What is with these people?

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We were woken by screaming from Percy's old room, where the new Percy and Annabeth were. I looked at the time to see that it was only a bit after midnight. We all rushed down the stairs to see that the other exchange students already there. Percy was overheating and writhing in pain, crying out silently, while Annabeth had her hands over her eyes, saying " Percy! Where did you go!?! Why did you leave me? Percy?!!

Thalia was crouched between them and looked confused as to which one to wake up first until she saw us standing in the doorway, when she then decided to wake up the screaming one. Annabeth woke with a jolt.

" Annabeth " Thalia said " quick, you've got to wake up Percy. I think it's-" 

" The arai. I know. "

Annabeth went and knelt next to Percy. "Percy, help." Percy sat straight up, and looked around in a panic. "ANNABETH!!!" His eyes landed on her. He sighed in relief before pulling her against his chest.

"Don't you ever do that again. I can't lose you." Percy said the last part quietly but not so quietly that we couldn't hear. Why would he have to worry about losing her? They're only 19 and it's not like they've been through what we've been through. (A/N: yeah, sure) 

We all went back to sleep or so I thought but when I went downstairs a few hours later, Percy and Annabeth were sitting, wide awake, at the table, talking to Mrs. Weasley about something. However, when I came into the kitchen they immediately halted their conversation. Percy had his arm rested around Annabeth's shoulders and was leaning back in a relaxed position, I could hardly believe that this was the same guy who had such severe night terrors. Annabeth struck up a new conversation with Mrs. Weasley so I watched as Percy slowly and stealthily moved his other hand over to tickle her.

" Seaweed Brain!!! Don't do that, I'm trying to have a conversation. "

" Can we train? " he whined " Oh, or swim or at least do something? Pleeaaasse? Pretty, pretty, please! " He did a puppy dog face that, to be honest, looked a bit weird on a nineteen year old but it seemed to work on Annabeth.

"Fine. I'll finish my conversation while you go wake up the others." 

Percy got an evil look on his face as he went up, taking the steps four at a time, while Mrs. Weasley gave me a stack of twelve pancakes. I'd finished about three when I heard someone scream in rage. Ginny, Ron, and Hermione ran downstairs with frightened expressions on their faces.

"Percy poured water on Thalia." Ginny explained and I could've sworn I heard Annabeth mutter "What have I done." under her breath as she ran upstairs and I'm assuming that she was trying to calm everyone down because a moment later, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Calypso, and Jason came down. Soon after, Piper, then Will, Nico, and Thalia, then finally, Percy and Annabeth. They acted as if nothing had happened though by now I know that SOMETHING happened, otherwise I wouldn't catch Ron, Hermione, and Ginny shooting nervous glances at Percy, Thalia, and Nico. Percy and Annabeth went outside while the other exchange students wolfed down their food before following. Once I'd finished, I waited for the others and we all tentatively stepped outside, we didn't expect to see what we saw.

I should explain first. When the Weasleys heard about the new students, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley suddenly decided that it would be fun to put an olympic-sized, in-ground pool in behind the Burrow. We walked outside and heard noises from the other side of the house. When we turned the corner we saw Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Calypso, Frank, Hazel, Piper, and Will in the pool. Thalia, Jason, and Nico were shifting wearily on the edge. They exchanged looks, muttered something under their breath that we couldn't hear, and jumped into the water. They froze for a moment before sighing in relief and joining the fun. Piper climbed onto Jason's shoulders as Annabeth climbed onto Percy's. Piper and Annabeth started wrestling, their muscles bulging as they tried to knock one another back into the water. Annabeth had just knocked Piper into the water when a sudden wind picked up and started battering her, almost knocking her off of Percy's shoulders. A section of water rose up to steady her. She smiled down at Percy who had a mischeivious look on his face as a huge wave slamed into Jason, sending him under water. By now, everyone was Laughing their heads off whereas (sp?) we all had shocked expressions on our faces. Jason had seemed so nervous about going in the water, what if he drowned?! When Jason came up, Percy took Annabeth's hand and dove underwater, dragging Annabeth with him. We came out of the shadow of the Burrow, curious about what was going on. When they caught sight of us Thalia, who had been tossing around a ball, dropped it in the water and as it sank, Percy grabbed it and brought it up, immediatly throwing it at Thalia, saying "Think fast Pinecone Face!". She spun, quick as lightning, and caught it an inch from her face.

" Nice try Kelp Head! " she said and threw it right back. This time it was Annabeth who caught it.

" Guys... " she had a warning hint in her tone. 

They bowed their heads...






just when Leo sprayed buckets of water on all three of them and Nico and Piper who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Leo gulped as everyone started to back away from him. Will moved to try to restrain Nico. Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, and Nico started to advance when behind them, Piper cleared her throat. They all looked back at her and she smiled a devilish smile. They made a path for her and she fixed her gaze on Leo

" Drop your toolbelt in the pool. "

He removed his toolbelt from around his waist and dropped it in the pool. He seemingly came out of a trance and suddenly got a horrified expression on his face. 

" Piper! What have you done! " 

He tried to dive in but it looked like he was hitting a glass wall. They laughed again, well, all except for Annabeth who elbowed Percy in the gut. Percy looked guilty and suddenly Leo was underwater, getting his toolbelt. Now that I think about it, why would he need a toolbelt to do magic? Maybe I'll ask them about it later.

" Hey, Harry! Ginny, Ron, Hermione, come join us! "

" We don't have swimsuits! "

Percy stared at us in shock and looked almost offended.

" How can you not have swimsuits?! Swimming is the best thing ever!!! Well, other than Annabeth. But still! "

Honestly, these people are so weird. Percy ran to the house and ran back five seconds later (not even kidding) with four swimsuits WITH THE TAGS STILL IN THEM!!! I mean, seriously? Who carries around multiple, randomly sized, bathing suits with them. Come on. We went inside to change and ran outside, jumping into the pool. We had fun in the water until lunch where we had KD and hotdogs. For some reason, Percy took out his wand and coloured his food blue. Once again, weird. Everyone ate at least three servings except for Percy and Annabeth who, once again, only took a few bites before trying to make it look like they ate more and going outside. 

When I walked out, they were sitting by the pool, heads together, talking quietly to each other. Something to do with how they "hate having to wait for .... and .... to allow" something or other. Once everyone was done eating we showed the new people the game of Quiditch. They all tried it out except for Percy, Nico, and Thalia. Percy and Nico just flat out said no. Thalia said that she was missing out on archery practice at her summer camp so she should probably use this time for that.

That night went the same as last night except for the fact that Leo was running up and down the stairs. Apparently he had to much desert in anticipation of going to Hogwarts. We didn't really learn much about the new kids only parts of their personalities. Oh well. We still have the whole school year to get to know them more. In peace.

Words: 1409

A/N: DON'T JUDGE ME!!! I'm thinking of trying a PJO/HoO/Avengers crossover adding in characters from Agents of Sheild. THOUGHTS PLEASE!!!!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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