buddy o boi

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Steph tried to open the door but it was locked. Which ment Autumn was there.
"Hey autumn. Its me. Please open the door."
Soon the door opened and steph stepped inside. Closing the door behind her.
"He didnt hurt you did he?"
To stephs relief autumn shook her head.
"Try again tomorrow or-"
Before steph could finish their door opened and tony walked in with peter behind him.
"I hate to burst your bubble girls but there is no trying again. Youre moving in with me. We already talked to the police so you cant refuse. We also got you counslers and have notified the hospital about your suicide attempts. You are on 24 hour suicide watch and will be living with me until your counslers think youre well enough to be on your own."
The girls staired at him unsure what to say.
"Peter will also be staying with us to help watch you guys. You will have complete privicy in your rooms but i will have robots outside your doors at night that will follow you where ever you go to make sure you dont try anything."
"You cant take us against are will! Thats illegal!" Steph yelled at Tony
"Its also illegal for us to sit back and let you die. Besides we have promission from the police to take you in. You should be thankful that me and peter care enough about you to help"
Steph sighed "i guess we have no choice in this but just because im agreeing to this doesnt mean i like you."
Tony smiled satisfied.
"Ill take you guys to my house and the first thing well do is sit down and introduce ourselves properly. Maybe that will make youre friend less terrified"
Steph glaced back at autumn who indeed looked terrified
"Sounds good to me, bitch baby."

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