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E. 7 0 5

"Hurry up, Gema!" He shouted up the stairs. It had already been enough times of nagging her.

Nai zipped through the Subhome, snatching essentials for going to another dimension with other Spider-heroes like them. The opportunity still felt unreal. Nai couldn't wait to meet more individuals that shared the same powers and similar costumes.

"I'm almost done!"

Nain blinked with the roll of his eyes. "'I'm almost done,' she says." He mimicked his sister's voice as he mumbles under his breath. "Just like you said 30 minutes ago from the first time I asked."

Letting out a short puff of smoke through his nose as Nai made sure to grabbed both of their web fluids. Not wanting to find any humiliation in this strike force for the multiverse.

"We promised Miguel that after we took care of Goblin by putting her in a very highly secured prison this time, we'd be at HQ, in his dimension, today." Nai reminded, putting the most crucial gadget behind his ear that mimicked a piercing.

His hands fidgeting with the dimensional watch from Miguel until clasping it on his wrist.

"Here I come!" Gema shouted before she jumped from the top of the stairs to land on the marble flooring.

Nai sighed. "Finally! Took you long enough."

Gema narrowed her eyebrows, standing up with a hair tie in her mouth.

"Wasn't that long." She said, her hands brushing through the top of her head, bringing together her classic half-up ponytail. "And this is just pay back for putting me on the spot the other day."

"Because I know you're always speaking for both of us." Nai teased, holding out her fake earring.

Shaking her head, Gema put the gadget in the spot Nai had his on hers. "I still can't believe you got me to go through with this." Gema groaned while latching the dimensional watch on her wrist.

Nai shrugged with optimism. "We are just keeping the promise we made. We promised to not forget we have each other."

"I'm thrilled." Gema replied with a long sigh.

Nai then struggled to find the correct button to open a portal. His fingers hovering over. He squinted at it over and over. Noticing his uncertainty, Gema rolled her eyes. She glanced down at her own wrist, tapping the numbers until the portal appeared in a flash. With the snap of his head, Nai watched in surprised to see the circling geometric shapes.

"Someone wasn't paying attention to Lyla's instructions." Gema teased, referring to the AI's crash course of how to use the dimensional watches.

Nai pouted his lips in frustration. "It wasn't interesting." He said, pressing the earpiece.

The twins looked at each other with a nod of approval.

And then they leaped.

E. 9 2 8
nueva york

"Come with me." Miguel gestured his arm with the wave of his hand, heading toward the sliding door of his laboratory.

The twins followed Miguel through HQ, seeing some Spider-people trail through portals. But not many filled the place as Gema remembered Jess and Peter told her. There were at least 20 but no more than that.

"Ohhhh. We got newbies?"

Her head turned to see an unmasked Spiderman. He wore a tight red suit to with a tattered blue t-shirt with a spider on the front. A set of growing blond locks falling over his face.

"Yeah, I'm Nai Aegeus and this is my twin sister, Gema." Nai introduced, pointing a thumb to his sister next to him.

"That's sweeeet!" Ben exclaimed, talking like a surfer with a hangover after drinking several bottles of rum the night before.

He turn his head slowly as he saw
the new Spiderwoman after shaking Nai's hand. Flipping his hair with a grin.

"Pleasure to meet you too." He greeted.

Gema forced a polite smile with a crinkled nose. "You too, I guess."

"You know," He winked. "If you need help with anything-"

"Thank you Ben," Miguel intervened, stepping in between. "But they won't be needing your help."

Ben chuckled a laugh. "Okay, okay. I'll uh, see you around." He said with a mini salute as he left.

"I sure hope not." Gema whispered to herself.

"Don't let him bother you. He just isnt used to Spiderwomen in Society as much." Miguel said as he cut through the twins to return to be in front of them as they went down a hall.

Gema did a quick scan, only finding Spidermen. "I noticed." She tilted her head with a shrug.

"Good thing is-"

"I just can't believe how jacked he was!" Nai interrupted, still in shock. "Maybe I can get those gains too."

Miguel rolled his eyes as he lead them through another corridor. "The good thing is you and Jess can help." He said.

Gema frowned. "With what?"

He barely looked down at her with a raised eyebrow with no words. She anticipated what was instore, bracing for what this multiversal strikeforce required. Instead, he scanned his hand on a pad off to the side. Causing the wall in front of them to split into two.

"Gema and Nai!" Peter B. Parker exclaimed before rushing over past Miguel and squeezing both Gema and Nai in a hug. "Which come to think of it, put your names together it sounds like that zodiac sign; gemini!! Did your folks do that on purpose!?"

He kept his arms hanging around their neck, pulling them inside the room. The two looking at each other from the sudden outburst of energy.

