Chp. 3- Who Else Can See Him?

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Chp. 3- Who Else Can See Him? (Aka I couldn't think of a good title for this one)
Annabeth POV

I reluctantly left Poseidon's palace as I headed home. I sat on my bed and pulled out a book reading until the twins wake up for school.

A few hours later banging and screaming starts as the twins rise. I sighs and head downstairs to make the two breakfast.

"Morning Annabeth," Lily says rubbing her eyes and sitting at the table.

I say nothing trying to properly graze her question as I set a plate of pancakes in front of her. I place another for Max who comes in a moment later.

"Where'd Percy go?" Max asks. "Or was that a dream...?"

"It was real," I assure them. "Percy is with his dad at the moment."

Both shrug and continue to eat. I finally ask my question. "I need to ask you both something. About Percy."

"What about him?" Lily asks.

"Did he look different to you at all?"

"He looks the way he always looks. The same as when we met him at least."

"But you looked younger," Max puts in. "Why was that?"

I am saved from this question as the familiar sound of the bus heading down the street sounds.

"Styx!" Lily shouts grabbing her backpack and running out the door with a piece of bacon in hand. Max is quick to follow.


Two hours later I find myself walking down the street with Percy by my side. People walking around wave to me but none even acknowledge Percy's existence.

Though he is too busy looking at the city around us care.

"This way," I say pulling him with me.

"Where are we even going?" He asks.

"To find our friends. I told them to meet at Piper's."

A smile nearly splits his face. "Well hurry up then!" He shouts grabbing my arm and walking faster.

I can't help but laugh at him. "You don't even know where you're going." I grab his wrist and pull him a long.

But I am stopped as Nyssa runs up to me. Her face is full of concern.

"Are you okay?" She asks me.

"Yeah why?"

"You're laughing and talking to yourself... I know the anniversary and everything is coming up"

"I'm okay," I tell her. She nods but looks at me disbelieving before turning to walk away.

I glance at Percy. He is emotionless but he steps forward to grab Nyssa's shoulder as she leaves but his hand passes straight through as if he wasn't even there.

Percy gives a yelp and grips his hand. Nyssa walks off noticing nothing.

I stare at Percy who gives me an easy going smile as if none of that even happened. "Well we don't wanna be late."

I nod slowly before leading the way down the street.


As we get to Piper's I raise my hand and knock on the door.

"It's open!" Piper calls from within.

I open the door and walk in. I walk past all the mess and evidence of children. Toys lie here and there, drawings are hung everywhere. And pictures taken of the three are in frames. Percy picks one up.

"She named them Jason Jr. and Thalia," I tell him.

"Cause that's exactly what the work needs," Percy states. "A mini Thalia. And with Piper as a mom? I bet she charmspeaks people and then shocks them."

I nod. "Pretty much."

"We're out here!" Piper shouts.

I follow her voice outside to where everyone sits on the patio. Piper, Leo, Calypso, Nico, Hazel, Frank and Reyna (Did I kill Reyna? I honestly don't remember and am too lazy to look back and find out) sits talking.

"So what is so horribly important?" Nico asks. "I was planning on sleeping today."

"You sleep everyday," Hazel says.

They all then look past me as Percy walks in.

Nico POV

I can barely keep my mouth from falling open.

"Percy?" Leo asks confused, well we all are because there standing in front of us is Perseus Jackson looking just the age of when I met him.

"You're younger," I blurt.

"Missed you too Death Breath," He chuckles with an eye roll.

Next thing I know, its a hug fest.

I don't like hugs.

Unless it's Hazel. Thanks okay.

As we settle back down we all sit and wait for Percy to explain.

"Wait," Franks says before turning to me. "Why did you say he looks younger?"

"He looks 14 again Frank," I say with an eye roll.

"No pretty sure he's 17," Piper disagrees "the age he was immortalized at."

"He's 14," Calypso says agreeing with me.

"16," Leo puts in. Reyna nods agreeing.

"He looks 12 to me," Annabeth states.

As we continue to bicker I notice Percy sits silently watching.

"Perce?" I ask.

He looks over and everyone else stops.

"Why do we all see you different ways?"

"Not everyone can see him either," Annabeth adds. "Neither Apollo nor Nyssa he even tried to touch her but his hand went right through... Percy?" She asks remembering he is in the room.

Percy opens his mouth and then closes it. He runs a hand through his hair. "Well I'm um..." He trails off. "It's a long and strange story..."

"We have time," Leo says resting his hands behind his head and propping his feet up on the table. Piper quickly moves his feet off and Calypso slaps the back of his head.

Percy looks around as if searching for an escape.

"How did you escape?" I ask. He only shakes his head.

"Percy," Annabeth says gently. "You do realize you can tell us anything. And we want to help."

"But you can't," he says quietly.

"Why not?"

Percy shakes his head and stands. He begins to pace before he stops suddenly and bites his lip. He makes a strange noise as if he's in pain.

"Percy?" I ask stepping toward him. He holds up a hand to stop me before he cries out again. And to my horror I watch as golden ichor begins to soak his shirt. A wound appears out of nowhere on his head and begins to bleed.

I grab his arm and I'm vaguely aware Annabeth had done the same. He cries out in pain again before he literally slips through my fingers. Like I wasn't there. Like he was a ghost...

He collapses to the ground and lies still but the ichor doesn't stop flowing. We try to pick him up and move him but our fingers but we pass right through him.

"It's like when you used too much of your power," Reyna tells me. "Hedge and I couldn't touch you. You were an actual shadow."

I nod. "He's like a ghost."

Annabeth pales. "He's not-"

"Wrong word," I say quickly. "He's not dead. And do gods even have ghosts? Don't they just fade?"

"Not helping," Hazel says.

"But, I don't get it," Frank says. "How is he getting hurt?"

"That's why he can't tell us how he escaped," Annabeth says paling even more.

Reyna nods catching on. "He didn't."

"But how is he here then?" Calypso asks.

Annbeth only looks at Percy sadly. "I have no idea."



So like I said before this will be very short. Like less than ten chapters.

Just to remind you.

So... How is Percy there?

I wanna laugh at- I mean see your theories!

See Ya Creeps!

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