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Autumn looks at everyone as their were discussion their plans. 'I do not agree with them, I wanna end things here and now. They say they care, but its just their job. Once they say we are 'better' they will kick us to the curb again like everyone else.'

Everyone starts to leave the apartment, except for Autumn and Peter. Peter stares at Autumn, like he was waiting for her to go first. Yet he was also studying the girl, she seemed to be alright in school. She wasn't much of a talker but she did help as much people as possible. When they would walk home together she would never speak, but she would listen to his constant bantering about how stressed he was. Peter never realized how much pain she was actually in.

They stood their, not moving a muscle until Stark came back in the building. 

"Stop flirting around Parker, the loud one is already in the car, we are just waiting on you and little miss mute here." Stark orders.

Autumn clenches her fist, she hated it when people treated her quietness like it was a disability. She stomps to the door, and before she leaves she punches Stark in the face.

"So much for a fucking super hero." Autumn says while walking out the door.

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