Coming out of the Shadows

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Hey everyone, sorry for the late update. I wasn't expecting for this chapter to be this hard but it was. I hope that you guys like it since it took me a long time to get it up and running
Yugi ran all the away to the gameshop and up to his room. He locked his bedroom door. He was crying as he ran to the bathroom and open the cubors and grab his knife that he vowed himself that he was never going to do this again.

Yugi grandpa, Solomon Muto, saw his grandson running up to his room crying and went up to his room and knocked on the door.

"Yugi is everything alright"

Yugi didn't answer him as he threw a glass cup at the door, shattering it into pieces.

Solomon heard that and his eyes widened.

"Yugi, Yugi open the door, don't give in" said Solomon

Yugi crying as he stood up and walked over to where the glass peices were and picked one of them up that was sharp.

Solomon knocks on the door again. "Yugi please open the door"

Yugi doesn't answer as his hand grips the glass piece not caring if it was cutting him. Solomon quickly runs downstairs and grabs his phone and calls Joey

"Come on Joey, pick up the phone" he mumbles

Joey was at the dueling area helping clean up their instrument when his phone was ringing.

Seto walked over to it and looked at the caller ID. The ID caller read Solomon Muto. Seto picks it up and walks it over to Joey.

"Puppy, Yugi's grandpa is calling you"he said as he handed him his phone

Joey looks up and takes the phone. "Okay thanks Seto"he walks to the door.

Seto nods and walks back to Yugi's chair and pulled out his digital planner and started to look at duels

Joey picks up the phone and answer it. "Hey Solomon how's Yuge"

Solomon shook his head. "Not good he lock himself in his room"

Joey eyes widened. "What, does he have a knife"

Solomon shook his head. "No but he threw a glass cup at the door and it broke into pieces"

"This can't be good, did you try talking to him"asked Joey

"Yes but he wasn't answering back. Joseph why was he crying. What did you guys do that made him cry"asked Solomon

"Um he was ask the question that we try to stop the person fron asking that question and he kind blew up and you know the rest"said Joey

Solomon nods. "Well can you guys get over fast"

Joey nods. "Of course, we'll be there shortly"

Solomon nods. "Okay see you then, till then I'll try to talk to Yugi"

Joey nods. "Okay"he hangs up

Ryou, Malik, Yusei, Jayden, Yami, Bukura and Marik looks up at Joey

"Well, Joey"asked Ryou

Joey closes his eyes. "We need to get over to the gameshop now"

Malik looked at him confused. "Why"

"Because Yugi is starting to cut himself again, Seto can you get us to the gameshop fast"said Joey as he looks over at his boyfriend

Seto looks up at him and nods. "Yes there is one waiting for us right now"

Joey nods. "Then let's get to it cause we might not have a lot of time to stop him"

Seto nods and walks out of them room. Yami watchs as they all walk out and follow Seto. Joey stays back and looks at Yami.

"Yami, you should come with us"said Joey

Yami P.O.V.
I watch everyone leave the room except for Joey who was staying back, looking at me.

"Yami you should come with us cause you might be the only one who can get him out of his room"he said

I looked at him before looking away. "I don't think I should go with you guys since I'm the reason that he is in this state"

Joey shook his head and put his hand on my shoulder. "Its not you fault"he said "he was already under a lot of stress, so it wasn't your fault"

I slowly nods. "But I don't think he wants to see me and I don't blame him"

Joey sighs. "No he wants to see you. Yami, he likes you"

I shook my head. "No he like this me not my normal self"

Joey looks at him. "Look Yug doesn't judge people from who they are on the outside but on the inside of that person, Yami. He may not know that your not The Pharaoh from the Descendants of Slifer but you wanted to have a normal life so here your chance now. But sooner or later you need to tell him who you really are, Yami"

I looks at him. "You mean he does like the really me or are you just telling me this for me to come with you to Yugi house"

Joey sighed. "Yami, I meant every word that I said to you"

I closed my eyes and nods. "Okay, I'll go with you to Yugis and try to get him out"

Joey smiled. "Thanks Yami, now come on we better catch with everyone"he said as he walked out of the room

I nodded and followed him as I closed Yugi door. Joey looks through his phone as he walks. I sighed and put my hands into my pocket. 'Why didn't I listen to them when they said drop it. This is all my fault. I know that Joey told me that it wasn't my fault but it is. I can understand if Yugi never wants to see me. I don't blame him, I did ask him a very upsetting question. I just hope that we can get him out of his room'

Seto looks at us as we got to the gang. I roll my eyes

"Its about time you guys got out here"he said

"Well we are now and lets get going"I said as I glared at my cousin and got into the car and sat down near the window

Joey got into the car and sat down. Seto sits down next to him. I look around the limo. I saw that Ryou was sitting in Bukura lap as he was shaking with fear.

