Getting to know the New Kid

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Normal P. O. V

Yami glared at his cousin. "Really, Seto" he mutter under his breath. Seto laughed and smiled. "Yes really now go before I make you go" he said. Yami rolled his eyes before walking over to Yugi. Yugi was busy talking to Tristan and Duke. Yami stop next to them. "Hey guys mind if I borrow Yugi" he asked. Tristan and Duke looked at each other and smiled. "Sure, see you later Yugi" said Tristan before heading over with Duke to Téa, Mia, Seto and Joey. Yami looked over at Yugi. Yugi looked at him blushing a little. Yami smiled. "So you must be Yugi"he asked. Yugi nods. "Yeah, that's me and you must be Seto cousin Yami" he said. Yami nods. 'Wow his voice is really cute, wait why am I thinking about this. How can he be cute if I just met him' Yami shook his head to clear it before looking at Yugi. "Yep that's me. The one and only"he said. Yugi nods. "So I'm guess that your new to school since I've never seen you here before" he said as he fix his backpack. Yami nods. "Yeah, do you think you can give me a tour around before school starts" he asked. Yugi nods. "Yeah come on, we don't have a lot of time before the bell rings for school to start" he said as he turned around and started to walk. Yami smiled before running after him. Yugi was walking as he open the front doors. Yami looked around as he went into the school. "Well the area that we were just at was the school yard. Most students will go out there to hang or to wait for friends" said Yugi as let the doors close. Yami nods as he looked at him. "So its pretty much the hang out area before school starts" said Yami. Yugi nods. "You call it that and this is the front entrance of the school. The office is in that couner. That's where we'll get your schedule" said Yugi as he walked over to the office. Yami nods and follows him. "Okay hey Yugi"said Yami. Yugi looks over his shoulder at him as he walked to the office. "Yeah what's up, Yami" he asked. "Well I was wondering if you saw where my two friends went" he asked asbhe walked next to him. Yugi shook his head. "No sorry I was just about to asked you the same question"he said as he open the office doors. Yami nods. "Okay just asking cause they just left with your two friends when we got there" he said. Yugi smiled and nods. Yami smiled back. Yugi looks ahead again as he walks and opens the door. Yami watch him and follows him. 'I really want to ask him if he wants to show me around Domino but should i? Will he agree it or will he turn me away. Why I'm I thinking about this. Do I like him or do I love him...ugh stop think about it like that. Your not Mark and Bukura who will just ask them out right off the bat. Come on Yami, stop think about it. Focus on just getting through the class' though Yami in his head as he walks into the office. Yugi was already in there talking to the office person. Yami walked up next to him. Yugi looks over at him. "Yami what's your last name cause this lady needs your last name so she can print out your schedule" he said. "Its Sennen, Yami Sennen" said Yami. The office lady nods and types it into the computer. Yami looks over to see what Yugi was doing. Yugi was writing in his notebook that he had out. Yami peaks over his shoulder to see what he was writing. Yugi was writing a song that he just thought of. Yami was surprised to see him writing a song. 'Wow he writes song. Wow, wonder what his voice is like. Maybe I should ask him if he wants to try out for that singer part but that would give it away that I'm the band leader and singer and I don't want to blow my cover. I'll have Duke drops off some form here at the school then my cover wouldn't be blown. Can't wait to hear this song' though Yami as he looks at it. The office lady cleared her throat once she had printed the schedule out. Yami looks at her and takes the schedule. Yugi holds his notebook close to his chest as he peaks over at it. Yugi thank the lady before leaving the office. Yami follows him out. "So Yugi, do you know where these classes are"he asked. "Let me see your schedule" said Yugi. Yami nods and hands him his schedule. Yugi looks at and smiled. "Yami, you have the same classes as me" he said. Yami looks at him. "Really". Yugi nods. "Yep, so I'll just lead you around the school. But let's go to your locker so you can put your stuff away before we go to math class" he said. Yami smiled and nods. "Okay lead the way, Yugi" he said. Yugi nods and hands him back his schedule before starting to walk. Yami followed him.

