Second Day Of School 😴

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Hope everyone got a little bit of sleep after the late night craziness yesterday! Because now you all have to go back to disliking each other, and sneaking around. Sigh.

Don't forget to tag me in instagram books, and you can text each other in your instabooks!

Also! Upcoming events:

The Homecoming Dance!

You can purchase tickets at the office, and don't forget to ask a certain someone to the dance! Oooh. 😱

Except, there's a catch...

The Dean will be supervising the dance, and if you asked someone in the opposite department you cannot be seen being their date. 👬👭 👫

But hey! You can always sneak off to the bathrooms if you want to meet up with your actual date 😉

Just don't get caught!

Oh! And at the end of the dance there will be a vote for Homecoming King, Queen, Prince, and Princess! 😊👑

Good luck with your second day of school!

Let's hope it's better than last night...

My Ocs' Homecoming Dance Outfits:






[[Let me know if you post a picture of your Homecoming outfit!]]

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