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The feeling of his hands shaking and heart racing were almost all Yoongi could feel as he and Jungkook boarded the ship. After getting confirmation that Jihoon and Junhong had no plans to use the ship today, Jungkook had insisted that they go straight away, not wanting to waste any time. Yoongi didn't know what the hurry was, but he was definitely not too thrilled about going into space again. Sure, he had agreed to go on a space date because he knew how much Jungkook missed going to space, but he could feel his fear welling up inside of him.

"Yoongi." Jungkook stopped in front of his human mate and peered at him with concern. He could see and feel how uncomfortable Yoongi was. "If this is too much for you, we can do something else. As much as I really want to go to space for this date, I know you're scared. Maybe we can go somewhere else that's similar, like a planetarium or something."

Shaking his head, Yoongi reached out and gently grabbed one of Jungkook's hands, seeking support and comfort. "No, we can go. It's true that I'm scared, but I don't want my fear to keep you from doing things you enjoy. Besides, as long as I'm with you, I should be safe, right?" Though Yoongi said this, he was trembling. The memories of his last trip to space played in his head as if it had all happened yesterday.

Jungkook held Yoongi's hand and wished he could take away all of his fears. "I'll protect you. I won't let anything like that happen to you ever again. We won't leave Earth's orbit, and we'll return home as soon as you want to." He wanted to go to space and look at the stars for a lovely date with the one he loved, but Yoongi's safety and happiness were still his top priorities. "Stay by my side in the control room as we fly out, then we'll have a nice time together."

"I'll be practically glued to your side." Yoongi knew that he wouldn't want to leave Jungkook's side for even a moment as they would fly to space. He would be far too scared to be alone in any part of the ship. With the agreement to stay close, he and Jungkook made their way to the control room. Yoongi sat on the floor by the single chair at the controls, Jungkook obviously occupying the chair.

As he flipped some controls and started the ship, Jungkook could feel Yoongi's hands both grab onto his leg. The shaking of the ship as it began to rise from the ground caused him to look down at his mate, concerned for his comfort. "How are you doing down there?"

Yoongi clutched Jungkook's leg tightly and leaned down to press his face to the incubus' thigh. His whole body was shaking. "I...I'm okay." He was clearly afraid and struggling to remain remotely calm, but he didn't want to cancel their plans. "I'm fine~"

Hearing the whine that accompanied those words, Jungkook frowned. "I'm putting the ship back down. We'll do something else for our date." He could see how uncomfortable Yoongi was, and he didn't want to put him through unnecessary trauma.

"No, don't~" Yoongi's grip on Jungkook's leg grew tighter. "Please~ I'm scared, but...I can do this..."

"Yoongi, I have something very important planned for our date, and I want it to be something we'll both have lots of joy for. Are you going to be able to have a good time if we're in space?" Jungkook had been planning this for a while, and he needed it to go smoothly. It required Yoongi to have a good time.

Despite being terrified of space, Yoongi gave a small nod, not taking his face away from Jungkook's thigh. "I'll be okay...I have you." He wondered if he could cover up his fear by doing something enjoyable in space. Maybe that could help him feel at least a little better.

"Okay, but please tell me if it becomes too much for you. My plans for this date are not more important than you." Continuing the rise of the ship, Jungkook wished it wouldn't shake so much while getting fully into flying mode. Less shaking would certainly help his mate feel less afraid.

Yoongi wondered what Jungkook's plans were. He had not heard anything about the incubus having important plans until now. To keep his mind off the fear as much as possible, he speculated about the plans. Did the plans have something to do with Jungkook being on his phone during the night? If so, Yoongi was going to feel very silly and guilty for suspecting anything worse. He already knew Jungkook was loyal, so he did indeed feel silly for being worried, but he still didn't know what Jungkook was doing on his phone all night. Yoongi kept himself in his thoughts until he received a small pat on the head.

Jungkook watched Yoongi lift his head and peek around. "Look at the stars, mate. They're beautiful." It was no secret that Jungkook loved the stars. There had been multiple times that he would stand by their bedroom window at night to peer up at them. "Stars are amazing. I know they just look like little specks in the vast emptiness of space, but for most of my life, the stars guided me as I learned to fly a ship. I saw them as a map to the many universes, destinations I wanted to reach someday."

Yoongi held on to Jungkook's words, always loving to learn more about the way Jungkook felt and saw things in life. "I've never really thought much about the stars, but I do agree that they are beautiful." He was a little confused as Jungkook reached into his pocket, pulling out a tiny velvet box. "What's that?"

"For many nights now, I've been reading about how humans express their love." Jungkook held the tiny box in his hands as if it were very precious. "I've been looking for the best way to show you how much my love for you has grown more than I thought was ever possible. And I found something. I researched it and watched every example I could find."

With his heart pounding at the possibility of what this could be, Yoongi watched Jungkook get down on the floor in front of him, kneeling on one knee. "Jungkookie..."

"I brought you among the stars because I love the stars. The stars have always guided me, and I finally found my favorite one." Opening the box, Jungkook revealed a gorgeous ring with a lovely aquamarine gemstone. "You're my favorite star, Yoongi. Will you marry me?"

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