Seeing the King of Games in action and Rehearsal

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Yami and Yugi got to the dueling area. Seto was outside walking back and forth, waiting for Yugi. Yugi saw that and groans. "Oh boy now I'm in for it" said Yugi. Yami chuckled. "Don't worry I'll get you out of it"he said.

Yugi looks up at him and smiles. "Thanks, now let's get this over with"he said walking over to Seto. Seto was pacing back and forth. Joey and Mokuba were watching him. Yugi walks in front of him. "Seto I'm here and see I'm not late so stop pacing back and forth"he said stopping in front of him. Seto stops and looks at him. "YOUR ALMOST LATE, how was I supposed to explain to the people who came to watch the duel that the king of games is running late"yelled Seto.

Yugi groans and crossed his arms. "Look I'm here so stop worrying, now if you excuse me I have a duel to get ready for, oh Seto is the stuff ready for after the duel"asked Yugi. Yami tilted his head in confusion. 'What is he talking about is the stuff ready for after the duel' said Yami in his head. Seto nods. "Yes, Malik and Ryou help me. How come you never told me that Jayden and Yusei were with you guys"asked Seto. Yugi shurgs as he starts to walk. "Because then you wouldn't let me have them join"said Yugi.
Yami looked at Joey with a confused looked on his face. Joey shurgs before standing up. Seto walks next to Yugi. "Then how come they weren't at school today then"asked Seto. Yugi shurgs. "Why don't you ask them cause I don't know why they weren't at school"said Yugi stopping on front of a door that had a Kuriboh on it. Seto rolls his eyes and he opens the door. "Fine I will, oh your are dueling in a tag team duel for this duel. I hope you have a partner"said Seto. Yugi nods. "Yeah its Jayden, he already agree to do it today"said Yugi as he walks into the room and shut the door.

Seto rolls his eyes as he went off to get the duel disk. Yugi sighs and put his phone down and put music on as he started to change. Yugi put on a white button up shirt with a light purple vest on then he put on his school jacket. Yugi grab his leather wrist bands and put them on. Yugi looks around for his dueling pants. Yugi found his pants and put them on. Yugi groans as he looks for his shoes. "Seto where are my shoes!!"yelled Yugi. Seto groans. "Check under your desk in there!!"Seto yelled back. Yugi looks under his desk and found them. "Found them!!!"yelled Yugi as he put them one. Yugi grabs his choker collar and put it on. Yugi grab his belt and put it on. Yugi walks over to his desk and grab his deck then walks to the door and opens it. A boy with brown short hair that was mixed with light brown with a black shirt with a red jacket on. The boy wore black pants and tennis shoes. He had a duel disk on. "You ready Yugi cause my heros deck is ready to go"asked the boy. Yugi smiled. "You bet Jayden, you ready for the practice after this duel"asked Yugi putting his deck in his deck holder as he walked out of the room shutting the door.

Yami walks over to them with Joey. Jayden nods. "You bet Yusei is ready to but he's with Malik and Ryou right now waiting for the duel to start"said Jayden. Yugi nods. "I bet they are"said Yugi. Yami and Joey both stop in front of them. "Yug, Seto has a surprise for you and Jayden. He said that he will meet you two at the area"said Joey. Yugi and Jayden nods. "Okay thanks Joey, hey Yami are you going to stay for the duel"asked Yugi looking at him. Yami smiled and nods. "Of course, I want to see you guys duel" said Yami. Yugi smiled. "Yeah, we better get going before Seto yells at us to get there. Come on Jayden, stop touching Yami hair"said Yugi before walking.

Jayden nods and runs after him. Yami laughs. "How long have you guys known him, Joey" asked Yami. Jeoy thinks as he starts to walk. "Um.....for about 2 years same with Yusei. Him and Jayden came here the same time"said Joey. Yami nods. "So how did you guys meet with them"he asked. Joey thinks still walking. "Well you might find this funny but me and Yugi were back from a duel when Jayden came running up to us with Yasei walking behind him"said Joey

Yugi and Joey were walking back from a duel that Seto had set them up with. A boy with brown hair with light brown on the top wearing a red jacket over a black shirt with white slacks that had gray cuff and red and white sneakers, runs up to Yugi and Joey. Yugi and Joey keeps talking. The boy stops on front of them. "You, your the king of games aren't you. Please tell that you are"asked the boy. Yugi laughs nervously and nods. "Yes that would be me"said Yugi

The boy smiled. "Yeah, hey can I have a duel with you. Please"asked the boy. Yugi was about to say something but someone interrupt him. "Jayden, will you leave him alone"said this boy who had black hair with four pieces of hair that had yellow on them. The boy had a yellow mark below his right eye. The boy had a black tank top that had a design on with a dark blue jacket that had black stripes on it over the black tank top. The boy had grey jeans that had orange circle on them. The boy had black boots on. Jayden grumble. "But Yusie I want to duel with him. I even ask like you always tell me to, Yusei"said Jayden.

