Welcome to Puberty, Dearest Paladin!

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Waking up sucked. Keith had awoken to bright lights in his face, his chest feeling heavy, and his stomach cramping. He winced, hand moving to touch the pained area with his cold fingers.

"Keith! You're awake!" Pidge exclaimed as Keith opened his eyes slowly. His mouth tasted like dry prunes, and his fingers were stiff on his abdomen. He hummed in response, not letting himself talk to save his dry mouth.

"How're you feeling?" Shiro's voice entered the conversation. The lights were then dimmed and Keoth could open his eyes fully. Although his eyelids still felt heavy, he kept his eyes open to look around the room.

He was in the med bay, dressed in his clothes, and lying on a cot in the corner. His jeans felt a bit loose , his shirt a bit tight. He sighed, he really didn't want to change his wardrobe. Especially since all the others clothes on the ship were out of style alien clothes.

"How're you feeling, number 4?" Coran asked as he entered Keith's vision. Keith glanced up at him and gave a weak smile. Coran looked confused, "Can you speak, Keith?"

"I'm good." Keith rasped. His lips were softly stuck together. They separated with a twinge of pain. He ignored it.

His voice was softer than before. Smooth like honey and higher than he was used to. A feeling of wrong blossomed like a flower in his core. The petals branching out to his breasts and other feminine features.

"How're you feeling, Keith?" Shiro questioned as Keith sat up. Shiro placed is arm at the middle of Keith's spine to steady him. Keith groaned softly.

"Good." He repeated, stretching his legs out as his arms supported his weight.

Hunk opened the door and walked in. He carried a tray of hot drinks. A woody aroma filled the room. Steam escaped the cups peacefully. The smell of the drinks making Keith's mouth water.

Lance came trailing behind and stopped. He gaped openly at Keith.

"Woah! Mullette's hot!"

His remark not only make Keith's heart be stabbed by the thorns of dysmorphia, but it caused the Cuban to get hit in the back of the knees by Pidge. As he came crashing to the ground, Pidge shot Keith a small smile.

"He's still Keith, idiot." Pidge said.

"Yeah... just with..."

Hunk trailed off. He winced as he realized how offensive he could be with the wrong word choice. Keith's expression softened.

"You can say it. It's okay. I have breasts and a vagina. It's not taboo." His voice was growing stronger as his throat got used to air.

Lance's face grew red with a burning blush.

"Sorry, Dude." He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

"So, the mission." Keith started, causing the subject to change. Shiro hummed in response.

"We're gonna need to prep for it. And take a trip to the space mall for supplies."

"But Allura said you could borrow her clothes." Keith stood up shakily, revealing his height several feet shorter. Shiro grimaced, "I- I think we should head to the mall after all. Keith, your clothes good for now?" He asked. Keith found himself blushing as he looked down at himself. His hips had grown and his sides hurt, blood trickled down his thighs as he pressed them together.

"I'm, I'm- Uh, yeah. I'm fine to go right now."

Guess my black pants will just have to be bled on.

Keith decided as his heart continued to hurt.

"Then let's go!" Lance decided, Keith being pulled out the door.

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