My Own Episode 6 Final

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Daryl's POV
I'm running back to the car. Rosta stayed back to help Abraham. When I see the car I put Cody in the back of the car. I feel his pulse but its very weak. I get in the drivers seat and the I'm speeding down the road. Cody's lost a lot of blood. Damn it I should have kept a better eye on him.
This is my fucking fault. When I see Alexandra front gate I begin to press the horn like crazy. Soon enough the gate opens and I speed through. I stop the car and I jump out of the car. I open the back door and I grab Cody out of the back seat he lets out a moan of pain. "Hold on Cody your not dead yet." I say then I begin running off towards Denise's. when I get there I just rush through. "Denise I need you right now!" I scream then I see her running into the room where I stand. She gasps when she sees Cody. "He's lost s lot of blood." I tell her. "Lay him on the table quick!" she tells me.

Ricks POV

"Rick!....... Rick!" I hear Maggie screaming from down stairs. I run down the stairs Carl and Jason right behind me. Maggie looks like she's about to cry. "Maggie what is it?" I ask her scared. She lets out a shaky breath. "Daryl and the others they were attacked and Cody was hurt." She says. "What! where is he!?" I scream at her. "He's at Denise's." she tells me and with that I'm gone.

When I get there Daryl is sitting on the steps. "Where is he?" I scream afraid one of my worst fears are coming true. Daryl seems out of it like he's not really here. "Daryl!" I scream. He looks up at me. "He's in there." He tells me. I'm about to go in there but he puts his hand on my chest. "You can't go in there right now she's already working on him." He tells me. I let out a sigh. "What happened!" I scream. "We were on our way back to the car when...when these men shot Cody in the stomach. They were from Negan's group. Our fight with them. It isn't over." He tells me and I let another sigh out. Fuck! "he.....he lost a lot if blood Denise said might be to late." He says
That's when I fill tears beginning to spill from my eyes. That's when Jessie and Ron run up. "I just heard who's hurt?" Jessie's ask. I look at her and she shakes her head. I can already see the tears in her eyes. "No...No. Where is he?" she asks. "In there but you can't go in there yet." Daryl tells her. She lets out a sigh. "His he going to make it?" she asks. "We don't know.....Denise said that he's lost a lot of blood." I tell her. That's when she begins to cry and the tears fall. Daryl stands up and wraps his arms around her. She begins to cry into his neck. "We have to do something." She says. I just shake my head. "The only thing we can do is just wait. Only time will tell." I say to her. She lets out a sigh. I look at Daryl. "Take her home." I say. He slowly nods his head and then he walks off. I let out a sigh.

Cody's POV

I wake up to see that I'm in my old bedroom. How did I get here? I ask myself. That's when someone knocks on the door. They open it and I almost scream when I see who it is. "" I say shocked. He smiles "Come on buddy it's time to get up." He says. "But I don't understand how is this possible?" I ask. He smiles. "I'll explain soon now get dress and meet us in the kitchen for some breakfast." He tells me. I nod my head And then I pull the covers off of me.

Rick's POV
Denise walks out of the house. I look up at her. "He lost a lot of blood but he. Should be ok." she tells me. I nod my head. "Can I see him?" I ask her. She nods her head. I walk in and I see him there.....Laying on the bed......Not awake. I grab a chair and I walk over to him and I put it right beside his bed. "Please come back to me baby.......I'm so sorry." I say with tears in my eyes. I grab his hand. "Please come back to me." I say again.

Cody's POV
I walk down stairs and when I step into the kitchen I see my mother. "Mom." I say with tears in my eyes. She turns around from what she was doing and then looks at me and smiles At me. "Hey baby." she says then walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. "It's been so long since I've seen you." she says with a happy smile. I look at her then I look at my dad who of which is sitting at the kitchen table. "Am I dead?" I ask. My mom slowly shakes her head. "No your not dead but you almost died." she tells me. "Then where am I? is this a dream?" I ask and this time my dad is the one to shake his head. "No not quite." he says. That Is when a new voice speaks. "This is a place between life and death." I turn around to see Sam. "Sam...." I say with more tears. I pull him in for a hug and he wraps his arms around me. "I'm so sorry Sam." I say. He shakes his head and pulls away. "No I'm sorry because of me you got shot and almost died." he tells me looking down. " it's not your fault." I say. He looks up. "Yes it is......if I didn't say all those things to you than you wouldn't have had a reason to go outside the walls. If I didn't say those things then you wouldn't be in this mess." He tells me. I look at Sam. "You're sad about my death and I get that but you need to let me go......You need to let us will always be sad but you can't get on with your life if you don't let go." he say.

I look down. He puts a hand on my shoulder and so does my mother. My father grabs my other shoulder. "You can't change the past all you can do is get ready for the future." My mom says then she fades. "You must keep fighting for the ones that are still alive.....never look back." my father says then he too fades. I look around the house to see it as well begins to fade. I look at Sam. "I love you....this isn't goodbye forever......all you can do now is love and fight for those you care about." he says then he fades and then everything goes black.

I know it's been awhile and I'm sorry about that.

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