerved the car and stopped it when Terri called out to her stop.

Right in front of them was an African-American male. He had hipster clothes and was rocking a nice black fedora hat. She couldn't believe it. It was the same guy she had let go at the police station, well and alive, was now standing right in front of her newly acquired vehicle.

Wade, motherfucking, L.J...

"Wait, I'm not one of those things." Wade said as he came up to the driver's side before his eyes lit up in recognition of the raven haired woman in the seat. "Hey, remember me? Look, I haven't been bitten or anything. Look."

Wade moved around his flashy jacket and revealed himself.

He looked well enough...

Jill sighed and inclined her head to the back seat, "Climb aboard."

He quickly got in the back and shut the door, before introducing himself to the ladies, "Lloyd Jefferson Wade. But you can call me L.J. on account of the informal situation."

Without a word, Jill sped off and continued up the street, with only one thing on her mind.

'Informal situation... Sounds about right.'

A/N: Next up! Y/N's side of the fight, and soon enough he is separated from Alice once again, cut off by familiar foes, and an old friend of his returns. I wonder who it could be?

Also, I apologize if the fight scene isn't top notch. I'm not very good at combat situations and writing them can be pretty hard sometimes.

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