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"Northern downpour sends its love."


"She just ran."

Sirius shifted where he sat on the end of James' bed. His friend, squinting at him due to lack of spectacles (they were right on his bedside table, but apparently he'd forgotten in his distress), was finishing telling him what had happened at Slughorn's party to leave him wide-awake so late. Even the joy Sirius had felt at kissing Bell's cheek and then her returning the flirty gesture was fading at his best friend's despondent expression. James didn't deserve this. Not after six years of loving Lily Evans and being rejected over and over. Sirius thought they were finally making progress, and now this- no wonder James was in such a funk.

"And then what?"

"I watched her go."

Sirius frowned. That didn't sound like something James Potter would do at all. He must really be hurt.

"And then Regulus came out of the party and I... I asked him what I did wrong."

Sirius was surprised, though he tried not to show it. He and his brother were still on decent terms, despite the rest of his very-strained family connections, but his friends often distrusted Regulus due to the people he surrounded himself with. Except Bell. Bell always saw the good in everyone. Sirius had learned later on from Lily that she'd stuck up for Regulus when he'd come to Sirius' aid in the Hospital Wing that night. He'd thanked his brother later, of course, though Regulus had just sort of waved him off with a 'don't mention it'. For James to ask Regulus something like that of his own free will was a once-in-a-blue-moon occurrence.

"What did he say?"

"That she looked scared."

James didn't mention anything about why Regulus would have noticed this, didn't voice a thought that he was staring at Lily or something of the like, and Sirius was again surprised.

"Do you think she-"

"She's never believed I actually loved her until tonight and now I fucked it all up."

Sirius blanched. James, though it might surprise someone outside of their friend group, employed the least swear words in his common conversation out of all the Marauders (that honor would go to Remus). For him to use that language, in such a sharp tone, made Sirius think he was really, really upset. And there was his phrasing too- he blamed himself. Sirius sighed.

"I don't think it was your fault, James."

James shook his head. "You weren't there. You didn't make a joke about kissing her that got her all flustered. You didn't try to slow dance with her and have her immediately run away. Not walk, run. You didn't see how she stared at you like a scared deer when you tore her cape on accident."

Sirius couldn't help a bit of laughter escape his lips and James stared at him reproachfully.

"I'm being serious right now-"

"No, I am." At James exhasperated look, he shook his head. "That wasn't a joke. I really think I know why she ran."


"Let's review: she got flustered when you joked about kissing her?"


"And you think she was scared when you tried to slow dance with her?"


"What if she was anxious for another reason?"

James blinked.

"What if she was frightened that she was finally falling for you in return?" 

More blinking. Sirius threw his hands up. "Oh, come on, James! Six years of loving her and you're going to give up now?"

"What if she's really had enough?"

Sirius grabbed the pillow he was leaning against and tossed it at James' face.

"Did you not just hear me, James Fleamont Potter? She's falling for you. Tomorrow, you're going to make up and that's that."

"How can you know that?"

Sirius groaned and flopped over the edge of the bed, his hair dangling towards the floor. "I can't," he admitted, "but I can make a wild guess based on the evidence I've got."

James sighed and grabbed Sirius' hand as he started to slip off the bed, tugging him back upright and finally reaching for his glasses on the bedstand. Apparently he hadn't forgotten they were there, he'd just neglected them in his misfortune.

"Now you sound like Remus." James chuckled. "But you're right. Tomorrow will be better."

"Speaking of Moony, why's he asleep like that?" Sirius nodded his head across the room to where Remus was sleeping sitting up, his head bowed against his chest as he quietly snored.

"He was trying to stay awake with me, to talk, but he spent all day either in class or studying so he fell asleep a few minutes after I got back from the party. Same for Peter, but I think he might have been kind of drunk?"

Sirius winced. "That would be my fault. He was stressing over Wednesday's Potions test and I told him to drink a bit of firewhiskey while he studied, it might calm his nerves. I guess it did, but maybe too much." He glanced over at Peter's bed. He, at least, was sprawled on his stomach instead of sitting up as he slept.

"That would explain when he found me on the dorm stairs. He doesn't usually call me anything but James. He said 'Prongsie'."

