Forty Eight

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Haibara takes a sip of her own coffee. Then she places it back at the table. She sits with her leg and arm crossed. She takes a deep breath as she lifts her head to look at both guys. She looks at Kudo first then turn her head to look at Akai. It's surely been a while since she looks at him. His face never changed. It's also the same serious expression when she looks at him back in the organization.

"Now, Akai san, why you use the disguise of Subaru in front of me? You do aware that I am Miyano Shiho. Why won't you just show me yourself to me? and Edogawa kun? Why? Why do you keep this as a secret from me?" said Haibara as she tries to control her voice and emotion from bursting out. She also needs to avoid the word Kudo since Akai still doesn't know his true identity.

"It's his secret identity and I should never tell it to anybody. It's his decision whether to tell you or not" said Conan- defends himself as he avoids eye contact to the shrunken woman. Haibara sighs as she looks at Akai. She needs an explanation especially from him.

"First of all, I know it's my fault and I am truly sorry about that. I use the disguise is to avoid the organization from getting me as I betrayed the organization and I fake my death. Also, I did think that using this disguise I could get close to you and know you better as a person" said Akai. Conan on the other hand prefers to shut himself and let the Haibara and Akai settle things between them. Besides, he does realize that it's more to their personal things that he shouldn't interfere.

Haibara keeps her silence for a while. She needs to gather her strength. As time passes by, she only feels a weight on her heart that keep pressing it. The tension slowly fills the air. She clears her throat before she starts talks to him.

"But you can always tell me that you're Akai Shuuichi. You do know that you owe me a lot of explanation. I bet the two of you listen to my conversation with Gin. I guess I should thank him for telling me your true identity" said Haibara as she lower her tone for the last sentence. Besides, it's true. If Gin didn't tell her about him, sure she doesn't know about Akai real identity at all.

"I'm not ready to face you yet. I admit I was a coward. I don't dare to face you after..." Akai's word stop. He decides to continue it but Haibara cut his word.

"After Akemi's death. You never show yourself in front of me after her death. You disappear just like that. You're a true coward" said Haibara coldly as she looks at her own feet. Her face darkened. She still tries to control her emotion. So far, she still can control herself from bursting.

Only silence fills the air. None of them talks. Conan still doesn't feel like opening his mouth since he has no right to talk about this topic yet he still pays a lot of attention to it. Of course, Conan knows that Akemi and Akai was a lover but he doesn't know the relationship between Akai and Haibara. He watches the two of them falls into silence.

"I-" before Akai even finish his sentence, Haibara decides to talk.

"The reason you joined the organization in the very first place is to gain the information from me? Is that right? By being a lover with my sister, you could make a bond with me too. So you didn't really love her, do you? That's why you didn't even bother to save her. Do you even have an idea how much she cares and loves you? You truly disappoint me" said Haibara with a low tone.

A single tear escapes her eyes. She still manages to control herself from bursting into tears. She knows she's strong enough to face him. Besides, she needs to know everything today. She's tired to live with secrets around her. She also can't wait to leave this place. It's too much for her to handle things. Akai takes a deep breath before he speaks.

"I do love her. Until this moment. I do feel regret. I was too late to save her. I failed her. And I do owe you a great apology. It's the past, I need to move on and so are you. And I indeed joined the organization to gain the information from you since you're one of the high ranking members in the organization and you're the only one that closes to me back in the organization. But it doesn't change the fact that I do love Akemi" he said. The silence fills the air once again. It's hard for Haibara to accept things.

"If you truly an FBI agent, and you do know her plan to leave the organization, you should put her into a tight observation and save her. Enough with this conversation, I'm done. What do you want to know about me? I know you do hold some question to me right Edogawa kun?" Haibara said. The reason she stops the topic about her sister is that she doesn't think she can control herself soon. Besides, she thinks it's enough information for her to know.

"Uh, Haibara. After listened to your conversation with Gin previously and our encountered at the Haido City Hotel, I've been wanting to ask you, what is your relationship with Gin back in the organization? As you know, he knows all your moves and not to mention that he knows you by a single strand of your hair" he said.

Haibara already figures that he will ask her this question. She takes a quick glance at Akai. She can see that he is also interested in this question. Haibara knows that there are certain ideas in their mind. She decides to play with their mind.

"We're lovers. Can't you even figure it by our conversation? We did love each other so much that we can't resist each other well back in the organization" she said with a monotone. The two of them look at her as they just look at the ghosts. Especially Kudo. She can see that blood just drain out from his face.

"Y-you what?" said Conan as stutters. Akai on the other hand did shock when she said that. He never expects that he will have this answer from her. Akai did hear some rumours about them back in the organization but he never bothers to learn about the truth about it.

"Just kidding. We're colleagues and we're close enough. Do you ever think Gin have such feelings in him? Are you forget that he's a cold assassin? There's no way we are together. For Gin, feelings are a weakness for humans" she said. The expression on Kudo's face is back to normal and so is Akai.

"Your joke sometimes is too much for me to handle" said Conan.

"Now, I guess there's nothing we need to talk about right? Then we're done for today. Guess I still need to thank you for your honest response. Well, see you" said Haibara as she stands up from the chair. Before she has her first step, she shifts her face to look at Akai.

"Ah and one more thing. Akai san, I don't actually put all the blame on you. Besides, I do realize it's her own fault to put herself in that situation in the very first place. I did warn her about it. I do accept your apology. I guess there's nothing between us anymore. But still, I need time so please keep your distance from me. I don't think I can look at you like the same before" she said and she finds her way to her own room.

She closes the door behind her and she stares at the bag that she already packed. She'll leave tonight. She's sure of it. She'll leave, she'll break the bond with them tonight. She just needs to wait for the right time and she'll go away.


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