Meet the family

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FandomTrash257 wants this soooooooooo here we go


Today was a rare day when the Titans were taking a day off and hanging out together. Starfire was attempting to braid Raven's hair whilst Robin braided hers with ease and found the time to lightly tease her for her work. Beast Boy and Cyborg occupied themselves with playing Battle Bots, both getting far too into the game than anyone should. They all knew an argument was bound to occur but for now, it was sorta fun to see them act like teenagers. They hadn't had much time to have fun recently and it was clear the youngest really needed it. Their fun didn't last that long though as there was suddenly a blaring alarm and the lights began flashing red. The screen that once showed the video game was now branded with "intruder alert" in all caps. Cyborg immediately checked the system and found that a jet was attempting to land on their helicopter pad. "Is it another private jet?" Raven asked with an annoyed tone. They kept having issues with a tourist spot that had rich sightseers coming in every now and then. The location was rather close to the tower so many pilots assumed the landing spot on the Teen Titan's tower was for them. It happened at least twice a week and they were getting very annoyed. "Just ran for their flight and they're not on the system," Cyborg answered.

"Do we have visual on the jet?" Robin asked. The older nodded and put the footage on the TV. Upon seeing only a few seconds of it, he jumped up and ran out of the room. He turned off the alarm on the way which made his sudden eagerness very suspicious. His teammates ran after him out of curiosity and followed him to the rooftop where the jet had just touched down. He stood with a stern expression, something similar he'd use when they were out on patrol. Whoever this was wasn't entirely welcome. Cyborg went to get closer to the jet but Robin put out his arm to stop him though he didn't say anything. They decided to hang back on this one but they'd step in when needed. 

After a few minutes, the hatch to the jet opened and none other than Batman walked out followed by the entire Batclan along with Catwoman. They walked over to Robin and stopped a few feet in front of him. The boy wonder narrowed his eyes at the family though it did soften when he glanced at Catwoman. He folded his arms as he asked, "What're you doing here?"

"You've been gone for so long and we...we missed you," Batman admitted. That didn't seem to make his front let up though. This combined with the fact that his teammates were pretty clueless as to who these people were kept the atmosphere incredibly tense. You may ask, why didn't they know who Batman was? He's Batman! Well, one was an alien, one was part demon, one was a cyborg and the other was a changeling. Only two were into pop culture and it just so happened that everything before Robin came to Jump City couldn't be accessed. Jump City itself wasn't into the whole Batman craze and was much more focused on their resident heroes. "Oh? You think a half-assed reason like that is enough to get you back in my good books?" Robin inquired. 

"What else do you want? A greeting card?" Red Hood replied sarcastically though his tone was uneasy. It was as though he didn't know if he could joke or not. 

"If you really care, I get one free hit in. To each of you 'cept Mum."

"Mum? Robin, is this your family?" Raven asked. 

"Not biologically but yes. Though, they can consider themselves nothing more than people I happened to live with for a while if they don't do as I say. One free hit and you can meet my team and we can consider the drama settled for now. If not, get back on your jet and piss off." The atmosphere somehow got more intense as the family thought through their response. His team shifted uncomfortably as they waited longer. Robin sighed to himself and turned away. "Titans, let's go back inside."

"Wait!" Batman called. The younger turned back to him with an expectant look. "One free shot and we're okay?" He nodded. The older sighed and walked towards him, bending down a little since his former protege was still rather short. Robin didn't hesitate and reeled back before slapping the hero harshly.  "Missed you too, Dad." He hugged the bat-themed hero tightly then pulled away and looked to his brothers. 

"Well, if I get a hug out of it I suppose one slap wouldn't hurt," Red Robin stated. He walked over, received his slap which he suspected was lighter than the one his father had received, and got his hug. "Nice to see you're still the tiniest of the family."

"And I'll still beat your ass. Which one of you is next?" Robin called. Nightwing huffed and went next. Luckily the hug made up for it. Red Hood trudged over but got a glare when he didn't remove his helmet. "You're not getting away with it. Helmet off." He groaned but did as he was told. Robin's team looked pretty cool and he'd only get badgered by the others if he refused. He put his helmet under his arm and let his youngest brother slap him. 

"Get it out of your system?" he asked, rubbing his red cheek. 

"Yep. Team, this is my family. Batman, Red Hood, Red Robin, Nightwing, and Catwoman. Guys, this is my team. Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, and Cyborg," he announced. 

They exchanged some pleasantries before the Batclan were let into the building so they could be more comfortable. "You've grown my kitten," Catwoman said. Robin was still short compared his brothers but he'd definitely gotten taller in their time away from one another. She hated that she hadn't been there to see it but she knew that he needed this time away. He'd made a good life for himself here it seemed. He was the leader of a team and they were quite friendly with one another although they appeared to not know his secret identity. Though, that didn't surprise her. He'd stood by his promise that Dick Grayson would die in Gotham and Robin would replace him. "The boots add an extra few inches," Beast Boy told her, giggling to himself when he got a light glare from his leader. 

