Chapter 4

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It took the group over a week to fully investigate the royal family. By the end of the week, the had noted all of the habits and hobbies of the princes, fortunately the rumour seems to be true. Well at least to the civilian's eye, behind the kind facade of the princes, each of them are secret trouble makers.

The first prince, Edmund Hyight Raefinguil, is a completely cold-blooded sadist. He nurture his energy on torturing his maids which all are masochists. His mother is the current empress, Melita Heroydrat.

The second prince, Ian Tyrn Raefinguil, is a tyrant just like his middle name. He is also known as the empire's mad hunter. His mother is concubine Cecile Sutcliffe, one of the emporer's favoured concubine.

The third prince, Heath Lynch Raefinguil, has a talent of " accidentally" destroying valuable things when he gets mad. No one, not even his parents wants to anger him in fear of loosing property. His mother is concubine Aflead Beaumont but unfortunately does not have the emperor's favour.

The fourth and fifth prince, Lucas Zync Raefinguil and Luke Zync Raefinguil are twins. They are consider the troublemakers inside the palace. They constantly pull pranks on the staff, their brothers and even the emperor. They have the same mother as Ian, concubine Aflead.

The sixth prince, Alden Kor Raefinguil, is consider the place's playboy. He always hit on the maids and the ladies that enters the palace, and sleep with one at least every night. His mother is concubine Sonja Cakliffe, who has passed away when he was 5.

Finally the youngest of the royal family, Oscar Auke Raefinguil, is a completely a narcissistic. He is extremely self-centric. His mother is concubine Beatrice Terrynt, a commoner but is the emperor's lover.

" Wow, so there's a sadist, a tyrant, a destructive prince, 2 troublemakers, a bastard, and a narcissist? I fear that the next generation will destroy the country." Ara said looking at the reports.

" Are we truly going to be their bodyguards? By this information alone, I already don't want to step near the country." Everest said.

" But they are the best and fastest way for us to build a good background. If we go to other countries they won't even glance as us since we are a different race. If we get the job, we will have some support of the imperial family." Blaze said.

" What are their levels?" Lucy asked.

" About 15-25, they are considered to be geniuses of the entire continent." Tinuviel said making everyone froze.

Geniuses of the entire continent??? How is that possible? Before the war, reaching the level 30 is still considered an amateur and won't have a very good job. They won't even pass some of the requirements in most noble families! How did it change to this?

" What?"

" It's true. The average level of all races is about 25. You can be a guild elder when you pass level 30. There are even some people that are over 70 and have level 20 magic." Tinuviel said.

" How did it change that much. We definitely over estimated the difficulty of this mission." Lucy said.

" Lucy, how did you not know? Aren't you the one who was awaken the longest?" Aella asked.

" It is true that I was the first to awaken but that doesn't mean that I wanted to explore the society. I just join the guild when I was 10 and started taking missions. Even after getting my memories back when I was 10, I didn't bother looking around. Now thinking back, people were all staring at me when I finished S level missions."

" I also noticed that monsters we train with are much more weaker. Even the ones who was suppose to be at level 70, was at level 30."

" So what you mean is that we are considered to be geniuses?" Blaze asked.

" I guess so. Now that we know the levels of the princes, even if they are considered to be troublesome. We can always deal with them when they cross the line." Lucy concluded.

" Let's just go with it. It's the best choice after all." They all nodded.

' Now that we're done with that, what should we do about the 2 little shadows that has been watching us?'

' We should just finish them then send a message to their master.'

' I agree, it will save us the burden.'

' Me, too. They feel like they're from the demon race.'

' Do you think their master is the demon lord?'

' It's possible but why are they watching us.'

' I think it's because of what their ancestors left them. It was a message that in the future, a group of people with incredible magic will appear and something like that.'

' Oh yeah, that message or was it prophecy? Either way, I don't think we should kill their underlings. The demon race wasn't apart of the group that killed us so just let them go. We will also send a message to their master along with the birds.' Ara said.

They all agreed and went back discussing about their plan. The audition for the bodyguard will take place a week from tomorrow. After they rest for the night, they would start their trip to Raefinguil's main city, Ekiley.

The emperor and empress of Raefinguil is having their weekly dinner with all of the princes. They were all eating silently before a voice spoke up.

" Imperial father, I heard that you will be holding a competition to hire new bodyguards next week." The second prince, Ian said.

" That's right but we have so many guards here, why do we need more. Just hire some one randomly, no need to hold a test." Heath said.

