The Quest

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Over the last year things have been fairly peaceful. Other than the usual one cabin cursing another or a god/godess misplacing a scarf, nothing really eventful happened... except for the whole percabeth proposal thing. DAM!!! My cabin has gotten to me. Anyways, everything was normal. Well, as normal as it can be at a camp full of teens that are half god, but still, it was nice. Then the seven, Thalia, Calypso, Nico, and Will were called to the big house. It's probably about a disagreement between cabins. When we (Jason and I) got to the house everyone was already there. All the couples sat together while there were two empty seats in between Thalia and Annabeth. Jason sat next to his sister and I took the other one. Internally, I struggled with my Aphrodite side when I noticed that Percy and Annabeth were holding hands. Chiron walked into the room with all his horseman glory.

He looked mostly at Percab- Percy and Annabeth as he said "Hello everyone. I know that there is something big coming up b-"

" Not until Posiedon and Athena allow it." Percy said with a slight frown that disappeard as soon as Annabeth gently placed her hand on his shoulder.

" Yes, but you know how they are."

This time they both sighed in complete agreement over their parents' overprotectiveness and the fact that both the immortal beings are so obsessed with their own rivalry that they tried to force it on their children.

"Yes, anyways, despite what the past year has led us to believe, we are once again in danger of a war." 

That caused complete chaos to break loose. We were all outraged. Percy literally got up and walked right out. Annabeth reassured Chiron that she would fill Percy in on the details once he'd calmed down a bit so he continued.

"There is another race of non-mortals living in England. You will be going to one of their best schools and your parents will provide your nesesary equipment. Tomorrow morning Hecate will bless you with the abilities that they have. The more powerful a demigod you are, the more powerful you are with their abilities. Then she will magically transport you to platform 9 3/4 where you will board a train to Hogwarts, their school. They just went through war two months ago. One more thing, they are witches and wizards."


I approached the water and braced myself. I've been in this river before and it hurts like Hades. As I stepped in I saw Annabeth holding a string that was connected to my lower back. It looked stronger than before. It won't kill me imediately if I'm hit, they'll have time to save me. I came up gasping. As I clawed my way out of the river the redness left my skin. Whatever this quest was, I would be ready.

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