"Oh, you should've seen him when he was a boy. He was tiny," she cooed.

"People used to think he was five when he was actually ten. You used to get so mad. It was adorable," Red Robin teased as he tussled the younger's hair. Robin batted his hand away. 

"Don't make me regret letting you in here," he warned. "You're lucky we're having a day off today or I'd say we needed a raincheck for catching up."

"Since when did you have days off?" Red Hood asked.

"It was our idea. We have two every forenight," Cyborg answered. "Though Rob does complain about it every chance he gets." Said hero rolled his eyes at the comment and sat down as soon as he could with his girlfriend sitting beside him, putting her arm around him. The action made his family raise an eyebrow at the couple but Robin didn't take any notice of their odd looks. He muttered something to the alien, making her smile and nod. She stuck her hand out for Batman to take with a grin. "Starfire, Robin's girlfriend. Nice to meet you." Batman took her hand and they shook awkwardly. He hadn't expected her grip to be so tight. "I'm told it's an Earth custom to meet your significant other's parents and I just love your ways," she continued. 

"How long have you two been dating?"

"Six months, five days, and six hours. Give or take twenty minutes because we lost track of time in Tokyo," Robin replied. He got a kiss on the cheek from his partner for reciting their time together so effortlessly. She did love that he cherished their time together so much that he knew almost exactly how long they'd been together. "You were a blushing mess for most of the day when she kissed you," Cyborg reminisced. "I've never seen him act more like a teenager."

"Shut up, I wasn't that bad," Robin snapped playfully.

"You're blushing right now," Beast Boy pointed out.

"I'll bench you, try me."

It seemed the joking manner between the teammates made the family much more comfortable with the new group and they'd began to break off to talk to with them one on one. Nightwing took a liking to Raven as they were both the most mellow of their chosen teams and he liked that she was at least a little serious. He also suspected that she had been the one to enforce the relaxation days so he could trust that she was taking care of his little brother. Red Hood liked Beast Boy and it didn't take that long for them to set up Battle Bots and begin playing together. Of course, Red Hood was cheating but he wouldn't tell the younger that. Red Robin found himself drawn to Cyborg since he was the living embodiment of everything Red Robin loved. They immediately geeked out over the latest updates in the tech world and soon ignored everyone in the room in favour of going to Cyborg's lab to talk further. Batman was catching up with Robin but everything seemed a little stilted between the pair still. It didn't go unnoticed that Starfire was giving him some comfort as their fingers were laced together and the arm that had remained draped over his shoulders would give him a little squeeze to let him know she was there. Catwoman, after watching the pair for a while, was incredibly intrigued by Starfire. She loved Robin and now there was another woman in his life that also loved him. That made her suddenly very territorial of the boy she'd seen grown-up. She had been a very important person in his life, perhaps the most important female in his life, and that was currently being challenged by a girl he'd been with all of six months. She was a mix of curious and angry at this person who'd just waltzed into her kitten's life. Not only did she have to battle with his probable reluctance to let her back into his life at the level she'd once been at but now she also had to share the spotlight with his alien girl. One that appeared to be very affectionate with him and often took a more dominating position when they were together from what she could see from the past hour they'd been there. Eventually, her protective nature got the best of her and she couldn't let this girl be so close with her kitten without warning. "Starfire, can I speak with you alone for a minute? Nothing to worry about just girly stuff," she asked. The hero glanced to her boyfriend who gave her an encouraging nod so she got up and followed Catwoman out of the room and down the hall. She didn't know the layout of the place but she could gage when they got far enough for no one to here them. "What girly stuff did you want to talk to me about?" Starfire asked rather innocently.

"Let's cut the crap. You're dating my kitten and that boy means more to me than anything in the world. So I need to make sure you don't break his heart," she stated, her voice cold and menacing. It took the younger by surprise but she didn't care. "How far have you gone with him?" 

"Uhm I don't- is this another Earth thing? This feels weird."

"Don't care. Have you had sex?" Starfire suddenly every bit of English she knew and simply nodded. "Protection?" She nodded. "Consensual?" Another nod, one that was more earnest than the other ones. "Good. How much do you know about him? Do you know his real name? His background?"

"I know his name and some things but not a lot."

"Hm. Not a lot of six months. Listen here, I don't care what kind of skills you have or how powerful you are. If you hurt him, you're getting hurt ten times worse. Got that?" She nodded. "Good. Now let's go back. Breathe a word of this conversation to him and you're dead."

Later that night

"Star? Are you alright?" Dick asked as they cuddled. He could feel how tense she was and he didn't really know why. He didn't think she had that bad of a time with his family though she did seem a little wary of Catwoman. Then again, a lot of people were. "It's nothing. You know I love you right?"

"Of course I do. What's going on?" Starfire pulled him closer and kissed him on the forehead.

"Nothing. I just wanted you to know." He smiled at her.

"She gave you the girlfriend talk didn't she?"

"I have never been more terrified of a woman in my life-"

Okay so if there are mistakes ignore them or better yet point them out so i can change them later 


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