The end is the beginning

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Anne's POV
I can't believe it. I'm pregnant? It's the only logical explanation. Will Phillip be upset? I know he wants kids, but maybe it's too soon.

I walk out of the bathroom, still trying to comprehend what's happened. It's not until he clears his throat that I realize Phillip is awake.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"What? Of course, why?"

"You seem distracted. Did something happen?"

"No, no. Everything's perfect." I assured him, slipping back under the covers.

He seemed satisfied with the answer, but who knows, he might not be. I felt his arms wrap around me, wondering how I would tell him. This should be interesting.

Phillip's POV:
I wake up, ready for a great day. I move my arms to Anne's side of our bed, but she isn't there.

"Huh, that's weird."

Suddenly, I hear the bathroom door slowly open, and I see Anne walking out of it. She looks a little lost in thought, or just, I don't know, different. I clear my throat so she's aware that I'm awake.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, of course. Why?"

"You seem distracted. Did something bad happen?"

"No, don't worry. Everything's perfect."

Anne comes back over and slowly climbs back next to me. I reach my arms around Anne, since that usually always makes her feel better. I can feel her relax at my touch, and I begin to think that she's fine after all.

Anne's POV: (that night at the show)
I was freaking out! I had survived practice without anyone (especially Phillip) thinking that there was something wrong with me, but now I was so worried that someone was going to figure it out! I just had to keep myself calm, and act natural.
I mentally calmed down, and I breathed in and out several times to calm myself physically.

"Okay, everyone, ten minutes to show time!" Phillip walked into the dressing area and got all of our attention.

Everyone else kept getting ready and finished perfecting their routines, but I just stared at Phillip for a moment. Come on, Anne, I thought, you need to be natural.

"Hey, Anne. Are you ready?" Phillip approached me, grabbing both of my hands.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered.

"Are you nervous? You seem off." He observed.

"No. No, I'm great."


Phillip's POV: (during Anne's routine)
Anne looked amazing up there, doing all her tricks, not having to worry about potential injuries or people, you know, killing us.

I squinted slightly, looking at her face a bit closer. It was very pale, but flushed at the same time. I don't think it's just the lighting. Maybe she isn't okay.

After the show is finally done, I rush back to the area Anne is changing. She's still in her clothes from the performance, but her wig and makeup is off.

"Hey. You did great out there, but are you sure you're okay?" I asked her.

"Phillip, I'm fine." She protested.

"Anne, it's okay to not be. You just need to tell me so I know how I can help you."

"Phillip, we can't do this right now." She took a step forward, but she immediately lost her balance, and placed a hand on the side of her head, a clear sign of a headache.

"Anne." I said in a warning tone, catching her before she could fall.

"Let's just go home, Phillip."

Anne's POV: (2 and ½ weeks later, at the next show)
It has been so hard to keep this a secret from Phillip for the last few weeks. Fortunately, I stopped getting sick every morning, so that was at least something. I had been practicing just fine, so that was also good. But I had to deal with Phillip asking me every day if I was really okay, and every time I had to say "yes, I'm perfectly fine." I knew I had to tell him, but I just thought it was too early. I got myself ready for the show tonight. I was surprised I hadn't grown at all. Suddenly, I hear Phillip knocking at my hair and makeup stand.

"Hey. Are you ready?"

"Yup, just like always."

"You still feel fine right?"

"Yes, Phillip. Just trust me."

"Ok, I'm just trying to look out for you, that's all."

I slowly get up from my chair and walk behind the curtain, smiling at all the people here to see the show. I took a closer look at all of the boys and girls cheering and dancing, and it made me feel excited to have one of my own in about 8 and ½ months.

I walk out and begin my routine, my mind completely focused on nailing the routine, and nothing else.

I'm a few minutes into my routine, and I think I'm doing alright. But my head is throbbing. A lot. I haven't felt this bad in a while. My sickness got better, but maybe it's coming back. I look down at Phillip, who's standing to the side. His eyebrows are furrowed and he is shaking his head. He knows something's up. And this time he's not just going to drop it.

I need to tell him.