"I mean they were nerds about the constellations and Gemini was their favorite." Nai replied with a shrug.

"And what better coincidence that they had twins?" Peter pondered with more curiousity. "Since the Gemini constellation is based on twins-"

"That's enough Peter."

The twins looked over to see Jess Drew standing next to a table. A bunch of floating seats surrounding the futuristic furniture. "Don't need to yap their ears off."

Peter then huffed. "Oh come on! I've always wanted to be a twin." He said with his arms dropping to his sides.

Now free, Gema shook her head. "Feel free to borrow my brother whenever then."


"I'm sure she's kidding Nai." Peter chuckled.

Gema raised her eyebrows as to disprove his comment.

Peter's smile dropped at her seriousness. "Or maybe not."

The grin on Gema's lips was lived short when a fist slammed into her shoulder.


She shot a glare at her twin who was whistling, pretending to be innocent.

"Alright, alright." Miguel intervened the sibling banter. He walked towards the table. "All of you sit down, we have alot to discuss."

Peter and Jess, took their seats while Miguel stood at the head. Gema stood there awkwardly. Nai doing the same, adding an exaggerating head scratched.

"I'm sorry all of us?" He asked with sarcasm, pointing at himself and his sister. "Who is exactly us? You three annd?"

Miguel let out a sigh. "Everyone in this room."

Nai marched over without question, while Gema followed after a moment of hesitation. The two taking a spot next to Peter.

"Lyla, pull up the information." Miguel called out to his AI that hovered over his shoulder. She gave a side glance, making him roll his eyes. "Please."

The screen lit up with numbers and colored dots scattered all over the place in a 3D display. Lazers crisscrossing everywhere in the room.

"These all signify different aspects of the multiverse," Miguel said as he pointed out and highlighted the various colors. "Blue is every universe we have on our database. Green are Spider variants that are to be recruited. Red is for anamolies and Pink being anamolies returned to their dimension.

Nai reach to tap one of the blue dots with, 'Earth 705' labeled underneath it. A pink dot next to it with 'Green Goblin.'
His blood boiling at the sight of Nora Osbern. Even if she was officially behind bars now.

"Is that?" Gema asked with curiosity to the technology. "Our universe?"

She looked to Miguel who confirmed her question with a nod. "With yours, we only have record of 21 worlds and variants of Spideman."

"I guess we technically count you two as one." Peter suggested while moving in his chair back and forth.

Gema squinted her eyes, not understanding. "I'm sorry. What does this have to do with my brother and I being here. We just joined your little strikeforce, meaning we are still new to this." She said, gesturing to the layout surrounding them.

"She's right." Jessica spoke up, sending a supportive smile at Gema and suggested. "They could use some training in the simulators."

Nai scoffed. "I think my sister and I can handle ourselves just fine."

It wasn't as deadly as his fury against Goblin, but Gema knew he was bitter than usual. More than when she won a petty argument.

"You will." Miguel agreed with him.

After staring down at her for a moment, Miguel replied. "You maybe new to the multiverse, but you both have experience with being Spiderman."

"Ehm." Jessica cleared her throat while adjusting her glasses.

"And Spiderwoman." He said through his teeth as if his colleague, who grinned with satisfaction, struck a nerve he was trying to hold in. Miguel took a deep breath as he continued. "Unlike us or any of others, you two have an advantage none of us have."

"And whats that genius?" Nai challenged.

It occurred to Gema, processing the idea until it clicked into her mind, of what Miguel was talking about.

No other Spider, had someone to fight off villians each week with.

They did.

No other Spider got to talk to someone about the aftermath and occasionally celebrate with a bite to eat.

They did.

None of them could vent to someone else without risk their secret identity.

They did.

"We have each other." She answered before Miguel could kill her brother with a glare.

"Exactly. You have two minds of high intellect." He said as he tapped his temple, followed by the tilt of his head. "Which is needed on this council that you are apart of."

Nai's mouth dropped. "We are! Che-oo!!" He yelled, waving his hand in the air in a shaka.

Gema shook her head. "Council?"

Peter nodded. "After watching you two take down your Goblin, I told Miguel here that you'd be great additions!"

"Uh um." She said.

"You have a problem with that?" Miguel asked, putting his hands on his hips.

That shouldn't have bothered her as much. But it did.

"I do!" Gema raised her voice. "First you ask us to be apart of this important multiverse project. And now you want us to be part of a council."


"No Nai!" She protested against her brother's reasoning while pointing a finger at her chest. "I have been putting up with what you wanted the past few days. But this?"

She sent a death glare to Miguel O'Hara as if it were his fault.