Time skip(cause I'm too lazy and not feeling really good) ~~~~~

After school, Yugi, Ryou and Malik walked over to their friends that we waiting outside the school gates. Yami come out of the school with Bukura and Marik fighting with each other. Yami groaned as he rolled his eyes. Yugi looks over and giggles at it before leaving the school with Joey and Seto. Yami looked over at him. "Guys I'll meet you back to hotel later and no bring Ryou and Malik to the hotel"said Yami. Marik and Bukura crossed their arms. "What that's no fun, why can't we take them go the hotel"said Bukura. "Because do you want to get expose that we are the band members of Descendants of Slifer"said Yami. Bukura shurg. "So we have to tell them if we go out with them"said Marik. Bukura nods. "True". Yami groans. "I know, but just not now"he said. Bukura groans. "Fine but we aren't going to like it"he said. Yami nods. "I don't care if you guys aren't going to like it well anyways I got to leave, see you guys later"he said and runs over to Yugi, Joey and Seto. Yugi was busy with looking at his deck getting it ready for the duel today. Yami ran to them. "Hey Seto, Joey and Yugi, wait up"he yelled. Seto, Joey and Yugi stop and looked at him. Yami caught up with me. "Hey guys mind if I hang out with you guys"he asked. Yugi nods. "Of course you can, you don't have to ask"said Yugi. Yami smiled. "Okay so what are you guys going" he asked. "We're going to the duel area, Yuge here has a duel with a person who wants to take away his title"said Joey. Yugi rolled his eyes. "Yeah but that's not till later" he said. Yami smiled. "Wow a duel I would really like to see you duel" he said. "Really, I mean they are just boring" said Yugi. "I have a feeling that its not going to be boring" said Yami. Yugi nods. "Okay if you really want to then I'm not going to stop you"he said. Yami smiled. "Okay, hey guys I'm going to borrow Yugi if you guys don't mind"he asked. Seto and Joey nods. "Sure but just make sure that he not late for the duel, Yami"said Seto. Yami nods. "I know, Seto and he won't be late" he said smiling. Seto sighs and nods. "Alright, see you at the duel, Yugi. Don't be late"he said before walking away with Jeoy. Yugi rolled his eyes as he shook his head before laughing. Yami chuckled. "Yugi can you show me around town please since I don't know this place like you do" he asked looking at him. Yugi nods and looks back at him. "Of course I can, like I said before you don't have to ask. I'm more then happy to take you around Domino" he said smiling. Yami chuckled and smiled. "Okay I'll try to remember that"he said. Yugi smiled and started to walk. Yami followed him. "So Yugi, tell me a little bit about yourself" said Yami trying to create a conversation. "Well I'm 15 years old, I live with my Grandpa, I work at his workshop on the weekend, I like duel monster, I'm the king of games, very shy and quiet, I do really good in school and I'm a only child" said Yugi. Yami nods. "Okay sounds like you have a easy life"said Yami. Yugi shook his head. "Not really,  I mean I love my grandpa and love duel monster but...."said Yugi. "But you want to do more in your in life"said Yami looking at him. Yugi nods as he put his hands in his pockets and looks at him. "Yeah I know there's more in the world. I mean I wish I had the life that The Pharaoh has.  He seems to have it all. Explore the world,  visit other place,  getting to stay in hotels with lots of people that love you. He has it all"said Yugi as he looks away. Yami looks at him. "Yeah most people think that he has it easy but its not. He has a lot of stuff each day to do. He wishes that he had a life like you do. Just get to be normal"said Yami going over to a bench and sitting down on it. Yugi looks at him and goes over there. "Really, I wish I could meet him and date him" said Yugi. Yami looks at him. 'I wish I can tell him who I really am but he would just probably leave if I told him. But if I want to go out with him then I need to tell him the truth so he doesn't dump me when we are or if we do. I guess I'll have to tell him just like Bukura told meI guess he might be right' thought Yami. Yugi sits down next to him. "So what about you Yami,  what is your life like"asked Yugi. Yami thinks. "Well I'm 17 years old, I live all by myself,  I grew up in Egypt,  don't remember my family expect for Seto,  I love to sing, my only friends are Bukura and Marik and that's about it" said Yami. Yugi nods. "Okay, have you ever sang in front of people" he asked. Yami eyes widened as he looks at the ground. "A little but not as much as the Pharaoh does"he said. "Okay hey do you want to go somewhere and get something to eat"asked Yugi. Yami shook his head. "No I'm good right now but we should get you to your duel before Seto kills me for making you late to your duel"said Yami as he stood up. Yugi nods and stands up. "Right let's go then"he said. Yami nods. "Do you need to stop by your house to get anything"asked Yami. Yugi shook his head. "No I have my deck with me and Seto has my clothes that I duel in" said Yugi. "Why does my cousin have your clothes"asked Yami as he started to walk. "Because he doesn't like me being late and he knows that if I go back to my house to change I'll be late to my match so he just told me to leave my dueling outfit with him so I just leave them with him"said Yugi walking next to Yami. Yami nods. "Oh okay makes sense"said Yami. Yugi nods. "Yeah"he said pulling out his deck and putting it in his duel disk. "So does Seto give you the newest duel disk when he finishes it before letting the people buy it" asked Yami. Yugi nods. "Yeah he does, but he also gives one to Joey too"said Yugi. Yami slowly nods. "Okay makes sense" said Yami. Yugi nods as he walks putting his disk on. "You should ask Seto if he can give you one so you can duel cause he going to open a tag team duel and I'm still looking for a partner for it"said Yugi. Yami smiled. "Alright I think will asked Seto after your duel. Do your friends come and support you"asked Yami. Yugi nods. "Yeah, Jeoy,  Ryou and Malik duel too so we tried to keep them spread out so we can cheer each other on"said Yugi. Yami smiled. "That's good,  are they dueling today or just you"asked Yami staying next to him. "No I'm the only one who has a duel today"said Yugi. Yami nods. "Okay"he said. Yugi keeps walking next to him. Yami looks ahead

Me:sorry about the late update,  school has been kicking my butt so I never really had time to update this book like I want to but heres the update, hope its good

Yami:Aibou doesn't not own any of the chacters or videos but owns the plot

Me:thanks Yami

Yami:of course Aibou,  anything for you


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