Phillip's POV
Anne is doing a great job, she is. But that doesn't mean she is perfectly fine. Her routine has become second nature for her, and I am positive she could do this if she was horribly ill. I need to find out what is going on, for real this time.

I rush backstage to her after the show is finished, and it reminds me of all the other nights these last few weeks that I've asked if she's okay. I know it is starting to seem a little much, but I can tell when she's not her usual self.

"Anne, can we please just-"

"Phillip, stop. Let's go home. I need to talk to you about something."

Well it's about time, I think.

"Alright. Let's go."

We head home, and the anticipation is killing me. I just want to know what's wrong so I can make it better. I hate seeing her unhappy and on edge all of the time.

"So, Phillip." We sit down on the edge of the bed, side by side, but I notice her trying to avoid any touch between us. "I learned something a few weeks ago, and it's neither good nor bad. It just depends, and if you're happy, so am I. If you're not, I don't know how I can be."

"You're not leaving me, are you?"

"What? No, Phillip. This is a life changing thing, but it's not that."

I can feel my heart pounding outside of my chest. I keep getting more and more scared when I see how she's acting.

"Ok. Here it goes. Ugh, this is really hard."

"Hey, it's fine, just relax and tell me whatever it is you're going through, and we'll get through this together."

"Ok, here it goes, for real this time. Phillip...."


"I'm pregnant."

Anne's POV:
We sit there in silence for a few moments, and then I speak up.

"Let me guess, you think that it's too early, and you hate me and want nothing to do with this."

Phillip still just sits there for another minute or so, and then, he walks over to me, and sits right next to me. I think he's just being annoying, but then, he cups my cheek in his hand, and kisses me. After a few moments, we part, and he's smiling right at me.

"How could I ever be mad about something like this? Anne, this is literally the best thing you could've given me. I just wish you had told me sooner, that's all."

"Really?" I ask in disbelief.

"Of course! Anne, I can't tell you how long I've been thinking about having babies with you. I was gonna bring it up at some point, but when I thought you were having a hard time with something else, I thought I should wait. Anne, I can't wait to have a family with you." He was soft and quiet with each word he said, but he spoke confidently and I knew everything he said was more than genuine.

"I'm so happy to know you're happy. And I am too." I wrapped my arms around him again in another hug. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but you're still the first to know."

"Don't apologize. Just maybe don't wait for three weeks to tell me next time."

"Slow down there, Phillip. What do you mean by next time, I'm pregnant with our first child and not even showing yet."

"Are you sure about that?" He asks playfully. "Because I think I see a teeny tiny bump. Here, stand up."

"Yeah, I don't really see anything, Buddy." I say, trying to annoy him.

"I see a little something there." He protests, standing up with me. He placed one hand over my shirt and smoothed it out. "Yep. There's a little baby there for sure. Maybe only the dad can tell at first."

"Sure." I roll my eyes. "When I'm the one carrying them around for three quarters of a year."

"But really, Anne, can you believe it? We're gonna be parents! And we are going to give our kids a much better childhood than we got."

Phillip's POV: 7 months later (8 months pregnant)
Anne is eight months along today. We'll be parents soon. I can't wait, I honestly hope she has him or her sooner than expected so I don't have to wait, but everything moves in its own time. I woke up to see Anne passed out next to me. I laugh to myself. She looks so cute when she's sleeping, I think. I slowly put my hand on her stomach. Suddenly, I hear her stirring next to me. I see her eyes squeeze shut. Weird, she usually doesn't make that face unless... oh, no. Anne never makes that face unless she's in pain, I think to myself. I take her hand in mine, and I feel her waking up just as I was about to wake her up myself.

"Good morning." (A)

"Good morning. Hey, I thought I saw you squinting your eyes a few minutes ago. Are you in pain?"

"I'm fine, don't worry."

I finally got out of bed after just snuggling with Anne for like twenty minutes. I see her squint her eyes again! My mind immediately goes into panic.

"Hey, are you sure you aren't in pain? Because you just seem a little off."

"Yes, Phillip. I'm fine, ok?"

"Ok, just please promise me you'll tell me if you feel anything."

"I promise."

