Chapter 1- a new member

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*4 years later*

As the years passed, Juno at now 8 years old, was fully trained in the Ravager ways. It wasn't something she was proud of. She knew her mother wouldn't want her daughter learning the ways of thieving. But Juno was doing everything she could to impress her father.

Now a days it was hard to get his attention, despite their daily training lessons, but that's really all she got from her father.

Yondu had become cold and heartless. A year ago he was exiled for breaking the Ravager code. Dealing in kids. Hired by some guy named Ego.

Juno didn't know much about Ego, except that they get his kids, and she never sees them again. She also knew it was wrong dealing in kids. Although she did enjoy the company for someone around her age to talk too for a short period of time.

Currently they were on there way to a planet called Terra. At least that's what her father and the crew called it.
Yondu had just figured out what was happening to these kids he kept delivering to that jackass. It bothered him. It reminded him of his parents turning him over to slavery. Yet he chosen not to go against an all powerful celestial being. But this would be the last one he vowed.

Juno had also grown in beauty and in strength. She was the care taker on the ship, mending injured crew members with her powers. For a while the crew was extremely scared of her. Even Krag tried to keep his distance in the beginning.
Eventually Yondu helped her control her powers. He wasn't magical but he knew a thing or two about controlling your strengths. Telling her to use her heart inside of her emotions and what's in her head. Of coarse there was some mishaps. She truly did have to control her emotions when using her powers, and it was hard to do. But so far nothing extreme had happened like the day her mother died.

"Juno!" The rough voice of her father came from behind her closed door.
Juno was just finishing off her signature braid when he came knocking. Along with putting on her Ravager clothing for the day.
"Yes Yondu?" She yelled back annoyed.
"Girl yer were suppose to be preparing the Terrains room by now! Move yer ass!"
And with that he stomped away

Juno sighed deeply. Being an 8 year old on a Ravager ship was hard enough. But being on a Ravager ship being neglected and yelled at all the time was even harder.

When Juno had successfully gotten a passenger quarters ready for the new arrival, she made her way to the front deck. Juno knew she was definitely not a loud to be there, her father hated when she was on the main bridge of the ship. He always told her she got in the way and was too much of a distraction.
The blue girl poked her head around a corner to look into the room. Sitting on his captain chair was Yondu. His left cheek in his hand, his red eyes staring at the giant window looking into space.
Next to him standing was Krag. His eyes glanced behind him and caught sight of the small girl. Juno held a finger to her lips silently begging Krag no to give her away. Krag rolled his eyes and turned away pretending he didn't see her.
"Terra up ahead captain."
One of his crew members said at a counsel.
At this words Juno got on her tip toes to full see the window. Her eyes landed on a planet like mom she's ever seen before. It was a green and blue ball, with white swirls here and there. Juno found a sense of beauty and innocence by just looking at the planet.
She's heard rumors of terra, how the inhabitants think they are the only life among the universe. It never occurred to Juno why no cruisers or ships had ever landed on said planet, but yet just looking at the planet she knew it was different and wasn't ready to know about what's beyond.
As the ship got closer, she noticed the planet was mostly covered by blue to which she assumed to be water. She couldn't help but look at her skin. Maybe this Terrian coming aboard was blue like her! It'd be nice to have someone similar to her.
The planet was even more beautiful when it broke through the atmosphere and she got a good close up look of the surface. Finally the ship came to a halt.
"Captain. We have lock on target."
"Deploy tractor beam."

Juno almost fell over at the familiar jolt of the beam shooting down to the planet bellow. Flashes of light and color filled the view.
After a while it retracted and Juno heard down the hall screaming of a boy.


Juno flinched as her name was called roughly by her father who didn't even turn around. Yondu definitely knew his daughter better then anyone.

"Go make sure the boy made it on safely."

Juno nodded and mumbled a "Yes sir."


Juno didn't know truly what to expect walking to retrieve the boy. Krag had told her Terrians look just like him. So she figured she wasn't expecting much.
Juno stopped in her tracks in front of the extraction deck. A boy about her age was being thrown around by crew members. They cackled and laugh chanting how much they wanted to eat him.
The boy seemed terrified crying out.
"Mom! Mom help me!"

Juno quickly speed walked over to them angered that how poorly they were treating him.
"Hey!" She screamed angrily.

They all stopped. Some looked scared but the newer members just laughed at her
"Aw is the little blue freak coming to your rescue boy?"

The boys lip quivered with fear.

Juno's eyes narrowed and started to glow
"If I were you. I would let the boy go."

That's when they all were shaking in there boots. The man holding the boy threw him to the side and backed away. The boy landed with a thud on the ship ground.
Juno quickly rushed over to him and helped him up.
"Are you ok?"

The boy looked terrified of her and backed away.
"W-what are you? Who are you? Where am I?"

"Yer not on terra any more boy."

Yondu had entered the room with Kraglin and a lot more of the crew. He stared down at the boy and was sorta shocked to see bruises on his face.