Sirius gave a soft laugh. "Hah! I think I might be having too great an influence on him." He stood and went to Remus' bed, then proceeded to nudge his friend onto his back and draw his blankets over him, doing the same for Peter a moment later.

James grinned. "Well if you are, it won't be a bad thing." He yawned. "Buuuut before we sleep, tell me why you came in with that big cheesy grin earlier?"

Sirius couldn't help but smile back. "I kissed Bell-"


Sirius, thankfully only a foot away from James' bed, hurriedly clapped his hand over his friend's mouth.

"It's a miracle you haven't woken them-" Meaning Peter and Remus. "-but you know Minnie's got the ears of a cat, she can hear the drop of a pin a mile away."

"Go. To. Bed. Mr. Black. And. Mr. Potter."

James sighed. "We will, Professor, g'night."

Footsteps retreated and Sirius shook his head, smirking. "Does she ever sleep?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if the answer was 'no'. Anyway, you did what-"

"On the cheek, you didn't let me finish."

James' grin returned. "Well, still, if it wasn't midnight, I'd tell you to break out the firewhiskey and we'd celebrate."

"You just want firewhiskey."

"True." They shared a quiet laugh. "Either way, that's grand, mate."


"She just ran."

Bell buried her face in her hands and gave a deep sigh. "Oh, Lily," she mumbled.

"Yeah... I feel bad for her, but worse for James."

Bell nodded and raised her head again. She sat on the end of Marlene's bed while the possessor of which told her what Lily had revealed of her night at Slughorn's party.

"How do you think he's faring?"

"Miserable, probably. I bet he blames himself." 

Marlene nodded in agreement. "I swear to Merlin..." She shook her head and gave a 'hrmph'. "If they don't make up by breakfast tomorrow, I'll force 'em into a broom closet until I hear snogging."

Bell gave a soft laugh. "Not a bad plan... though I think Lily might disagree."

"Just maybe."

"How long has she been asleep?"

Marlene glanced at the clock hung above the dorm door. "An hour or so. I haven't moved so she wouldn't wake up. I think sleep will clear her mind, and maybe she'll have a good dream or two."

Bell nodded. "That's sweet of you, but you should get some sleep. Here-" She stood up and, with Marlene's help, gently moved Lily off Marlene's lap and into Bell's arms. She carried her friend to her bed and mused, not for the first time, that Lily had the softest blankets of the three of them. A gift from James in fourth year when she'd mentioned her sheets were scratchy, though Lily still didn't know they were actually from him- she'd received them in an anonymous package and, in a move that pleasantly surprised Bell to this day, James hadn't said a word.

"Good night, Lily," whispered Bell as she drew up the light purple blankets, then noticed that her sleeping friend was holding the lily flower pendant of the necklace James had given her at Hogsmeade quite recently. Even in her sleep, she treasured it. Bell's heart warmed. She turned back toward Marlene, who was curling up under her own covers, and gave a small smile.

"They'll be alright."

"You think so?"

"I'm sure of it."

Marlene yawned and nodded, and by the time Bell was in her pajamas, the blonde of their trio had fallen to sleep. Feeling her drowsiness reappearing (she'd come back to alertness at the sight of Lily so small and sad on Marlene's lap), she looked out the window into the dark night. No stars could be seen, not even the moon's light came through the clouds. She wouldn't be surprised if it rained tomorrow. A chill went up her spine. Something swooped by the window and she clapped her hand over her mouth to stifle a yelp. Again, it happened, and Bell reached for her wand on her nightstand. She threw the window open and-

Pippin darted in from the cold in a blur of feathers, crash-landed on Bell's bed, and laid there in a daze as she took a deep breath to slow her racing heart and closed the window again.

"You crazy bird," she muttered and knelt on her bed beside her spunky little owl. He shook himself back to attention and climbed to his feet, tilting his head at her and giving a chirp. There was a letter tied to his leg, and Bell carefully slipped it off. He hopped towards her, but due to the lack of stability presented by the mattress, he slipped onto his stomach again and resorted to rolling across the blankets to her. She chuckled fondly at him and let him hop along her arm up to her shoulder. "Just don't read my letter," she joked to him, and though she was sure he didn't understand, he chirruped again and nuzzled his head into her hair.