A few hours later, I'm in the kitchen making lunch for myself and Anne, when I hear something fall above my head. I practically sprint up the stairs, my mind going through a million different scenarios. I finally make it up to our room, and I practically kick the door down.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, I just dropped something."

"Anne, are you sure you're not in pain? You look like you did when you got hurt last year and were in the hospital."


I just stood there in shock. I had heard Anne yell, but never that loud.

She goes and lays down on the bed, her hands in her face. I slowly go over and lay down next to her. I hear her start crying, and my heart just completely breaks.

"I'm sorry. For everything." I whisper.

"It's not your fault, Phillip. You are only trying to look out for me, and once again, I'm too afraid to let you in."

"Hey, it's not your fault. I mean, your brother was all you had growing up, so I understand how hard it is to let people in now, even the ones you love."

"I know, but you're my husband, and yet I still can't let you in. I'm the one who's sorry."

I sit up and take Anne's hands in mine, and I feel her smile. She sits up to face me.

"I need to be honest with you. I was in pain earlier, but I'm not anymore, I think that just relaxing and talking really helped."

"See, even just talking can help in any situation."

"I see that now."

"I love you, Phillip."

"I love you too, Anne."

Anne's POV: (2 weeks later)
Phillip had to go get some work done today with the show. He's been home with me a lot, but after a while, all our friends get a little too rowdy without a leader. He's going to meet with them today to make sure the show will still run smoothly, then he's going to get us groceries.

He felt horrible leaving me alone today. I can sense he's nervous about how close I am to the baby's birth, and he wants to make sure I'm okay and get taken care of appropriately.

I don't blame him. I don't know quite why right now, but I have been sensing recently that the baby is coming soon. I really do believe that the baby could come early, possibly any day.

Phillip's POV
I'm trying to focus on my work with the circus right now, but I can't stop thinking about Anne. I really am worried that something could happen while I'm away for just these few hours today. Anne told me a few nights ago that she sensed the baby coming soon, and though she wasn't upset about it, and we both secretly wanted them to come soon, I am still nervous.

"Phillip? Are you alright?" Lettie asked me, a hand being placed on my shoulder.

"I'm fine. Just thinking know."

"Anne?" W.D. asked, approaching me. "How's she been feeling lately?" W.D. was tough on the outside, but Anne and him only had each other for so long, and it was so special how deeply he cared for her. You don't see what these siblings have everyday.

"She's okay. Tired, sleeping a lot. She feels bad doing so, but I pull the 'it's good for the baby' card, and that usually works." I told him.

"Well that's good. They both need rest." Lettie pipes in. "Go home Phillip. Be with Anne, if you just put one of us in charge and tell the rest of the group, they're bound to listen to you."

"Alright, alright. I suppose that makes sense." I raise the volume of my voice. "Everyone, I have to head out to check on Anne. I should be back in a few weeks, and we'll let you know when Baby Carlyle is here." I grin, just thinking about holding my baby for the first time, and seeing Anne as a mom. "For now, Lettie and W.D. are in charge. I'll see you all soon!" I wave, making my way outside. That's the last time I'll see them before I'm really a dad.
I quickly head back into the main part of town, getting groceries as fast as possible. Throughout her pregnancy, Anne has gone through phases of having intense cravings and love for food all the way to being disgusted by the idea of it and just wanting to never eat again, having no appetite. I just got some fruits and vegetables, things she usually would always eat, and then went home.

When I arrived home, I walked inside to complete darkness and silence. For once, I wasn't worried about Anne, assuming she was just asleep or maybe reading and there wasn't anything wrong. I tiptoe up the stairs as softly as I can, and luckily our bedroom door is open, so she won't hear me walking into the room.

I look at her for a moment as I slide off my shoes and jacket. I just admire her. She's so beautiful, and glowing. I know that throughout her pregnancy she's gone through a lot of changes in her body, but I think it's a beautiful thing. Everyday she just looks more and more gorgeous to me. Her arm lays carelessly over her swollen stomach, and a small smile grazes her face.

I could easily just get in the bed beside her, but instead I just kneel on the ground next to the bed. I place my one hand on her forehead brushing some hair out of her face. I put my other one on her stomach as I stand back up, and I rub her belly gently.