Bukura wrap his arms around him and said stuff into his ears to try an calm him down.

I look over at Marik to see that he had Malik on his lap too with his eyes close. I look straight in front of me and saw Jayden laying across Yusei lap with his eyes closed. I sighed

Joey was trying get a hold of Solomon to see if he got Yugi out of his room. Seto looks at me.

"Yami are you okay cause you are in deep thought"he asked

I nodded. "Yeah I'm fine"

Seto roses a brow at me. "Yami"

"Seto I'm fine now just drop it"I snapped at him

Seto rolled his eyes. "Fine whatever, your like your brother"he mumble

I growled at him. "I heard that Seto and I'm not like my brother at all"I growled at him

Seto rolls his eyes. "Whatever"

I grumble under my breath as I looked out the window going into deep thought.

Seto was talking to Joey. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep on the way there. When we got there, I felt someone shake me.

"Yami, Yami, wake up we are here" said the voice

I grumble and gently pushed them away. I heard the person growled and I know right of the bat who is was and now I'm going to get it.

Seto growls. "YAMI, WAKE UP!!!"yelled my cousin

I quickly open my eyes and woke up before glaring at him. "Really Seto, you didn't need to yell" I growled as I sat up

I saw my cousin roll his eyes as he climb out of limo. I groan and rub my eyes as I climb out after him. Everyone one else did too. I looked ahead and saw a gameshop. "Is this where he lives?"

Yusei nods. "Yep, Yugi been raised up here by his grandpa when he was little"he said before going in

I followed him inside as Joey lead us up to Yugi's room. Joey tries to open it but the door didn't budge. Joey growls and bangs on the door. "Yug open the door please"

The door doesn't budge. I think. "Bukura can you unlock this door". Bukura chuckles and smirked. "Please this isn't even going to be a challenge"he said as pulls out his tool to unlock door.

Joey looks over with a confused face. "Puppy you might want to step back to let Bukura do his thing"said Seto. Joey nods and takes a step back till he was next to Seto. Bukura walks up to the door and starts unlocking the door.

I watch and waits patiently for the door unlocks. Bukura unlocks the door. "Okay Yami, go on in there and fix this"he said. I nodded as I took a deep breath before opening the door. What I saw made me cry.

Yugi P. O. V
I ran all the way back to my home crying. I pushed through a bunch of people to get through the crowd not caring if they try to stop me and talk to me.

I think back to when Yami ask that question to me

Ryou looks at Yugi. I looks away and sighs.

"I'm the reason"

Yami looks at him. "What do you mean your the reason Yugi"

"We had people from the music industry ask us if we would want to work with them but I always say no. I tell my group that they can go on and do it but with them being great friends they say no cause they don't want to leave me, so I'm the reason that we aren't in the music industry" I said

Yami looks at Jayden. Jayden nods as he leans against Yusie. Yusei wraps his arms around him. Yami sighed quietly and walks over to me. I turned my back onto them and Yami stop.

"Yugi why do you say no to those people"asked Yami

Seto grabs Yami arm. "Yami don't ask him that question"

Yami rolls his eyes and pulls his arm free. "I'm not going to leave it alone Seto, Yugi I want to know"

I closed his eyes and doesn't answer. Jayden looks at Yusei before going over to Yami.

"Yami please just drop it" asked Jayden

Yami shook his head. "No I'm not going to drop it"

I clench his fist. "You want to know Yami, I'll tell you why. BECAUSE OF THE STUPID TITLE THAT I CARRY. YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND THAT!!"I yelled before running out of the room

Yami eyes widened as he watch me run out of the room.

End of flashback

I start to cry again as remember that. I look around to find anything that I can use to cut myself. I found a glass cup and I picked it up then threw it against my bedroom door.

