1- Bus stop

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Hello guys I'm doing some major editing on this book that's why all the chapters are not up, even tho the book is complete. I'm not going to change the story line but have to do lot of correction work.

Those who have read, liked and support this book, thank you so much. Those who are new here - WELCOME dear, if you feel any confusions ask me.

Tip for the new readers : play little attention on the date and time.



6 am

"Yes unnie I just reached the bus stop. Yeah I know the bus no. 205. Ofcourse I also have the address.... I need this job, unnie. I really want to go to japan quickly.....what family unnie, I can't handle it anymore, they want me to get marry to the son of appa's new business partner... No, I don't wanna meet anyone.. I feel like I am some toy or product for them which they want to use for their business. Unnie...... Yes I'll do my best for get this job but I am very nervous for the interview :("

She wrote those words on the big white ad board hanging at the bus stop while waiting for her bus.


4 pm

I am very nervous for the interview :(

Fighting *\(^-^)/*

Her bus reached and she got down at the bus stop to go back to her home after the job interview, when she subconsciously glance at the hanging ad board where someone replied to wrote down on the same board below her words which she wrote in the morning as a habit of writing and drawing whatever and where ever, as she always does this to practice for her job as webtoon artist. A little smile formed on her face and she walked toward her home..



8 am

"Yes yes yes unnie... I am so happy, I did a few mistakes but Jeon Jungkook ssi said I'll learn, I have the potential... No unnie, I haven't received any call regarding interviews at the first two company of Lee Media and HSH Anime House , but last night I screamed when I got call secretary of Jeon Jungkook ssi, telling me I finally got the job ^-^".
She informed her sister over the phone with a big grin on her face, waiting for the bus 205, going for her first day of job.
And as usual of her habit she did the scrabbling on the white ad board again.

7 pm

I finally got the job ^-^

yeyy ^o^

she gazed at the white board with awe when she reached the sub stop returning home. Some one, again, wrote a little massage below her words which she just-wrote-because-she-had-a-pen-in-her-hand. She chuckled at this childish play, thinking how some one even noticed it and left walking in the direction of her home with sweet thoughts.



8 am

"Unnie, it's not my fault. She started it. Why appa always takes her favor just because she is the daughter of his current wife who is the ceo in a big company..... I know, I should not use profanity but... unnie she was talking rubbish about our eomma and you and.... ughhhh how you are telling me to ignore that bitch. But..... Aishhh fine, I will try to control my anger...... Well she was right about one point I look like an ugly duck hahaha.... omo my bus is coming, call you later bye"
She hanged up and got into the bus but before that she used her pan against the ad board wall again.


7 pm

I look like an ugly duck -_-

I look like a Potato ㅋㅋㅋ

Her jaw dropped when she saw those words written on the ad board just below her's, thinking who-is-this-potato, may be some kid or what is its a stalker.. so she took out the pen from her bag and draw a little eomji of shock face below it, out of curiosity.

I look like an ugly duck -_-

I look like a Potato ㅋㅋㅋ




8 am

"Aigoo! dont worry Unnie I took medicines. Ahaa.. yes! its very cold here. No.. no.. my boss is nice, he said I can take rest today too, if I am not feeling well, but Japan is more important right now then my health. Aishh... don't nag like eomma now. I am getting on the bus, byeee" she put the phone in her pocket and got in the bus quickly that she forgot checking the white ad board on the wall.


7 pm

I look like an ugly duck -_-

I look like a Potato ㅋㅋㅋ





She stared at the ad board without blinking her eyes, there were three emoji drawn below her's which she drew two days ago.. first she thought some child is doing all this but she got a little worried this time, thinking if this person is a stalker, but she got more curious so she took out the pen from her pocket and wrote Stalker ???



8:30 am

"Yes unnie my work is going good don't worry... Yeah I am not picking any fight with her.... Yes I am eating alot and sleep alot too... Yes I do take care of myself while going office and coming back home at night... Yes.. yes.. yes.. ahjumma bye bye" she luaghed at her sister asking so many questions like her old grandma. She turned around to check the white board and her mouth opened same like the emoji drawn on it.

I look like an ugly duck -_-

I look like a Potato ㅋㅋㅋ





Stalker ???


She saw a little school going boy standing on the same bus stop and asked him if he has seen anyone drawing this emoji on the white board, he replied with no and got into his school bus.

