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The morning was going great. At least until Hazel stiffened, panic in her eyes.

Thalia had been complaining about the fact that newlyweds enjoy the night of their marriage to loudly, (hee hee *blush*) completely ignoring the fact that her little brother enjoys the company of his fiance just as much if you know what I mean, when across the table from us, Hazel stiffened.

"Hecate." Hazel said in a deadly whisper. "Percy, Annabeth, quick! You have to-AHHHHH!!!!!!" She cried out in pain.

She collapsed into Frank's arms, unconscious, as a feeling washed over me. I felt like previously I had been covered in nice warm blankets and now they were taken away abruptly. There was a collective gasp of horror from the whole great hall. Everyone was staring at Annabeth and I, even the other demigods.

"Percy, Annabeth, you never told us that it was this bad!" Jason and Piper yelled simultaneously. We looked down and saw the full extent of our scars. Lines of rusty red that would never go away crisscrossed our arms and legs, some deeper than others. Tons of other cuts and gashes were on our torso, front and back, that were so long that you could see a good chunk of them coming up from under our shirts and disappearing into our hair. Cuts covered our necks. It's gone. The mist that hid our scars was gone.

"We will be having a long conversation about this later." Thalia said as all the demigods (even Draco who vaulted over tables to get to us) stood and closed ranks around us and we all ran up to our rooms. We got into our common room and everyone sat down. We just sat in silence for a while. I kept one hand protectively on Annabeth's stomach and stared into the flames of the fireplace.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Leo asked quietly.

"I guess it was just easier to deal with if we could pretend it wasn't too bad." I answered in the same small voice.

There was a few more minutes of silence then Thalia smiled lightly.

"Well, looks like we have a dam problem."

"Yeah. Maybe it'll be easier to solve once we eat some dam food."

Everyone but Drake who looked us, confused, started laughing their heads off. Hazel put a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, none of us understood at first either."

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