My grandpa heard me throw the glass cup against the door and ran up to my room and knocked on my door. "Yugi, Yugi, you okay? What broke in your room? Please open the door"

I didn't answer as I got up from my bed and went over to where the glass cup broke into millions of pieces. I looked at the glass and picked on up, not caring that it was cutting me. I heard my grandpa knocking on my door trying to let me let him into my room.

I ignore him as I looked at the glass piece in my hand and took a shaky breath before making a mark on my arm. I hissed when I felt the pain slowly. I looked at the mark that I made and saw the blood coming out of it. Oh how I missed this feeling. I began to cut my arm.

I closed my eyes as I cut myself. I didn't hear my grandpa knocking on my door. I smiled at that as I keep cutting myself. I love this feeling. The pain and the blood. I keep going.

After a while I heard someone knocking at my door. I stayed quiet as I keep cutting. I heard Joey voice along with everyone else.

Joey keeps banging on the door. "Yug, please open this door". I didn't move from my spot as I keep cutting. I heard Yami voice outside my door talking to Joey.

"Bukura can you unlock the door"asked Yami. Bukura smiled and nods.

"Of course I can, this is going to be a piece of cake"I heard Bukura say outside my door. I clenched the glass piece hard in my hands as I cut my arm harder. I hear Bukura start to unlock my door.

I didn't care. I just watch the blood flow out of my cuts. I'm crying as I keep cutting. I hear my door unlocked then I hear Bukura voice.

"Okay Yami, the door is unlock. Good luck and don't mess it up more then you did"I heard Bukura say to Yami.

I grip my glass piece harder in my hands then put it right on my shoulder and moved it slowly down my arm. I closed my closed as I felt the blood run down my arm as the glass went down my arm till it reach my wrist. I felt my cuts that I did start to open back up and bleed again.

I heard my door start to open and I looked away. Yami came into my room and his eyes widened. I was crying. Yami ran over to me.

"Yugi, please stop cutting yourself" said Yami as he carefully took the glass piece from my hand. I look at him, crying as I tried to get the glass piece back from him.

"Give me it back!"I yelled as I tried to grab it from him. Yami keep its out of my reach. I growl/crying as I keep trying to reach it.

Yami grab my wrists in one hand as he set the glass piece down on my nightstand and looks at me with his crimson eyes. I looked back at him. My eyes were showing hurt, alone and betrayal. Yami sighed and put his left hand on my cheek and closed his eyes.

I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I looked at him as I heard his voice still having tears run down my face. He pressed his head against mine as he open his eyes to look straight into my amethyst eyes with his crimson eyes.

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you

His voice is so soft and gentle like my mothers was when I was in this state. I blink a couple of time to see if this was real or a trick. I looked into his crimson eyes and saw all that emotion that he had put into this song.

I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
That's why I need you to hear

I closed my eyes and leans my forehead onto his and sang the next part.

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you

Yami looks at me when I sang that verses. I open my amethyst eyes and looks back at him.

And the reason is you
And the reason is you
And the reason is you

Yami smiled softly at me and sang the next part of the song

I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I start to tear back up again. Yami smiled softly and used his thumb to wipe my tears. I smiled a little as I sang the next part

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you

Yami smiled as he keep rubbing his thumb on my cheek. I had forgotten about the glass piece and cutting myself as I look deep into his crimson eyes as he looked deeply into my amethyst eyes.

I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you

I sang the last part with Yami. Our voice were perfect together. Yami gently pressed his forehead against mine still looking at me deep into my eyes.

I look back at him. He closed his eyes. "Yugi, I'm sorry for what I did to you. I didn't know that it would make you do this"he said softly. I looks at him as I closed my eyes. "Its okay, Yami. I shouldn't have yelled at you and ran out of there like I did"I said softly as I keep my eyes closed. Then I felt Yami do something that I wasn't expecting.
Cliffhanger, I know you guys will hate me for doing this

Yami:come on Aibou I want to know what I did

Nuh you get to wait and see

Yami:*pouts then smirks*your going to get punishment

*blushes*noooooooo*drops phone and runs away

Yami:come on Aibou, you know you like it*walks after him*hope you guys like this chapter that my Aibou did

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