Yugi and Joey looked at each other as they watch. "Jayden if that's your name I'll be happy to duel against you" said Yugi. Jayden eyes widened. "You mean it, or are you just playing with me"asked Jayden. Yugi smiled and put his desk back into his disk as it turned on. "Do it look like I'm toying with you"said Yugi. Jayden smiled. "Yeah I can't believe that I'm going to be challenging the King of Games"said Jayden excited as he active his disk. Yugi chuckled. "Yeah but you do know that I won't go easy on you"he said smiling. Jayden nods. "I know and I've wait for my whole life to face you"he said. Yugi smiled. "Good that's what I like to here" said Yugi. Jayden smiled. "Let's duel"said Jayden and Yugi at the same time.
End of flashback

"So after the duel Jayden and Yusei became friends with me and Yug. And now they are part of the gang. Jayden and Yusei both duel. Yusei can duel while riding a motorcycle so that his specially. He partner for those duel are Malik" said Joey as he walks up to Malik, Ryou and Yusei were at

Yami nods. "Okay, sounds like they all are good"he said following him

Joey nods. "They are especially when him and Yugi are paired up. They are almost as unbeaten as when Yugi and Seto are paired up. That's a tag team duel you don't want to mess with or deal with cause those two will crush anyone"he said waving to Ryou.

Ryou looks and waves back at them.

Yami looks and see Bukura and Marik standing behind Ryou and Malik and smiled.

Joey walks over to them. "Hey guys, has they came out yet"he asked stopping next to a boy thst was next to Ryou.

The boy shook his head. "No not yet Joey, Seto is still making sure that everything is good and set"said the boy

Joey nods. "Okay, that's sounds like him"said Joey

Yami looks over at the boy and tap Joey shoulder. "Joey who is that"he whispered into his ear

Joey looks at him. "Oh right, Yasei this is Yami, Yami meet Yusei"he said.

Yusei waved at him a little. Yami waves back at him.

Bukura tap Yami's shoulder. "Yami, can I talk to you"he asked

Yami looks over at him and nods. "Sure follow me"he walks away.

Bukura nods and follows him. Yami leads him to where he meet Jayden.

"Okay Bukura what do you need to talk to me about what you need to"asked Yami as he stop and looked at him.

"Well Pharaoh, I was wondering if you asked that Yugi kid out cause me and Marik already made our moves on Ryou and Malik"said Bukura

Yami rolls his eyes. "Bukura what have I say about calling me Pharaoh, Thief"said Yami

Bukura crossed his arms. "So I'm not scared of you and stop calling me Thief, Pharaoh"he growled

Yami growled. "Okay I'll make my move on Yugi soon"

Bukura nods. "Good cause if you want them to come with us while we are doing this tour"

Yami nods. "I know, Bukura. Now can we get back to our friends cause I want to watch the duel"

Bukura nods. "Yes we can"he said as he walks back

Yami sighed as he follows him.

Yugi and Jayden were walking out to the dueling area.

Yami and Bukura gets back up to their friends.

Joey looks at them. "You guys made it just in time, Yugi and Jayden are walking into the duel area right now"he said.

Yami looks at see Yugi and Jayden walking to the middle of the area.

Yugi and Jayden both stop in the middle with their decks out. Their oppents stop in front of them with their decks in their hands. Yugi and Jayden grab their oppents deck as they gave the oppents their deck and shuffed before giving them their decks back. Yugi and Jayden walked back to their side of the duel area.

Yami watched and smiled. "So is this Jayden and Yugi first duel together or have they duel before with each other"he asked.

Yasei looks at him and shook is head. "No they duel together before. When Seto doesn't want to duel, Jayden is his next parnter"he said

Yami nods. "Okay and how often do they get pair up"

Yasei thinks. "Joey, Ryou, Malik, how often is Jayden, Yugi's partner"

Ryou thinks. "Um.... almost the whole month"

Yami nods. "Okay"

Yugi and Jayden set up their duel disk and got ready to duel.

Yami looked at Yugi. 'Wow he is a different person when he is in a duel. He like more confidence then this shy boy that I meet in school today'

Bukura tap Marik shoulders. Marik looks at him keeping his arms around Malik waist. "What Bukura"he asked. Bukura smiled as he wrap his arms around Ryou waist.

