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"I know that it's gonna take some time.
I've got to admit that the thought has crossed my mind
That this might end up like it should.
And I'm starting to believe that
This could be the start of something good."


Bell's head rested on Sirius' collarbone as they held each other for a long moment, not speaking, content in each other's presence for just a little while longer. A strand of his hair tickled Bell's nose, and she had to lean back and away from him to sneeze. He was smiling softly at her, genuine and sweet, when she turned back to him, and she appreciated how his hand was still around her waist, though held loosely now, in case she wanted to step away. She studied his face for a moment, and was slightly surprised to see it was the same as it had always been. Some part of her had always thought they would seem different to each other if (or once) this happened, but clearly, they were just the same as before. Yet... Bell was happier. He brought her such joy, and to think that he cared for her in the same way as she honored him in her heart was a splendid idea.

"Angel, Angel, Angel..." Sirius mused aloud and swayed a little bit.

Bell's smile widened as she mirrored the movement, reaching up to ruffle his hair. "Yeah, Hot Stuff?"

Sirius grinned and kissed her forehead, murmuring into her skin, "You are the best thing to ever have come into my life."

Bell blushed. "You mean that?" she asked softly, gently clasping her hand with his.

"Of course," was the immediate reply, and his smile flickered- Bell worried, for an instant, that she'd said the wrong thing- before he went on, "Even before I knew I fancied you... you were always the person I went to when I needed to cheer up, who had the best jokes, who always was there with a hug and a smile." Sirius pulled her into another hug, and Bell smiled into his shoulder, quite elated and blushing as red as a rose. "You're amazing, Bellamy."

Footsteps out in the hall reminded Bell that they had best be getting back to the dorms, despite how she wanted to stay here for a minute more- she had so much to say to him -and Sirius apparently registered this too. She kissed his cheek as she leaned back, reluctantly stepping out of his embrace, but he smirked at her, somehow retaining a bit of adoration in the look, and teased:

"You missed."

She grinned and leaned in again, aiming for his lips this time, and did not miss. The sensation of sparks going off repeated itself this third time, and Bell was laughing softly by the time she stepped back, almost giddy with delight. Sirius offered her his arm- "Shall we?" -and off they went, though a few feet out the door, she slipped her hand from the crook of his arm to hold his hand instead. Almost shyly, she kept glancing at Sirius, pink-cheeked and bearing a little smile. Each time, he'd wink at her, or squeeze her hand, or nudge her arm- each gesture a sweet yet slightly flirtatious one. Bell loved it, and though she knew she, in turn, loved him, was not about to say it so soon. They were just beginning, it wouldn't do for her to go pouring her feelings out immediately and rush them along- or, worse, for him to be put off by her admission.

Just as they made the turn to head down the hall to the Grand Staircase which, in turn, would lead them to the Gryffindor House dormitories, a parade of footsteps reached their ears. Bell frowned. She glanced to Sirius and saw he too seemed more alert. It seemed the last two days had not made only her cautious of the approach of other persons. Placing the sounds to be coming from behind them, she looked over her shoulder- Regulus was the first to appear around the corner. He saw her, then his eyes went to her and his brother's held hands, then he quickly waved at them- 'get going'. Bell quickly tugged Sirius to the side of the hall and, spotting a small door close at hand, opened it and drew him in.

"Who is it?"

"I only saw Regulus. Bellatrix and Malfoy and whoever else are probably with him."

Sirius nodded, smile fading from his face. The broom closet they now stood in was certainly cramped, and though Bell had the inclination to wonder how many times Sirius had been in here with another girl, she brushed the thought out of her head as foolish jealousy. She had no good reason to ponder his past when in the present, he was so clearly dedicated to her. The array of footsteps drew closer to the closet. Sirius' hand was around Bell's waist again and she saw how his other hand was reaching into his robes for his wand. She paused him with a gentle touch.

"Don't do it," she warned in a whisper.