"Phillip?" She grumbles, stretching her back a little. "You're back already."

"Oh, Anne, I'm sorry I woke you."

"It's okay, I should get up anyway, and I want to spend as much time with you as possible before we can't have this one on one time as much anymore."

"Okay, sounds good. Do you want something to eat? I just got some food?"

"Did you get any fruit?" She asks. I nod in response. "Just any fruit would be nice."

"I'll be right back." I walked downstairs and began preparing it for her.

I smiled, knowing she finally let me prepare her food. She was usually adamant about doing everything for herself,but these last few months have been good for us. She's definitely opened up a lot more.

I finish preparing the fruit for Anne, and I bring it back upstairs.

"Thanks for getting this for me, Phillip."


"Can you help me get up? I want to stretch my legs."


I take Anne's hand and hoist her up. She slowly stands up.

"I can't wait to get back to the ring. I miss my routines with W.D, and the few I did for fun with you."

"I know you miss it, but you'll be back before you know it."

Suddenly, Anne grabs under her stomach, her face showing clear signs that she's in pain.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"No. I don't think these are fake. I think these might be real contractions."

"Are you sure? Last time it was just a false alarm."

Suddenly, Anne feels liquid on her socks.

"Do you still think it's fake?"

Anne suddenly grunts in pain.

"Ok, I know that this isn't fake anymore, so, let's get to the hospital."

"Yeah, you could've started walking 5 minutes ago!"

Ok, Anne and pain do NOT mix, I think to myself. I slowly led Anne downstairs and into the carriage.

A little while later...
After we finally make it to the hospital, Anne is taken back, and then starts the long, long wait. I sat there for hours and hours, so worried about Anne and the baby. Then finally, after about 4 hours, the nurse finally comes and says that I can go see Anne.

My heart is pounding as I head back to Anne. I have waited for this moment for so long. I dreamt of this moment with Anne since we kissed. My heart completely melts when I see Anne with our baby.

"Phillip, come meet your daughter."

"Daughter?" I stutter.

Anne nods her head while smiling. I slowly walk over to Anne's bedside, and my heart feels like it's about to explode.

"She looks just like..."

"You, Phillip."

"Yeah, but I can already tell that she's going to have her mom's hair."

"So, what do you wanna call her?" I ask.

"I couldn't think of anything, so I was hoping you might have something."

"Hmm.., ok. How about we call her Amelia Catherine Carlyle."

"It's perfect, Anne. You know nine months ago you wouldn't have ever given her your middle name, but you deserve it. You've earned it."

"Thank you, Phillip." Anne smiled. "She's beautiful, isn't she?"

"Yes. And that's why I think she's going to look like you too."

"Well, I think she'll be the perfect mix of us."

"I hope so. So how are you feeling?" I kissed her forehead.

"I'm okay. A little tired and sore, but I'm mostly just happy. We're finally parents. Like, for real."

"It's the most amazing feeling in the world. Do you- nevermind."

"No, Phillip, what is it?"

"Do you think you'll ever want to do this again? Because this is the most magical day I've ever had besides marrying you."

"I think I will. But for now, little Amelia will keep us plenty busy."

"She's perfect. Just what we need right now."

Suddenly, Amelia starts wailing.

"Can I take her for a second?" I ask.

"Of course."

I take Amelia in my arms, and it's the greatest feeling in the world. I think of just the way to get her to calm down.

"What if we rewrite the stars, say you were made to be mine." I signal for Anne to join me.

"Nothing can keep us apart, cause you are the one I was meant to find. It's up to you, and it's up to me, no one can say what we get to be, so why don't rewrite the stars, changing the world to be ours."

Then, Anne and I kiss, knowing we truly rewrote the stars together. The End

Hey guys! GGrace2023 and I just wanted to say thank u to everyone who took the time to read our book!! We loved working together over these last few weeks, and agreed that we will work together again in the future!! I am crying rn lol, but don't judge me!! This collab was amazing, and I got to meet and work with one of the absolute best, adaptive, humble, and sweetest girls on the planet!! I wouldn't have wanted to make this book with anyone else!!! Make sure to check out her page, and as always, c u all on Sunday. Bye!😘

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