"Did anyone touch him?!" Yelled Yondu

The crew scared to say the truth shook their heads.
Yondu approached the boy who was hiding behind Juno.
"What's your name boy?"
He didn't answer. Juno touched his arm and used her telekinesis, a ability she had picked up.
"Peter. His name is Peter Quill."
Peter's eyes widened and he jumped back gripping his arm.
Yondu nodded
"Alright Quill. Yer wanna tell me how you got those bruises of yours?"

Peter finally spoke
"I-I got into a fight.. at school.."

Yondu seemed to take this in and nodded
"Alright. Well this is where yer be staying for a while. And there will be no fighting on this ship. Understand me?"

Peter seemed shocked
"No! I want to go home!"

"Well this is yer home for the time being."

With that Yondu turned around and everyone left the room except Juno and Peter. When Juno turned to Peter she took his hand.
"Come on I'll show you too your room."

Peter reluctantly followed.


Peter sat on the bed of his quarters while Juno went to the dresser to get him clothing. She pulled out a jacket, t-shirt, pants, and boots that she thought would fit him. The tailor here had to assume what his measurements were.

Juno walked over to him and settled the clothes on the bed next to him. She got a good look at Peter. He had brown hair, peach skin (covered in bruises), his lip was out in a pout, his brown eyes looked down brooding.
His fingers were playing with a small box in his hands that connected to a weird thing around his next.
Juno's eye brows scrunched in confusion.
"What's that?"

Peter just glared and scooted away from her. She had to admit this one was much more stubborn then the others.
She sighed and got up on the bed sitting next to him.
Peter looked at her confused
"That's my name. It's Juno. You asked who I was before. My name is Juno Undonta."
Peter stared at her for a moment before giving a half smile.
"How did you figure out my name before?"
Juno smiled
"I'm half centaurian, half Asgardian. The powers are from my mothers side. I can do all sorts of things with Asgardian powers."
Peter seemed curious at all the information she gave him.
"Where are your parents?"
Juno frowned
"Well my mother was killed by crew members who did not respect her culture... and you already met my dad."

Peter's eyes widened in realization.
"Wait. That other blue guy is your dad?!"

Juno laughed and nodded
"Yea he's the captain of the ship."

"He's scary."

Juno shrugged
"Yea he's definitely scary. And tough. And sometimes mean. But he takes being a Ravager seriously and he taught me how to gain a bit of control with my powers."

Peter nodded. It was silent for a bit before Juno asked
"So... what about your family..."

Juno knew who his father was but Yondu had made it very clear not to tell him about it. She never knew why. But she was curious about the terrians mother.

Peter's eyes got misty and he looked away.

"I-I never met my dad... my mom she... she died of cancer."

Juno looked confused
"Cancer? What's that?"

"It's a disease... a really bad one with no cure. At least not for humans..."

Juno got even more confused at that. Human? What's a human?


Peter's spirits were a bit lifted by her and he couldn't help but laugh at the way she said that
"That's what I am."

"I thought you were Terrian."

Peter raised an eyebrow
"I guess that's what you call humans."

He scooted closer to her
"Soooo you can do magic?"

Juno nodded
"I can heal you."

She pressed two fingers too his head and in a flash his bruises disappeared and the cut on his lip closed up.

"That was awesome!" Peter exclaimed excitedly.

They talked for hours and Peter eventually showed Juno his walk man. She'd never heard such music before and she fell in love with it. It made her want to dance and sing and do a bunch of things.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.


*3 hours later*

Krag followed the captain as they made their way to address the young Terrian boy.
Krag didn't like delivering these kids and he sure as hell didn't like knowing what happened to them after. He could tell Yondu didn't ether.
Yondu poked his head in and he pulled away shocked.
"What's wrong Captn' "

Yondu looked perplexed for a moment before making his way in again. Krag stood in the door way and could see why Yondu was shocked.

Juno and Peter had both passed out on Peter's bed fast asleep. Juno was curled up on her side facing Peter, his head phones on her ears.

"Hooked on a Feeling" could be heard playing through them.

As for Peter he slept on his back, a hand close to Juno's. The Walkman was hooked to the new belt of his new pants.
Both kids had smiles on their faces.

Yondu stood at the foot of the bed, his arms crossed staring at them with an emotionless looked. Krag looked at him trying to get a read.

"Well shit." Yondu finally said letting a small half smile creep onto his face.

"Captn'?" Krag questioned

Yondu grabbed a blanket and gently pulled it over them. After that he nudged his first mate out and closed the door behind them.

"Set coarse to a remote planet."

"Um why?"

"We're not delivering that kid to that jackass."

Krag full on stopped in his tracks
"What?! Why?"

Yondu turned around to face him
"He's small. He can fit into small spaces. Good for thieving."
Then he nervously scratched the back of his neck before adding "And... Juno needs the company."

Then he quickly started walking again. Krag stood there staring in shock at Yondu's head.
He then let a satisfied smirk cross his features. Cause he knew the truth. Underneath all that cold heartedness that had built up over the years, Yondu still cared a lot for his daughter, and her happiness. And he knew in time, the boy they've now acquired, he could lean to care for too.

"Kraglin come on! That's an order!"

Krag chuckled

"Coming Captn'!"

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