"But it's Bellatrix, I can't just..." Sirius' words trailed off at how Bell drew her hand up to caress his cheek, almost as if entranced. His hand lowered from his pocket and he clasped his hands around her waist. She drew him closer and wrapped her other arm around his neck, and a little smirk crept onto his face. Bell knew he wanted to jump back out into the hall, throw a few jinxes at Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix and the other unwholesome Slytherins passing by, but to do so would likely 'be the straw that broke the camel's back', as the Muggles said. She didn't want Sirius to tip the scales against himself for the worse in the eyes of the Hogwarts administration. 


"Just kiss me."


Marlene sighed, flopping back onto James' bed. The Marauders' dorm seemed to have become a hotspot for the group of friends to congregate on a daily basis. The blonde turned her head, gaze following Persephone as she crossed the room to the window. Spread across the beds and floor, the friends were working on a project. This one was, however, much less risky and aggressive than the last: they were making a care package to bring to Lily that weekend. Despite their actions today, Persephone had managed to persuade Professor McGonagall to send the group to London that coming Saturday, which also happened to fall on Halloween.

Persephone, thoughtful as ever, had returned from her dorm room with the news of her successful request to McGonagall, as well as a small wicker basket. She had then cleverly enchanted the basket to grow larger, as well as have the capacity to hold many items without becoming all too heavy. Marlene had brought over Lily's collection of Muggle and wizarding novels and Remus was now shifting through them, trying to decide which three he wanted to add to the large basket. 

Peter, sitting on his bed, at the end closest to the wall, was holding a small snowglobe in his hands, turning it upside down and shaking it every few minutes. It was a gift from Lily their first year at Hogwarts, and Marlene knew he earnestly treasured it. The redhead had been one of the first people (aside from the Marauders) to treat Peter like an actual person, extending kindness and friendship to him even though one of his friends annoyed her to pieces by how he kept trying to get her to notice him every single day. Speaking of James, he was writing a poem to Lily, but this time he was actively seeking advice from Marlene so it wouldn't be as dreadful as usual.

"What rhymes with dragon?"





Marlene sat up and raised an eyebrow at Persephone as she returned from closing the window. The Hufflepuff blinked at her, confused for a moment, then realized very few of those gathered would understand what a 'Volkswagon' was.

"It's a Muggle car."

Murmurs of understanding went around the room, then Marlene chimed in, "Though, James, whatever line you've mentioned a dragon in, maybe change it."

The bespectacled boy in question wrinkled up his nose for a moment, tapped his quill against his non-dominant hand, and amended, "Well, maybe I should say a snapdragon."

"Like the flower?"


Marlene considered this for a moment, then hopped off James' bed and to the floor where he sat, leaning against one of the posts.

"Let me see."

The door creaked open and Marlene looked up to see Sirius coming into the room, followed by Bell. She couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face. They just looked so damn happy.

"What did we miss?"

"We're making a care package for Lily," explained Peter with a small smile, carefully placing the snowglobe on his bedside table.

James raised his hand as if waiting to be called on and Sirius pointed at him, smirking slightly.

"Alright, where'd you snog more? McGonagall's classroom or a broom cupboard?"

"Broom cupboard."

Bell blushed, gasped, and nudged Sirius' arm, but she was clearly holding back laughter. He kissed the side of her head, grinning, while Marlene rolled her eyes and handed over the four galleons she'd bet James. Bell sat down on Sirius' bed and pulled her boyfriend to sit beside her- certainly, they were together now -and offered to tell Persephone where Remus' chocolate stash was so they could add a few bars to the care package. Remus himself just sighed and gestured to the box under his bed himself, saving her the trouble, and a smile tugged at Marlene's lips, watching Sirius wrap his arm around Bell's waist as if they belonged together.

Truth be told, Marlene had a good feeling their relationship would last for a long, long time.


Sirius' list:

1: Confess to and kiss her. 

Bell's list:

2. See what "all the hype" is about. (aka kiss Sirius) 

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