7 - Are you sure there's nothing wrong with me?

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A new person entered Leo's room. An IV was hooked to Leo's arm and the clock read 12:21. It wasn't ready for a bathroom break, he had nine minutes left.

The person was dressed in ripped jeans and a floral patterned crop top. His hair was dyed green, and wire-thin glasses sat on his nose.

"Hi Leo, I'm Nathan and I'm here to ask you a few questions." The clip board in his hands was covered with stickers at the back. Leo shrugged, a neutral frown gracing his face.


Nathan smiled, Leo noticed a tattoo going up his neck. The click of Nathan's pen brought Leo back to attention.

"Okay, do you often feel the urge to hurt yourself or others?" Nathan questioned, his pen hovering over the yes box.

Leo swallowed.

"No." Leo lied.

Nathan nodded, placing an X in the no box with an unconvinced look. His eyebrows furred together as he but his lip.

"Do you often loose sleep, have trouble staying asleep, going to sleep, or even sleep too much?" Nathan asked. Leo sighed, turning to look at the demigod.

"Do you seriously think this was a suicide attempt?" He asked in boredom. Nathan paled then attempted a weak smile.

"Now Leo, it's alright. No one is accusing you of anything. This is just procedure for... accidents like yours."

Leo felt himself become angry. A frown formed on his lips and the restraints were the only things holding him back from trying to attack Nathan.

"I'm not suicidal." Leo said with a false sense of confidence. 

I just want to die, Leo thought to himself. Nathan nodded but his smile didn't match his eyes.  He wrote a few words on his clipboard and continued nodding. The smile still didn't meet his eyes, and Leo concluded it was forced. Then again, he had never been great at reading people.

"Then, uh, would you like to tell us about the accident?" Nathan questioned. Leo stayed silent and looked at the restraints he had on. His mind was racing from idea to idea. Bouncing like people did at strip clubs. The restraints looked flimsy, they held strongly but he could burst into flames... 

Nathan was not prepared for Leo to burst into flames. The flames ate his clothing and burnt the restraints to a crisp. Ash fell around him as Nathan held the clipboard over his face. The fire's heat producing smoke that covered the area thickly. Nathan coughed harshly and tried to run out, but the infirmary was basically a large tent. It started to catch ablaze too.

Once Leo was free he stopped himself from being on fire. His clothes were gone, and his underwear was also gone. He grabbed a patchy blanket that had yet to be eaten by the monstrous flames and covered his body the best he could. His tool belt was in a storage cubby under his bed, he grabbed it and slipped it on his waist. He had pushed his arms into two holes of the blanket so the blanket wrapped around his hips and legs like a skirt, but left his chest exposed like an opened vest.

He stepped out of the burning tent, which was surprisingly still standing, and rushed to the sides. From the sidelines, he could see Percy blasting water from the lake to the infirmary. Nico seemed to be helping a few campers reach safer places, away from the lines of the flames. Leo felt his heart crack at how much Nico had changed. Ever since Will, Nico seemed to be less creepy, soft even.

Soft enough to not let you die in peace Leo's mind screamed at him. The voice sounded like his mother's, but it was harsher. Colder than he remembered. 

He stumbled past the crowd, narrowly avoiding a few people as his lack of eye affected his walking patterns. His wrists had rug burns from the pulling at the restraints he did daily. His head started to hurt as the commotion brought screams, cries, and whispers into the air. 

He managed to slip around the crowd and headed to Bunker Nine before anyone stopped him. His eye socket burned and his head was jumbled. Before he made it, he saw Piper. She was alone, her feet dangling off the edge of the dock. Her hair was covering the sides of her face and sheltered her face from the sun.

"Hey Pipes..." Leo said, walking to her. Piper turned, a small smile gracing up her features.

"I didn't know they let you out yet." 

Leo snorted, "Nico and the others didn't. I escaped like a prisoner." 

Piper sighed as Leo plopped himself next to her. She leaned against him, Leo inhaling her scent. It was comforting, reminded him of the nights they spent together when everything was okay. When they didn't know their parents were gods, and they hadn't been in a war with Gaea. Piper hugged him from the side.

"I was scared," She murmured to him.

Yeah and I was dead.

"What?!" Piper screamed with eyes wide. She pulled from him and looked at him with a terrified expression mixed with a hint of care.

Leo cursed.

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