Chapter 8

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I wake up to the sound of hooves stomping in the mud and shouting. I come out of where I am and look on what's happening. I see, that looks like generals shouting and stomping around. I see Moonlight talking to some one in the distance. I start to walk out as I walk into some one else again. I shake my head as I feel a bit dizzy. I look up and see a dapple grey. He snorts and shoots me a glare.

He huffs. "Well it's the little mare again" He says.
"Yeah and your problem is?" I question and hiss.
"Hey guys!" He nickers as he calls his buddy's over,"Remember this mare from last night?".
"Yeah I do, she's the one who got into a fight with Dakota" The paint spats.
"Well let's teach her a rule that every one knows" He hisses as all three of them get closer.

I see Moonlight trotting over. One of his friends nips at her shoulder causing her to fall and squirm. I watch her, then I look back up as he is inching closer. I back up into a tree causing me to get trapped.

Nice going star.

I see him really close to my nose, until I snap and bite his snout, causing it to bleed a bit. I was about kick him then BAM! I was knocked to the ground, struggling to stand I see blurs every where. The next thing I knew I drift out of consensuses.

I wake up on the muddy ground covered in it. I raise my head to see Moonlight and Dakota talking. I stand to my feet shaking the dirt off.

"Oh my gosh! Your alright" She squeals walking over. As I stand looking around I notice that Dakota had an expression on his face that seemed very unappealing.

"What do you think you were doing!?" He snorts.
"Hmm I don't know trying to defend myself, before I was knocked out!" I hiss.

He squints his eyes at me and walks away, knowing that I was right. I look at Moon, then back at my muddy coat.

"Um, where can I get cleaned off at?" .
"Oh that, just down the hill is a small river. You can jump in there and get cleaned off" She says.
I nod and walk down the hill, slowly and steady, making my way to the river bank. I walk into the cool water relaxing.

"GAAAH!! What are you doing here!?" He speaks lowly.

I jump in the water and looking up to see another angry Dakota. I squint my eyes getting out.

"Well I was trying to get cleaned off, but I guess not now" I hiss.
"Well you can do that I just was um caught off guard, that's all" He says.

I shook my head walking back to camp. I could feel the presence that other horses were talking about me. I quickly walk along back to my tent, knowing tomorrow would be a long day.

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