Chapter 2

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Aella slowly open her eyes, immediately after a white light blinds her eyes. She slowly blinks her eyes to adjust. After a while, she notice she was in a wooden cabin which looks like to be in a forest.

The sight almost made her smile. Before going to war, the seven of them had always live in the forest practicing magic everyday. To be more specific, the Demon Forest in the Land of the Unknown. 

Unknown to the world, the Demon Forest was abundant in mana, it could sometimes be describe as almost suffocating in mana. Even though its name is Demon Forest, it was no where near scary. There were many magical creature that lives there. Herbs that can be use to refine medicine are found everywhere in the forest. Even weeds can be consider a rare herb in the outside world!

The only reason it was name the Demon Forest was because it was complete hidden from the outside world, and it was in the Land of the Unknown.

Humans at that time wanted to explore the Land of the Unknown but coincidentally they all had weak magic and died. Countries became more conscious about the land and restricted people from entering it. However, it all changed after a human return to the mainland after entering the land of the Unknown.

Aella then shakes her head choosing to stop thinking about it. Because of that human, her pleasant time in the Demon Forest got disturbed. She even got killed because of the power struggle!

She was deep in thought about how she hated the particular human. He was still young at that time, maybe 40 or so.

In Caelum, a person's lifespan depends on the amount of magic power they have. If a human has a big amount of mana, they could live the same lifespan as some of the other races! The average lifespan of the human race is consider the shortest out of all the races that exists.

In her previous life, she could have live over 600 years but she unfortunately died young.

" Are you awake yet, Aella?" a voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She slowly looked at the direction of the voice to see a girl with light blue hair.

Aella unconsciously froze, she scanned the girl from top to bottom. Her lips quivered at the familiar sight.

Oh how she missed seeing her light blue hair shines in the sun, and her pink eyes that looks like jewels.

" ARA!" She jumped to hug Ara tightly. Feeling the familiar warm, and the breezy scent of the sea calming her.

"Hello to you,too"

"Where were you? When Everest and I were getting tortured, where were all of you?" Aella shouted, tears running down her cheeks like waterfall.

" We were also getting torture in one way or another, coincidentally we all died at the same time on the same day." Ara gently patted Aella's head, smiling bitterly.

" I thought you guys abandon both of us, and was living in luxury. I didn't think that we all went through the same thing."

" It's okay now, we all got reincarnated and is together in the end right? Our goal right now is to increase our magic powers and mana capacity to get revenge so stop crying okay?" Ara gently wiped her tears.

" Yeah, we have to get stronger."

" So how was the trip to memory lane?"

" Don't remind me of it. The beginning half was amazing but towards the end..." Aella shuddered.

" You were surprisingly fast, only unconscious for 3 days." Another voice said. Aella looked at the direction to see a girl with green hair leaning against the door, grinning.

" EVEREST!" She shouted, running over to hug the purple head.

" You're as energetic as ever, huh."

" Miss you too!"

" So Aella, do you notice anything different in your vision?" Ara asked.

Aella slowly looked around, trying to pick up anything strange. She then noticed a window like panel in front of every object she looks at. She slowly looks at Everest to see the same panel in front of the girl.

  [ STATUS ]
Name: Everest Wynngate
Race: Demi-God
Age: 20
MP: 20 000/ 20 000
HP: 100/ 100
Magic: Earth
         - Poison
         - Telepathy
         - Time/ Space
Core: 98%
Skill: ???

Aella slowly realized it shows the status of the object or person she is standing in front of.

" I see a panel which shows Everest's status."

" We figure. When we got our memories back, we all have the ability to see a subject's status. We concluded that God has given us this skill as part of the compensation." Ara explains.

" We also could you use an exclusive spell that could let us see our own status. This skill will definitely help us get stronger and make better plans." Everest continues.

" Interesting... I wonder if I can use it?'

" You probably can, God won't leave you out on an exclusive skill.  Just say appraisal."

" Appraisal"

  [ System Loading...]






[ Loading Complete]

   [ STATUS ]
Name: Aella Ynnjer
Race: Demi-God
Age: 23
MP: 5000/5000
HP: 99/100
Magic: Air
     - Gravity
Core: 99%
Skill: ???

She scanned the panel slowly, looking at the low amount of MP she has. There were also many questions marks that indicates her hidden skill?

" Why are there so many question marks?" She looked at Everest then at Ara.

" Those are skills or elements that you haven't acquired yet. You might have notice that your MP is quite low. Don't be so disappointed, ours was like yours when we just unlock our memories."

" You can also choose to hide some of your status. It can only be done if you know that the person is using appraisal on you. Or if their powers are stronger than you." Everest explained.

" The conversation is getting lengthy, lets save all those comments when we meet the rest of us." Ara then stands up heading to the door.

The three slowly walk through the woods. Aella then realized that she was indeed in the Demon Forest, and that cabin was her old bedroom! How could she not notice that?

Smiling gently, she started to look around. The familiar sight comforting her.

She then remembered all her contracted beasts. She wondered if they are still with her since she signed the oath of souls.

In Caelum, contracted beast are spirits that comes from the spirit realm. They would often come down to 3D worlds for entertainment. Some would come down to find a companion to sign the oath with.

There are 4 types of Oath:

- Oath of Allegiance
This oath is only temporary, it is use mostly in in missions. Beast that has a physical form would go on missions provided by guild, they then would form this oath to prevent betrayal. After the mission is completed, the beast will no longer be restricted with the contractor.
Consequences of breaking the oath: Loosing all magical energy, and will no longer be able to use magic ( aka cripple)

- Oath of Superior
This oath makes the beast a slave to its contractor. It is often a forced decision on the beast, and used mostly in Auctions. Beasts that gets captured and gets auction for money normally forms a hatred towards its contractor. It may attacks its contractor despite the consequences. The beast has to follow the contractor's order no matter what. Fortunately this oath is very uncommon even in auction houses nowadays.
Consequences: Beast dying

-Oath of Bonds
This oath is the most common and the safest to make. Both sides will have equal rights, the beast can refuse any order if it doesn't want to do it. If the contractor dies, the beast will be able to find a new contractor. If the beast dies, the oath will no longer be valid.
Consequences of betraying: The side who is at fault will die and will have to wait 50 years before getting a new life.

-Oath of Souls
This oath is the rarest, it could be consider legendary. It could only happen if the soul of the contractor is compatible with the beast. The chances that will happen is 1: 10 000 000. When the oath is made, the souls of both sides will forever be intertwined ven after death. If one side passed away, the other will also follow. Because of that, even if the beast has a compatible contractor, it will have to take heavy consideration before making the oath.
Consequences of betraying: The soul will be stored in the darkest depth of hell eternally.

I made the Oath of Souls to all of my beast so it must follow me through reincarnation. After meeting with the rest of the girls, I will summon them.

"We are here." Everest announced.

Aella look at the familiar big cabin in front of them, this was the place where they all hang out and eat together. It was the place where they used the most and made the most memories with each other.

" Are you ready?" Ara asked smiling softly.

Aella nodded, Everest and Ara slowly backed to make room for Aella. She then walked up to the door, gripping the doorknob she slowly twist it and push the door open. She then slowly step inside, the familiar sight once again enveloped her.

" Good to finally see you awake." a voice said, followed by laughter.

" It really has." A voice murmured.

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