"It isn't what I signed up for."

Then she realized how foolish it was to silently putting the blame on a stranger she met almost 3 days ago. It didn't help with the others witnessing her sudden outburst. Gema put her head down, right as water fill to the brim of her eyes.

Letting out a deep breath, hiding her insecurity, she looked up at the group. "I appreciate the offer." She sighed as she chewed on the inside of her cheek.

Changing her gaze on Miguel from bitterness to guilt. Her eyes widening at his reaction. An expression that pinched a nerve.

"It's just not for me." She said clearly as she turned on her heel.

Gema walked out of the room. Stepping out until she found herself in a futuristic bathroom stall. Sliding her back against the door, crumbling apart as her lip trembles. Her legs stumbled with loss of strength while her body melted to the floor. The overwhelming combination of the multiverse job and regretful frustration was already enough.

But the expression Miguel O'Hara gave her became too much for her to bare. It wasn't the usual careless stare. Rather a slight twitch of his eyebrows pinching together. His eerie blood colored eyes replaced with a different emotion.

If it was someone else, they'd miss the devastation parting his lips. They'd think it was just a reaction.

To Gema. It was reminder of what she lost. That being a man she was supposed to start a new life with by now. The worry he carried when she came to a date night with cuts and brushes after fighting as Spiderwoman.

Now seeing it on the stranger she met on a beach from another dimension. That was all it took for her to tap the button on her watch and go home.

7 0 5

So far, no one noticed.

No one knew Gema Aegeus opened a portal to go back to her dimension.

A sigh came out as she walked through the Subhome after changing into casual clothes. Gema entered the kitchen, catching a glimpse of the view of Neuphrates out the window. The water crashing into the waterproof glass on the middle level of the home. She grabbed the leftover take out of pesto noodles for lunch.

After pulling it out the microwave, she sat on the couch, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV. As she selected her choice, her HyrdoWatch was being spammed by her brother:

Where did you go?


We can try to talk to Miguel about any alternatives.


I'm sorry it got out of hand.


Please respond.


She continued to ignore each, not wanting to be confronted about what happened.

About halfway into watching her movie, salting her food with her tears, a knock on the door broke the sentimental emotions.

She placed her bowl on the coffee table and went to the door. Wiping the tears off her eyes before looking through the peep hole, her heart stopped. Taking a gulp, a deep breath and a silent prayer, Gema set her food down and opened the door.

"Hey Gema,"

There he was. The man with dark hair and green eyes, dressed in the NPD uniform beamed with a bright smile. Holding a container of kindness instead a gun like he did the last time she saw him. In his defense, he had no clue he aimed a bullet at his friend and former teammate from the Surfing team.

"Jaxon?" Gema slipped his name off her tongue, on edge incase he pointed the gun again. But a smile adjusted on her face to limit the suspicions. "It's been a while."

"I know." He sighed as he shook his head. "I should have come to see you sooner but I've been so busy tracking down those masked vigilantes-"

"No no no. It's okay." She shook her head with assurance.

Vigilantes? She repeated the last word in her mind. Hearing it stabbed guilt into her chest. That's how the public view her and Nai now.

"Wait? Have you been crying?" Jaxon asked after doing a double take at my eyes.

Cursing at herself for not fully getting rid of the evidence, she brought a hand up to get rid of the smudges of mascara.

"Oh, yeah." She sniffled with a force laugh and pointed back at the TV behind her. "Just watching good old Lilo and Stitch.

Jaxon raised his eyebrows with the click of his tongue. "Ah! Of course. That one is always a tear jerker." He said as he held up the mystery container. "I think this will cheer you up."

"Is it what I think it is!?" Gema gasped, her jaw hanging open.

He shrugged. "Maybe."

Her smile stretched further into curiousity as she took the container from him.

When she peaked inside, Gema's eyes lit up like city lights and shooting her gaze back up. "Jaxon you're going to make this worse!" She scolded as she pointed at her puffy eyes.

"Exactly how I predicted you would react to my brownies. " Jaxon grinned as if he won a competition. He tilted his head in regret with a playful remorse. "Though I'll make sure to take the blame."

Gema sighed, appreciating the act of kindness. "You can come in if you want too."

"I wish I could," He sighed with an apologetic expression. "But I have to get to work. It hasn't been easy finding the Spidertwins recently since Cart- since the boat incident."

Gema bit her lip nervously at the partial mention at her fiancé. It felt like multiple thrones from a sea urchin. Reminding her of that agonizing night.
Taking a deep breath from her vulnerable state. "I thought they were allies with the NPD." She said, careful to getting herself caught.

