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Yoongi didn't know how to answer. He knew what he wanted to say, but all words escaped him for a moment. Never had he expected for Jungkook to propose. This was what Jungkook had been doing on his phone? The incubus had been looking for ways to express his growing love for Yoongi and stumbled across proposals and marriage? Maybe the shock of this was so big that Yoongi momentarily forgot that they were in space.

"Jungkook, I..." Tears pooled in Yoongi's eyes, and he could see that Jungkook started to worry upon noticing them. "Do you even know the full concept of marriage?" A shaky chuckle slipped out as he reached toward the boxed ring. Yoongi cupped his hands around the velvet box as if it was delicate and precious, which it certainly was. "I would love to marry you, but..."

"But..?" Jungkook didn't understand. He watched as his mate smiled with pure joy, despite the tears in his eyes.

"We can't get officially married because you don't have government documents of your birth and citizenship." Still, this meant everything to Yoongi. "But I would love it if we could have an unofficial marriage. I would love...to call you my husband."

Now understanding that his proposal was accepted with minor complications, Jungkook carefully took the ring from the box. "I, uh...I forgot which finger the ring goes on."

"This one." Yoongi held out his left hand to Jungkook, using his right index to point at his left ring finger. As the ring was slipped onto his finger, he could feel himself growing giddy. "I can't wait to show the others." As he peered at the ring on his finger, Yoongi felt a sob coming up his throat. It was a matter of seconds before that sob escaped him.

Jungkook set the velvet box on the floor and placed his hands onto Yoongi's shoulders when he heard the sob. "Yoongi? Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

As more sobs came out, Yoongi couldn't hold them back. "I'm just...so happy...I love you, Jungkookie..."

"I love you too, Yoongi." Jungkook pulled Yoongi into his arms and began stroking the human's hair as he cried with joy. He felt a sense of accomplishment at making his mate this happy. And though he didn't know a whole lot about marriage, Jungkook knew that it was something he wanted to experience with Yoongi. "This news will make our friends happy as well."

Yoongi didn't know how long he remained in Jungkook's arms, sobbing through his elated feelings. Once he was able to compose himself a bit, he pulled back just enough to peer at his lover's face. "Fiancé." He saw the confusion creep into Jungkook's expression. "That's what you are now. My fiancé. And I am your fiancé. No longer just boyfriends." Damn, that made his chest feel all warm and fuzzy.

"Fiancé. I like the way that sounds." This was when Jungkook saw a glint in Yoongi's eyes that he easily recognized, accompanied by a feeling in their bond that was most-familiar.

"Consummate your decision to take this step with me, my fiancé." Yoongi smirked as Jungkook had to process the words he just spoke. "Fuck me," he reiterated.

Jungkook met Yoongi's smirk with a pressed kiss. "Are you okay with doing that here? The ship floor isn't soft."

"Neither is the bathroom floor, but that didn't stop us." Yoongi didn't really care much about the surface they were on. As long as it wasn't a painfully uncomfortable surface, it didn't matter to him. "Or all the times we had sex on our bedroom floor because we missed the bed."

"Good point." Jungkook was just as ready to get rough and intimate as Yoongi was. However, that wasn't in the cards for them at this moment. No, apparently, other things were bound to get in the way.

The sound of static crackling took them both by surprise. In fact, Yoongi even flinched, being caught off guard by the sound. "What was that?"

Jungkook pulled back and looked toward the controls. "The communicator. It's on?"

There was more static crackling, like a signal was trying to come through to them. Was someone trying to communicate? Were they just picking up some stray radio waves? "...lo...an...ou...ear m...Hel...ca...yo...he...me..." There was so much static and poor connection that it was hard to make out what was being said. "Look...rth...ing for...Can...ou hear..."

"That voice..." Yoongi's heart thumped in a painful way. That voice sounded familiar. "Jungkook, is there any way to hear it more clearly?"

"I can try to get a fix on the signal." Like his sanity depended on it, Jungkook got into the control seat and started switching knobs and pressing buttons that he knew would make no sense to Yoongi, but he could still remember how to harness stray frequencies in space.

Yoongi listened intently as the connection to that voice grew weaker then stronger depending on what Jungkook was doing to catch the signal. When they finally got a lock on it, he thought this couldn't possibly be real. His ears must be deceiving him, right?

"Can you hear me?" The voice coming through the communicator was weak, like the signal still wasn't very strong. "I'm looking for Earth. Can you hear me?"

"That's..." Jungkook was struck by disbelief and wonder. "But he's..."

"My locator is broken," the voice continued. "I must find Earth. If anyone can hear me, please respond."

Pressing a button by the communicator, Jungkook tried to answer the call for a response. "Where are you? What's your location?"

But the voice just asked the same questions. "Can anyone hear me? Where is Earth?"

"Can he not hear us?" Yoongi grabbed onto Jungkook's pant leg with his thumb and index. "We're not just hearing things, are we? It's really his voice?"

"It has to be him." Jungkook reached down and grabbed Yoongi's hand. "We have to find him. We have to find Namjoon."

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