Three - So I'm calling in. Are you listening?

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"Humor was a good way to hide the pain." - Leo Valdez

"Hey, Leo! I thought I'd find you here." Calypso said with a small smile as she entered Bunker Nine without warning. Leo gasped and dropped the chisel, cursing to himself as it clattered on the ground. "What're you doing?" Calypso questioned, Leo, looking up and plastering a fake smile on his face shrugged his shoulders. "Dropping tools, fabulously. You know, the usual." He dismissed, throwing in a pitiful joke.  Calypso looked questionably at the chisel. "Chisel? What on earth do you need this for?" She questioned. 

Leo blushed pink and looked down. "Nude sculpting." Was the first thing that came to his head, and apparently, the lamest excuse ever. The caramel haired former-titaness gaped for a minute and sighed. "That's weird." Calypso replied as she picked up the chisel for him. Her delicate hand handed it to her boyfriend and Leo nodded to her. "Thanks." He told her as he quickly put the chisel into his toolbox. He tried to hide his disappointment.

Calypso saw right through it. She slowly took the flower out of her hair that was tucked just behind her ear, her eyebrows knitted together as she peered at Leo. "What's wrong with you? Are you seriously that sad about not being able to do... nude sculpting?" Those words felt weird hearing from her mouth to Leo. 

Leo swallowed thickly, shaking his head mutely. "Then what? Because to my understanding, we are okay. I haven't done anything wrong, so what's going on?" She demanded, her eyes flashing confusion and a tinge of anger. "Nothing Sunshine, just forget it." Leo tried to tell her, attempting to change the topic. His girlfriend didn't budge. 

"Tell me." Calypso ordered, commanding him with an iron fist. Leo shook his head stubbornly. "It. Is. Nothing!" Leo said, initiating the argument. Calypso huffed and turned her back to him. "What are you doing?" Leo asked her, his voice dull. Calypso shot him a glare, "Debating how to exit this place because my boyfriend doesn't love me anymore." Calypso spat, clearly aware the over-dramatic tone she used.

"Calypso, that wasn't what I meant and you know it." Calypso turned and gave him an expectant look. "Then what do you mean?" She challenged, cocking an eyebrow. Leo let out a long sigh, clearly frustrated as he rubbed his temples with his middle finger and thumb. "Do you ever wish I. . . Didn't save you from Ogygia? That I just, uh, stayed dead. . .?" Leo's voice grew quieter as his questioned progressed. Calypso opened her mouth, then closed it. She was clearly unsure of how to answer his question properly. 

"Of course not!" She finally settled on. Leo frowned and started speaking again. "You paused. Why is it you have to think about it. Think about us, and my death." Leo's voice cracked this time instead of going quiet. "Oh please, you weren't dead for long! Death is nothing compared to what I suffered after you left, even before I met you in fact!" Calypso said aloud, the words spilling through her lips before she could have a chance to stop herself.  Leo felt his chest flare up in pain, heart suddenly aching.

Calypso's eyes widened and she threw her hands over her mouth. "Leo I'm so—" Leo shoved her away when she tried to touch him. "Get out." he growled at her, watching her leave quickly. Her legs carrying herself away from Bunker Nine at alarmingly fast speeds. 

"Death was nothing?" He said, a harsh laugh passing through his mouth as tears gathered up in his eyes. He reached into his tool belt, quickly summoning the chisel.

"I'm done." 

He gouged out an eye with the chisel, his screams sending shivers down his side; but the pain and darkness (when he closed the other eye) comforting in his sadistic ways. 

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