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Haibara totally doesn't feel right. These feelings suddenly appear. These feelings- it makes the girl shake and tremble, it makes the girl suddenly hard to breathe, it makes her mind go crazy. She stops her track for a while. She can't go on.

"Haibara san? Are you alright?" said Mitsuhiko who currently walk beside her. The kids turn their heads to her. She got panicked for a moment. She takes a deep breath and tries to calm herself down.

"Haibara san, is it because you spend your own money on us that make you shock for a while? we can pay it back" said Genta.

"Is it true Ai chan, we're sorry!" said Ayumi. Haibara sigh as she hears their nonsense talk. She knows that she can't leave the kids now. It will be better if Conan is here with them. She can't just let the kids walk especially when the organization is nearby. She can feel their presence not far away from here. She can feel their aura and their scent.

She makes up her mind. She's not going to leave the kids here. It's too dangerous. She can't just let the kids walk past them just like that. She's going to face whoever it is. Once again, she takes a deep breath and calms herself. She tried to convince herself that nothing will happen. It's not like every member knows her appearance when she was young.

"I'm okay. Now hear me out. Just walk past this corner quickly okay? Don't waste your time here. Just walk and ignore everything in your surrounding okay?" said Haibara to the kids.

"You sounds weird but it's okay we will do it" said Mitsuhiko to her. They continue to walk. As they getting closer to the corner, the shrunken woman feels the scent is getting stronger. As they keep walking, her step getting heavy and sometimes she feels that she got stuck on the ground. But, she keeps walking to the corner. Despite how bad she just wants to run away from that spot, she collects her courage together and faces it.

She doesn't know which members are there at the corner. She just hopes that it is just a normal member that barely knows here. She's worried that there's a member who knows how she looks like as a child since she was raised there. Unfortunately, there are none of the kids wear hoodies and caps. So, she can't hide her rare hair colour as she will walk past them soon.

She hopes that there is not that certain someone that she wants to avoid the most at the current time. She can't face him yet, her feelings and mind are not ready to meet him.

As they start to turn at the corner, Haibara takes a deep breath and close her eyes to find her strength just to walk that path. When she continued to walk, she can feel the presence just right in front of her. She slowly opens her eyes and looks at the figure.

Her face is probably drained as she looks at the figure. Her leg starts to shake even more. She can't think straight. No words can describe how much she wants to disappear from the world. She knows the figure so much. A tall and well-built man, with his long silver hair and killing eyes. She wonders why this happens at this moment. She feel panicked because he knew how she looked like as a kid. This situation may end up pretty badly.

She slowly told the kids to walk even faster. When she sneakily look at the figure again, she stops at her track for a while. She feels shocked as she saw his eyes stare at hers. Their eyes just met. By only his glare makes her weak. Before she can ever react, Mitsuhiko grabs her arm and drag her away. She feels grateful Mitsuhiko did that or else she might get caught there. As they are quite pretty far from the spot, she can finally breathe normally.

"Ah I know, Haibara san afraid of people with dark clothes!" said Genta.

"You are right Genta! let's guard her and avoid people with dark clothes" said Ayumi.

"Look! the old woman wear dark clothes! Haibara san close your eyes" said Mitsuhiko.

She is indeed afraid of Black Organization but it doesn't mean that she is afraid of innocent people who wear dark clothes.

"Guys, don't worry. I'm good. Now, the old woman did nothing to me. So don't accuse her" said Haibara.

"Ah! I know, Haibara san afraid of people with long hair!" said Genta.

Haibara just shake her head and release a sigh. These kids will never stop. She did feel better now. She is glad that Mitsuhiko drag her away or she doesn't know what should she do if she got caught there. She did feel that he keeps his gaze on her as they walk past them until they were lost in his sight.

She did feel that he keeps staring at her. She also feels that he might notice something. At the moment, Haibara just hopes for the best.

The man with long silver hair actually feel something as he saw a girl with red-strawberry blonde hair. He knew that particular hair colour is rare. There is no one in his mind other than the betrayer of the organization- Sherry. He notices that the girl have a similar resemblance to her. The man can't stop staring at the girl. When the girl sneakily looked up to him- their eyes met.

At that moment, the man feels something familiar with the gaze. He feels like he knows this girl. He tries to think about the possibilities. He knows it is impossible if the girl is Sherry. He thinks that they might have some kind of relation. He keeps staring at the girl until she is lost in his sight.

"Vodka, I want you to track that girl. Strawberry blonde hair. I want you to track where she lives and spy on her" Gin said.

"Alright aniki" said Vodka as the two of them enter the black Porsche and left the spot. Gin has a feeling that the little girl has some kind of relation to him.


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