" That won't be right, I'm holding the competition to find each of you a personal bodyguard." The emperor announced.

Then sounds of dropping utensils and people almost choking with some pushing their chair to stand up. The princes were clearly not expecting this outcome.

"WHAT!!!" They all shouted.

" We definitely don't need that." Edmund said.

" I'm able to fight, and well at that." Oscar said.
Then various reasons got listed from the 7 princes until the emperor shut them up.

" You should all know by know that the outside is getting more dangerous. Even though you guys are considered to be geniuses, there is always a possibility that someone will be much stronger than you. You are all royalty and protecting you is top priority." The empress finally spoke her first sentence, immediately silencing them.

The princes remain frozen for some time until they willingly agreed. Everything then became normal with no one daring to utter a word.

And dinner slowly came to an end.


The next morning, the group of girls woke up early and all went to the main area. They all started making breakfast and discuss the plan. They then went back to their cabin to pack some things and went to the departing ground.

The departing ground is a cliff that is use to give speed when they ride their spirit beast. It gives the beast more momentum and a better boost.

" Everyone had put their luggage in their space correct?" Lucy asked

Space is apart of the element of space/time. This element could be considered as a legend since their is no one that has this element, except the girls. The space is use as a storage area that does not exist in the physical world. Each space is located between time and space and can only be use by it's owner. The space is also timeless and won't age anything that is in it. If the owner dies, everything in their space would also disappear or won't be found in a long time.

" Let me explain again, we will all ride our beast to Quator, and then rent a mount to travel to Elikey from there. So are we ready?"

They all nodded and summoned their beast.
Then 7 different portals appeared and the beast walk through, entering Caelum.
During the week, Aella has already greeted all of her beast and started to train her magic. Her appraisal ability has also upgraded, it now shows the magic level the person has.

Each beast has it's own feature and characteristic which is similar to their contractor.

Lucy has a huge navy dragon, little purple, black, and red could be seen littered on its skin. Like his contractor, he is quiet, smart and powerful. He is very good at leading the group.

Tinuviel contracted a black panther. When it flies, an invisible pair of of aura-like wings appear. He is also very secretive and is good at spying at enemies. He can disappear into shadows to do his job.

Aella has a light yellow griffin. Unlike others, he doesn't guard treasures. He is very loyal and is shy around new people. He is good at flying long distances and has amazing stamina.

Ara has a light blue water hippocampus, it has beautiful white and blue wings. He is calm and is good at illusions.

Ivar contracted a Light hippogriff, it has a brown pair of wings that has various colors at the tip. It is extremely courageous and experienced in fights. He is also very chatty and gossipy.

Everest contracted an Earthly wolf with a pair of gray wing. It is very fast and is good at finding ways and knows the right direction. It's also efficient in alchemy and potions.

Blaze has a fiery tiger, instead of white, it's stripes are red while the rest is white. It is hot headed but very good at fights. It also good at setting up arrays and trap.

After they had summon their beast, they then mounted them and started their journey toward Elikey. They arrived at Quator after a day. They decided to stay at an inn since it was late. Every inn was surprisingly busy, most of them were all full except a small tiny inn that is far from the main village.

They decided to go their since they no longer have a choice. The inn was quiet and the price was reasonable unlike the ones near the centre. They ordered some food, secretly sending some over to their hungry beast.
Because of the bond, they could talk telepathically to their beast and send some things over to the spirit realm.

During the wait for the food, they eavesdrops on a pair of workers. They were currently gossiping about the latest stories. One of the story interested the group. It was about the competition for the bodyguard position.

" I heard this time around, they are allowing women to participate."

" Really, that's stupid. Women can't fight, they just seat at home doing chores and warm their bed waiting for their husband." Followed by laughter from the pair.

The comment angered Blaze, she wanted to come over there and beat the guy up but was stop by Ara.

' Just ignore them. '

Blaze wanted to disagree but eventually calm down but that didn't mean that she would let them go. She just have to be away from the scene to act.

So after they had dinner, they went up to their rooms. Before going up, she silent casted a spell on the pair, she didn't want to kill them but just wanted to torture them for a bit.

After a while, the pair finally decided to leave the inn. When they left the building, they were uddenly attack by a bunch of dogs. The dogs kept chasing them until they reached their homes. When they did, they were covered in bruises and dog bites.

' You troublemaker, I'm almost certain that the twin princes won't be as bad as you.' Lucy sighed making Blaze laugh.

This trip is already so troublesome.

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