"Look at Yami, he is in love with that boy with the tri-color hair"whispered Bukura

Marik looks over at Yami. Yami was talking to Yusei while watching Yugi.

"Yeah now that you mention it. He has been watching Yugi since he got here. But how do we get him to show it to Yugi"

"Beats me, maybe we should get them together. Make it a triple date"he said

Marik nods. "Okay but how do we do that"

Bukura shurgs. "Don't know"

Ryou leans against him. "Bukura, can you please be quite cause the duel is starting"

Bukura nods. "Of course Dove"

Ryou blushes. "Stop calling me that"

Bukura smiled and kissed his cheek. "Okay"

Ryou blushes and watchs the duel.

Yami smiled. 'I hope that Aibou and Jayden wins this duel. Wait why did I just call Yugi, Aibou? Come on Yami pull yourself together, you can not fall in love with him. It won't work cause your a popstar and he the king of games. It just won't work out'

~Timeskip(to after the duel cause I'm not very good at them or describing them, srry) ~~~~
Yugi P.O.V.
I summon dark Magician. "Dark Magician, dark magic attack".

Dark Magician attack the person dropping his life points to 0.

I smiled as I looked at Jayden. Jayden was acting like a little kid. I laughed as I watch him.

Seto walks over to them. "Nice job, Yugi and Jayden. Ryou, Malik and Yusei are in the room thst you ask me to keep open. I will be in there shortly after I deal with a couple of thing. But I would change your clothes cause I heard from the Internet that the Descendants of Slifer are here in Domino looking for a couple of members. They just might stop by and check you out"he said walks away

I nodded as I watch Seto leave. "Will do Seto, come on Jayden"I said before leaving to go back to my room. Jayden nods and follows me

Jayden smiled and walks next to me. "Hey Yugi, how did Seto know the Descendants of Slifer were here"he asked

I shrug. "Beats me, he has his ways of knowing this stuff"

Jayden nods. "Hey Yugi, would it be awsome if they asked us to join their band"

"Yeah it would but I couldn't join them, you guys can join them but I can't"I said

Jayden looks at me. "Why not, your the lead singer of the group. If you don't go then we won't either. It was your idea to form this band"he said as he took off his red jacket and hang it on the door

I sighed. "Because I have to stay here and keep my title. If I leave and join the band then my title would go to someone and Seto would be pissed off. You guys join them if they asked if we want to join, you guys go ahead and join them. You guys can make all of ours dreams come too"

Jayden nods. "Okay"

I nodded as I took my blue school jacket off and set it down on the desk. I grab a gray jacket and put it on.

Jayden waited for me by the door. I walked over to him. "Ready to go"he asked me

I nods. "Yeah let's go"

Jayden nods and walks out after he grab his gray school jacket. I follow him as I shut the door. We both walked to the room.

I started to think about what Jayden told me.

Normal P. O. V.

Yugi and Jayden walked into the room to see their friends tuning their instruments. Ryou looks up and smiled.

"Hey you two, its about time you guys got here"said Malik

Yugi rolls his eyes. "Haha very funny, Malik" he said walking over and picked up a guitar that was black with a gray sliver along the sides of it.

Malik laughs and smiled. "Come on Yugi, you know its funny"

Yugi rolls his eyes and laughs. "Okay maybe it was funny"

Yami was walking with Bukura and Marik and didn't see Seto and bump into him.

Bukura and Marik covered their mouths to hold back their laughs.

Seto looks at Yami and grabs his arm then pulled him up then let go of his arm

Yami rubs his arm and glared at him. "Ow, you didn't need to grab my arm that tight, Seto"

Seto shrugs. "You guys are looking for more band members and a manager right"

Yami nods still rubbing his arm. "Yeah we are. We are going to hold try out to see if we find someone we like"

Seto nods. "Well I think I have a band that you guys might like. Come on"he said as he walks

Yami nods and follows him. Bukura and Marik follows them.

Yugi smiled. "You guys ready"he asked after tuning his guitar

They nodded

Yugi nods and starts to play as he closed his eyes

Nothing gonna stop us now
Cuz together we can do no wrong
Nothing's gonna hold us down
When we're together, where we belong

Ryou, Malik, Yusei and Jayden started to play with Yugi. Ryou and Jayden walked next to Yugi and started to sing with him

Together, where we belong
Together we are, brighter then the sun
Together we are the calm inside the storm we are, nothing without each other
We are together where we belong

Yugi smiled as he looks at Jayden and Ryou as he played his guitar. Ryou smiled and step up to the microphone as Yugi took a step back letting him sing

Can't wait for the sun to raise
Cuz tomorrow is open wide
Can't wait for the next surprised
I csn do anything with you by my side

Seto stops in front of a door that had music playing in there and opens it.

