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Fort Taenire, Pollos

I sat in the city's tallest spire, scoped into the market below. A cold breeze whipped through the air, chilling me through my thick coat and hood. Snow swirled down from the steel-grey sky, coating the city in a blanket of white. Smoke swam up from the 20th-century style houses, the scent of meat and coal reaching me, even up here. The sound of folk music, laughter, and just the general sound of market chaos echoed.

"Been readin your file, 'Legend'." Myth's voice came through, sounding incredibly entertained. I froze.

"Good literature?" I said casually, a cold feeling creeping up my spine like a finger.

"Very... informing. Y'know, the name Mumbo sounds familiar... hmmmm..." she said breezily. My eyes narrowed, grip tightening around the rifle's handle.

"And why is that?" I asked coldly.

"Aw, but that would ruin the surprise!" she pouted.

I let out an annoyed huff, muting the com and returning to scouting out the market.

"Biosignature Match. Fable has been located. Please proceed with the mission." a calm, female voice came from the scope. A little arrow popped up, pointing to the left. I felt my heart drop. I had been hoping they wouldn't have been here.

A robed man was standing in front a booth, face hidden by an oxygen mask over his mouth. The UI outlined him in green. I squeezed my eyes shut, feeling a little tear slip out. I considered running then. Grabbing whichever Hermit this was, running to the other side of the galaxy. Maybe try and restart what had been lost. But it would be folly. Gigacorp would find us and make an example of us to whoever the next Legend and Fable were.

I steeled myself, vowing not to look under the mask.

And I pulled the trigger.

Right as I did Fable ducked down, grabbing something off the ground. Screams rang out below, the crowd surging away. Fable was immediately up, grabbing a pair of keys from the counter and rushing away.

I swore colorfully, swinging the rifle onto my back and leaping out of the tower and onto the nearest roof. I immediately rolled back up, ignoring the stinging pain from the shingle scrapes and running.

Fable was running down the street to my right, pushing people and crates aside as he ran for his life. He swerved into a dead-end alleyway.

The one next to the building I was on.

A savage feeling of joy at the chase erupted in my chest as I vaulted over the edge of the building, landing flawlessly on a balcony rail. I grabbed a banner's rope, casually swinging off the edge of the rail.

Fable turned his head, eyes full of panic, as I let go of the rope and tackled him from behind.

He managed to plant his feet on my chest as we went down, flipping me over him as he landed in a crouch.

I rolled, coming up in a kneeling position. He narrowed his eyes. Studying me.

I pulled a knife from the sheath on my lower back, holding it out to my side. He charged, looking like he was about to attack. I swung, but he ducked right under it and kept going.

He jumped up onto the stack of trash bags, throwing himself to the base of a fire escape in a very elegant manner.

No normal Terran, even a Hermit, moved like that.

I copied the movement in a... less elegant way, slamming ribcage-first into the railing.

I ignored the pain, looking up. Fable was at least a story above me know, only a few from the roof. I swung out over the alley again, jumping up and pulling myself up to the next level to Fable.

He swung a rusty pipe at me with a terrified shout. I grabbed the grate above me, letting the pipe soar under me before throwing myself feet-first into Fable's chest. I landed on my back, kicking my feet out and jumping up just in time to see Fable stand back up and swing himself out and over the edge.

He did the same thing I did to get up, but throwing himself up a story at a time before he reached the roof.

Well, shit. He was fast, I'll give him that. Not short enough to be Bdubs, but too agile to be Mumbo. No visible wings, either. Who the hell was he?

I reached the roof, just in time to watch him throw himself across what was at least a twenty-foot gap, and it wasn't even close.

He hit the side of the building and immediately started clambering up at insane speed. Iskall, maybe?

I swung my left arm, squeezing my fist shut. A grappling hook and rope shot out with a kickback as strong as my rifle, making a sound like a gunshot.

The hook caught on an AC unit with a metallic thud.

"Ha! Missed!" Fable taunted, voice muffled by the mask.

"I wasn't aiming for you." I yelled back calmly, unfolding my pointer finger.

My arm was just about jerked out of its socket as I went flying, cold wind biting my face. I swung around, slacking the rope and slamming my boots into Fable's side.

He lurched to the side with a sharp exhale before jumping above me and grabbing the rope. He quickly started climbing up, but slower now.


I unfolded my finger again, blasting up and driving my shoulder into his side. A felt something snap under the pressure, causing him to scream.

I grabbed under his arms as we shot past the edge of the roof, using him to cushion my fall. I quickly drew my knife again, pinning him under me and pressing it to his throat.

He struggled for a moment, then froze. Panic had fully settled in.

But I let my guard down for a moment, and he threw me aside with a quick punch to the nose that left me dazed for a moment.

I shot up, spinning my knife around into a throwing position.

Fable was leaping off the edge of the building, a pair of skeletal, glowing blue wings materializing from his back.



But the knife has already been thrown. Sunken into his back.

And with a scream of pure pain that ripped my soul apart, he fell.

"NO!" I wailed, charging forwards and practically throwing myself off the edge. I used the balconies to get down, mind running a million miles an hour as my heart pounded even faster.

Fabl- no, Cub was a broken heap on the ground, tangled up in a red cloth, limbs twisted at terrible angles. He squeezed his eyes shut, sweat beading on his forehead. His breathing came out in faint, ragged, and pained gasps.

I ripped my hood and mask off, falling at his side. I pulled his own mask off, cradling him in the crook of my arm. Tears threatened to pour out at any moment.

Cub lifted a single, bloody hand, putting it on my cheek.

"Why'd it have to be you?" I whispered, rocking him slightly.

"...I made... mistakes. Mistakes I... can't take... back. This is... only right... The Gods..." he managed to hiss out. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." I cried, shoulders shaking. He gave a weak smile.

"You have... nothing to be sorry for. I... understand..."

Cub reached into his pocket, shakily producing a hard drive. He pressed it into my other hand, slowly folding my fingers over it.

"Don't... make the same... mistake, Scar. Don't follow... Gigacorp..." he whispered. I squeezed my eyes shut.

"I have to... I don't have a choice." I said softly. He shook his head aggressively.

"No! You... get that hard drive to... Therllyria... or NEWUN... then they'll see Gigacorp for... what they really are..." he said, pain racking his voice. He shut his eyes.

"Don't go..."

"What'da think?" I said dramatically, throwing aside the cloth.

The most rundown ship I had ever seen sat there, coated in dirt and grime. The red paint was half peeled off, and the bulbous cockpit window looked like it would fall apart if we even touched it.

Cub just laughed, Jellie (the ship's namesake) snuggled up to his chest.

"It'll do." he said cheerfully, walking in a slow circle around it. I threw an arm around his shoulder, leaning into my hand-carved cane.

"We're gonna get outta here, Cubby. Then we can finally touch the stars and be free." I said. He looked down. I frowned.

"What?" I asked.

"But what if we don't get past the blockade? What if-!" I cut him off right there.

"Then we regroup in hell and make a new plan. We'll be fine, Cub. As long as we stick together." I said. He smiled, holding out his fist. His veins glowed a faint blue under his skin.

"Convex For Life?" he offered. I smiled, bumping his fist.

"Convex For Life."

"Please don't go..." I whispered, Cub's breath slowing. His heartbeat was almost gone, the sound mixing with my own, but he still managed a smile.

"Convex... For... Life...?" he offered. I let out a choked laugh that quickly devolved into tears.

"Convex For Life." I said through the tears, voice breaking.

And then the only sound was my broken heart beating along. Alone.

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