"I thought so too." Jaxon let out a long deep breath, grabbing her hand. "But don't worry. When we catch the Spidertwins, they are going to pay for what the did."

"That's great Jaxon." She lied through a half-smile. In reality Gema was terrified. Her best friend saw her as the reason for her fiancés death. To an extend, it was true. She failed to save him.

Words weren't coming to mind until a buzz vibrated on her wrist. Gema glanced down at her HyrdoWatch, receiving more nagging from her brother.

She hung up the incoming call and returned her attention to Jaxon
"Sorry about that. It's just brother asking me about something stupid probably."

"Probably." Jaxon chuckled. "Tell him I say hi."

"I will." Gema promised.

He sighed as he tilted his head to the side. "I need to get going, but it was nice to see you."

"You too." Gema waved with a grin until he was out of sight and she closed the door.

Right when she did, a portal opened up and her brother came storing in. "Where have you been!?" Nai scoffed.

Startled by his abrupt entrance Gema jumped a little. But once she registered, she beeline to grab her bowl on the coffee table and sitting back down.

"I've been texting you-"

"I know."

Gema then reached for the remote before it was snatched away with a string of web. She glared at Nai as he held it in his hand.

"And you've been ignoring my calls which is not tolerable." He said.

She stared at him, waiting for him to take a hint that she didn't want to talk. "Give it back Nai."

Gema shot a web at the bottom of the remote, ready to retrieve it. Matching her stubbornness, Nai tightened his hold on the object, refusing to let go.

"Not until you talk to me." He demanded.

Rolling her eyes with a sigh, Gema released her grip. Standing up and maneuvering around her brother and heading for her room. The one Nai borrowed that used to be his 'man cave.'

Before she could close the door, Nai stuck his foot in between the threshold. "Gema! Why are you so against this whole idea?"

Still no reply from his sister. Even with being in person. Blocking out his attempts to finding the reason for her resentment while tying her hair into a side braid, hearing a long sigh.

"Whether you like it or not Gema, you can't escape that you are Spiderwoman. Heck, I don't think I've even seen you touch your surfboard." Nai went on glancing at the board in question hanging on the wall by her bed.

"And if Carter were here he'd be telling you-"

"He's gone Nai!" Gema snapped as she turned around, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Seeing his face and hearing his name several times that day. From that council meeting to news reports. Jaxon's visit to now.

"I know I'm Spiderwoman! What do think be been doing all these years Nai!? But I'm not going to get involved if it's just going to create more damage!" She went off, her hands running through her hair. Then with a direct stare she said. "You go and be Spiderman all you want, but I'm done."

Nai returned the eye contact at her with concern as she pointed at herself. He hated seeing her like this. A side of her he hadn't seen in a long time.

"Niether of us asked." He said, heading towards the door. "Back when no one had opinions of us. We were just normal teenagers. We didn't worry about super senses or shooting webs. Getting those powers didn't matter but-"

"I know." Gema cut him off, stepping out in her casual attire, rolling her eyes. "We found purpose in trying to protect people who can't protect themselves."

"That's right." Nai stated, his voice becoming more defensive from Gema's attitude. "So don't tell me you didn't ask for it, when I didn't either. Whether I want to or not, I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep people safe."

Chastisement pierced through her chest as she sat on the bed. Letting out regret in her deep exhale, wishing she could take out what blurted out of her mouth. It still didn't change her mind on the multiverse context. Though hearing Nai mention his motivation to doing the right thing.

"Gema. Just think if you help us with the multiverse then-"

"Please stop talking about that." Gema closed her eyes with a turn of her head to the side. Tears began to slide down her cheeks.

He stepped forward. "Gema all I'm saying is-"

"Goodnight Nai." She said, getting situated under the covers, ignoring his reasoning.

Nai knew she needed to be alone. Even if this was one of many times. He left her at that, not wanting to upset her more.

Now in his room, Nai had and wanted to do something. A way to get his other half motivated to save the day like they had done so many times. The good days of going out to eat after a battle with a arch nemesis at their favorite restaurant. Or nights they watched the Daily Bugle updates just to make fun of her overbearing boss.

He then turned the dial on his multiverse watch. In a flash of a bright orange, appeared red and blue holographic pixels. Making up the futuristic Spiderman who let out a sigh with the pinch of his nose and mumbled Spanish to himself.

"What?" He said with only a frown of annoyance mixed with curiosity. "This better be good, Aegeus."


Poor Gema is overwhelmed with this whole thing. Can't say I blame her because I would be too. Then there's Nai who's just happy to be there.

I know I keep editing this story and changing it, BUT I am happier with the direction it's going this time. MJ/Maxine was originally going to be introduced, but I'm planning to save her for later.

Until next time......

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