She just stand there looking at all the massages written on the board, there were few posters pasted on it and few other small drawing by crayon which must have been done by school kids.

Curiosity took over her and without thinking anything more about who this potato person could be, she took out her pen and draw an emoji again with a little laugh on this childishness and got into her bus for the work.

Stalker ???




7:20 pm

She got off the bus quickly just to look at the white board if there is any more massage or emoji. She was thinking about it whole time during her work as well. She was getting more and more curious about this self proclaimed Potato. And there was a huge smile formed on her face when she saw the new emoji drawn following her's. She immediately took out her pen from the pocket and draw another one below it and walked off laughing at all this, as it was a new fun game for her.

Stalker ???



so alike o3o




8 am

"Unnie my boss said we may go to japan for a project, I am very excited... ummm no appa did not said anything about meeting that guy or marriage recently, why??
Did you talk to him about this? Hmmm, I just hope appa let me do my job or else I'll move out. I don't want to be a puppet, unnie.... hehehe yeah I am glad I got this job and now life seems interesting to me... What.. no... no unnie, I am not having any crush or anything.. sure take care bye" she cut the call and ran toward the bus stop to check the hanging board excitingly.

so alike o3o

o.O ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

cute *u*


7 pm

She got off the bus with a pen ready in her hand to reply on the board. And as expected there was a little eomji for her, telling her that her laugh is cute which brought a smile ran on her lips cutely. For a second little fearful thought came in her mind but she just shrugged it off and draw some thing again as a reply.

so alike o3o

o.O ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

cute *u*

a small bottle with JAMS written on it



8:300 Am

She looked at the white board with no new massage on it, thinking may be that Potato did not get the joke. Its been two days and her little fun seems over now. May be someone was just messing with her and actually there was no potato or anything. She sighed and got in the bus.


7:30 pm

She got off the bus and started walking toward her home when suddenly she realised that she did not checked the ad board. But there was no massage in the morning so why going back to check it again. She stopped on her way having a debate about it for a second but then she walked in the direction of her house.



8 am

"Yup I got my visa ready. I dont know how many days we have to stay there for the project, unnie.... Huhh... why appa would be upset. Its just Christmas, he never even cared about my birthday.. unnie, call you later, have to go now" she cut the call and stood frozen looking at the white board.

cute *u*

a small bottle with JAMS written on it


ㅇㅅㅇ ???

She draw another the emoji, thinking may be the Potato-person felt offended or Got-no-jams, then got in the bus heading toward her office.


7:15 pm

She stepped out from bus hoping to see a new massage. And what she saw there was a small kakaotalk emoticon drawing, telling her that potato was sick or hurt and made her which smile vanished. But she was very impressed by the artistic skill of the person whosoever is playing this I-dont-know-what-to-name-it childish game. So she took out her pen and draw again.


ㅇㅅㅇ ???




8:30 am

"Yes I finished all the packing, umm the flight is at night. No, my company will send cab to pick me as its a group project we will go together... Hmm I am very excited. Unnie, I will take care..... I am big girl now dont worry, hahaha I'll send you pictures, bye for now" she put the phone in her pocket and took out her pen. she giggled looking at the small drawing of an emoticon again. who ever is doing this is surely cute but W-H-O and W-H-Y, stalker or secret admirer. This time she draw a little information for the potato and get in her bus heading to her office.






5 pm

she came back early from her office, but before heading home she wanted to check the ad board, there was a big grin on her face thinking how this person always manage to make her smile and cheer up. And now she wanted to know who this person really is but not today, so in reply she also draw a little emoticon, and headed home quickly.






2:30 pm

"Yes unnie I reached home at 5am in the morning so I slept alot , I was tired, sorry my phone because it ran out of batter.. aishhh I did put it on for charging but i dont know when i fall for sleep. Ughhh..sorry.....Ahh no I am not going office. We got off for two days..... Yup the project is going good we may go again and it was fun.... No, I am just going out with Bae Moyoon... Hmm.. omo unnie i'll call you later" she cut the call when her eyes landed on the white ad board hanging at the bus stop. She stood there staring at all the massages for her from that STALKER POTATO..

(A/n - so who girl is ? ㅋㅋㅋ haven't introduce the girl yet SURPRISE lolololol n what do you think about stalker potato ?? creepy or fun ??) ....................................................................................................................................................


apologize for the grammar error and i hope u like it..

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