Yami, Bukura and Marik looked inside and was surprised to see them in here singing.

Seto smiled. "This is the band that I was talking about that I think will be great with you guys"

Yami nods. "Yeah but like I said before they have to try out along with other people that will be trying out"

"But Yami just listen to them. They sound prefect for our band" said Bukura. "Plus you can see Yugi all the time if he join"

Yami looks back at Yugi and watchs him singing and play.

Yugi and Jayden went on both side of Ryou.

Together, side by side
Together we are, brighter then the sun
Together we are, everything we need
Together we are, more then the sum of us
We are nothing without each other
We are together, where we belong

Yami smiled as he watch Yugi. 'Wow he has a beautiful voice. Seto was right about this group they are good and they would go along with our band. Plus I would get to see my Aibou more. Wait why do I keep calling him my Aibou' Yami said in his head as he shook his head before watching them again

Bukura smiled. "See they are really good"

Marik nods. "Yes even my Malik is perfect"

Yugi closed his eyes as Ryou and him were back to back. Jayden was back to back with Yasei.

Together we are, everything we need
Together we are, more then the sum of us
We are nothing without each other
We are together where we belong
Together, where we belong
Together, where we belong

Yugi smiled as he open his eyes.  Jayden and Yusei walks over to him.

"Yugi that was a great song"said Jayden

Malik walks over to them. "Yeah Yugi, how come we never sang that song before"

"Because I just finish writing it earlier today when I was waiting for Yami to get his schedule"said Yugi

Malik nods. "Okay"

Seto walks into the room. "That was very good you guys. You guys are really good"

Malik chuckled. "Thanks Seto"

Yami, Bukura and Marik comes into the room

Yugi, Ryou and Malik eyes widened once they saw them.

"Hi guys, how long have you been standing there" asked Yugi

Bukura smiled and walks over to Ryou and wraps his arms around him as he pulls him close.

Marik walks over to Malik and does the same thing that Bukura did to Ryou.

Yami smiled. "Long enough to hear you guys sing"

"You guys were really good, how come you guys aren't in the music industry"said/asked Bukura

Ryou looks at Yugi. Yugi looks away and sighs.

"I'm the reason"

Yami looks at him. "What do you mean your the reason Yugi"

"We had people from the music industry ask us if we would want to work with them but I always say no. I tell my group that they can go on and do it but with them being great friends they say no cause they don't want to leave me, so I'm the reason that we aren't in the music industry"said Yugi

Yami looks at Jayden. Jayden nods as he leans against Yusie. Yusei wraps his arms around him. Yami sighed quietly and walks over to Yugi.  Yugi turned his back onto them and Yami stop.

"Yugi why do you say no to those people"asked Yami

Seto grabs Yami arm. "Yami don't ask him that question"

Yami rolls his eyes and pulls his arm free. "I'm not going to leave it alone Seto, Yugi I want to know"

Yugi closed his eyes and doesn't answer. Jayden looks at Yusei before going over to Yami.

"Yami please just drop it" asked Jayden

Yami shook his head. "No I'm not going to drop it"

Yugi clench his fist. "You want to know Yami, I'll tell you why. BECAUSE OF THE STUPID TITLE THAT I CARRY. YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND THAT!!"he yelled before running out of the room

Yami eyes widened as he watch him run out of the room. Seto sighed

"We tried to tell you Yami but you were being stupid again"said Seto

Yami sighed. "I'll go and look for him"

Yusei shook his head. "Don't Yami, let him be"

Yami slowly nods. "Fine, I'm going to head back. I'll see you later Bukura and Marik"he walks out of the room

Yugi ran far away from there crying as he ran.
Phew finally got it done

Yami:Aibou what did you run away

*looks away*you have to wait and see, mon hitori no boku

Yami:*nods*okay Aibou

You guys should check out a book that I just wrote. Its call Yugi Muto Randomness book. It really good cause I will spill secrets that nobody knows

Yami:*sighs*Aibou forgetting a book that Marik and Bukura made

Oh right, you should also check out this book called Marik and Bukura Ask, Truth and Dare book. You guys get to ask us the gang and even admin get to be ask question. Please check it out because they will kill me if they don't get response in there. Please I don't want to die*grabs Yami arm and hanging on it*

Yami:*chuckled*they won't kill you Aibou

You never know, mon hitori no boku but anyway let me know what you guys think of the story so far


Oh, oh, please comment on what you think about Jayden and Yusei relationship, please*gives puppy eyes*

Yami:*whispers*he such a goof

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