Unfolding the parchment (which took a minute, as it was folded into a very small square so Pippin, a very small owl, could carry it), Bell wondered who it was from. The blue ribbow tied around it gave her no context, but the looping letters of the 'Hey Sis' and the words themselves brought a smile to Bell's face. Joanne!

Hey Sis,

Hope you're doing well at school. Got the news a week ago about Dad. Sorry to hear it. If there's anything I can do to help you cope or anything, let me know.

Bell's smile turned sad. Yes, she missed her Dad, but she had a feeling he was in a better place, even though she didn't much believe in a god.

The world is getting darker, Bell. Even I can tell that. Cora too. We're only Muggles, but there's things happening that nothing but magic can explain. Bridges collapse with hundreds of people on them but there's no signs of structural issues or tampering. Big Ben rang out all day yesterday, nonstop, until the Prime Minister himself showed up at four thirty and they haven't rung since, no matter what the engineers try. Not to mention the unexplained explosion of a house just three miles away from our home two weeks ago.

A frown came over Bell's face. Voldemort.

I have some good news to share, though. I hope you're ready to be an aunt.

Bell's jaw dropped and she gave a squeak. Pippin shifted on her shoulder and chirped back at her.

We've adopted a pair of twins from a London orphanage. I think they'll have a good life in Ireland. It's more peaceful out here in the countryside. They're six years old, both boys, named Burr Alexander and Benedict Fletcher. We've made you the godmother of Benedict and Cora's brother is his godfather. Her cousin Sonia and Sonia's husband are the godparents of Burr. We've given them the last name Devane-Roac. I hate to damper the news, but it's despicable how hard it was to adopt as a gay couple in England. I bet in the States it's worse. Cora says it is. She went there for college.

Bell couldn't stop smiling. She was an aunt! Of two little boys! Wow!

Anyway, they've been here two days and I think they like it. There's a few kids in the neighborhood around their age to play with as they grow up, so that's good. Burr likes to watch Cora garden. I think he might have a green thumb. Benedict, on the other hand, prefers to run around the beach on Lough Eske just down the road. He thinks the beech trees along the water were planted by giants. It's a nice place. Cora and I have been thinking about buying a few benches and painting them to put along the shore of the lake. Maybe when you come here on your winter break you can help us with that.

Bell nodded to herself, agreeing that of course she'd help.

Speaking of your break- I remember how your friend Sirius would come over for a few days each winter, to Dad's place. I might be wrong, but he always seemed so happy to get there and so disappointed to leave. If you want to offer it to him, we'd be more than happy to let him come for all of your winter break.

Bell teared up for a moment. It seemed that somehow, she and Jo had thought of the same idea. She'd already started planning with James how to surprise Sirius and was going to write to her sister about that in her next letter, but Jo had beaten her to it.

I hope the rest of your friends are doing well. If James hasn't proposed to Lily yet, he's slacking.

Bell gave a laugh. Every time James and Jo were in the same place, they'd plot together on how best for him to win Lily's affections. Truth be told, Bell was pretty sure Joanne saw James as the little brother she never had, and the thought always made her smile.

Stay safe, Sis.



Bell smiled softly and folded up the letter. Pippin shuffled on her shoulder drowsily. "I'm tired too, pal," she said softly, stifling a yawn, and the little speckled owl shook out his feathers. She reached her hand up and he hopped onto her wrist, but when she started toward the window, he looked up at with a gaze that was owlishly disapproving.



"Oh, alright." Bell moved back toward her bed and was glad she'd been coerced into buying the little nest box pitched to her by the salesman at Eeylops Owl Emporium when she was eleven and brand new to the world of wizarding. "Good night, you little wonko." Pippin hopped off her hand and into the nest box without even looking back and Bell smiled softly. He was pretty cute, she had to admit, for a paranoid little cuddlebug. A third yawn came her way and she decided it was about time she get to bed, too. It was nearly one am by now, and if she knew anything about Lily and James' dynamic, she might need to be fully alert for the making-up next morning, and thus sleep was key.

A crack of thunder tolled as rain began to patter against the windows of the dorm, and as Bell drifted off to slumber, she hoped it wasn't predictive of a storm brewing between her messy-haired, bespectacled friend and the redhead he'd loved for years.

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