Weird but I guess it's a compliment?

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joanna19957 requested this a while ago so sorry for taking so long 


"Well, that's definitely not what I thought I'd see," Nightwing stated as he stopped dead in his tracks. Flash had run off after specifically being told not to do so but that was his best friend. A brainless idiot who runs into danger head-on. Good thing he was good looking or Nightwing would've decked him by now. Usually, there was nothing the speedster could do to surprise him. He'd done so much dumb stuff in his life that Nightwing had thought he was immune to it but here he was standing very surprised at the state of the ginger. What state had him so shocked? Well, Flash didn't have legs anymore. He had octopus tentacles. It looked like he'd been chopped in half and someone slapped some tentacles on there. There was no way that could've happened as there wasn't enough time for a full-blown surgery to happen, Nightwing wasn't that slow, but it sure looked like he had. 

"I can explain," Flash replied. 

"I'm gonna need you to start doing that," he responded.

"You know how Z said we're messing with magic?" He nodded. "I may have messed with magic. I called the witch ugly."

"Why on Earth would you call them ugly?"

"Because they were?" The acrobat let out a long sigh and he walked over to his friend to study the predicament. Immediately the tentacles seemed to take a liking to him and went to wrap around the arm closest to them but he moved away before they could, seemingly unaware they were trying to touch him. He studied Flash's new anatomy briefly and it seemed pretty legit. Like the tentacles had always been a part of him but they most certainly had not. "Think it's permanent?"

"There's no telling. Magic isn't my strong suit," Nightwing admitted.

"Didn't you date a magician?"

"Yeah but we didn't do that much talking," he mumbled. "C'mon then, I better carry you back to the ship. Better try to reverse this sooner rather than later."

Zatanna wasn't much help and told them that there was a curse on the magic but there was a get-out clause. She asked Dick to leave so she could address Wally alone where she explained he had to admit that he was in love with someone. His face was swallowed by a red blush and he shook his head. Even after she insisted that this would be the only way to get his normal body back, he refused to do so. There was nothing more she could do for him if he wasn't going to listen so Dick was brought back in and it was decided that he was going to take care of Wally for the time being. They'd find a more permanent solution later on. "I don't know much about tentacles but I'm guessing they need to stay wet so to the bath," Dick muttered to himself. His apartment was empty and he'd be talking to empty air if Wally wasn't in his arms. He carried him through the living room to the bathroom which was connected to the bedroom. His space was very small so it proved difficult to not knock over things. He didn't seem to mind though. "Sorry about the mess, I didn't expect you to be here. Then again I didn't think you'd be all tentacley," he commented. Wally hummed, barely able to concentrate on the line of conversation. He was being carried by his crush, taken through his bedroom and being taken care of? How was he not supposed to panic? This would be so romantic if there wasn't a whole Ursala situation going on. The bathroom was pretty small but the ginger wasn't one to complain about that given the circumstances. It was plain with some old bloodstains in between the tiles. He didn't like to think about that. Poor Dick having to patch himself up. He was placed carefully in the bath and the acrobat began running the water, cackling softly when Wally jumped at the cold water rushing against his skin. "Sorry dude, didn't think that one through," he apologised through giggles. The speedster blushed a little. Dick was so close to him and he was giggling and God why did he have to be so cute? A tentacle wrapped around the acrobat's wrist, making him raise an eyebrow. "Are you doing that?"

"N-no! I don't really have control of them," Wally defended quickly.

"It's okay dude, no harm done. Just kinda weird feeling," he assured him. 

The water soon warmed up and Dick plugged the bath, allowing it to fill the bath. Still, it didn't cover all of Wally's tentacles which he was certain needed to stay wet. He frowned to himself and tried to troubleshoot. There were a lot of problems here:

1) Wally was half tentacle half rockin bod

2) The bathtub was way too small for him

3) Those tentacles would dry out and that couldn't be good

4) What the actual fuck had gone on today?

As he thought to himself, the tentacle that had wrapped around his wrist now swirled slowly around his forearm. He looked at it curiously and ran his fingers along it. It wriggled under his touch and retreated back down to the water. There were small marks on his skin where it had latched on and he noticed Wally gaze at them with a guilty look. "Oh come off it dude, I've had so much worse and you know it," he assured him.

"It's not that- well it is partially- it's just making you deal with this. I doubt this was your ideal weekend." 

"You're my best friend dude, I'm not leaving you." Although the sentiment was kind, the word friend stung. That's all they were. Friends. You'd think after years of being together through thick and thin either of them would say something about how they felt but nope. The label of friend hung over the pair like a dark cloud and right now it was holding Wally back from getting himself out of this thing. He felt like a coward but he just didn't want to say anything close to how he was feeling. What if he ruined their whole friendship? What if he admitted to how he felt and then Zatanna called them up with a different way to get rid of the sea themed issue? "Hold on a second. I'll go get some things to make you more comfortable. Probably some food too."

"I'm not hungry," Wally grumbled.

"You're always hungry. I'm not letting you waste away because you're being a sad sack. We're gonna figure this out." He gave the other a hopeful smile before leaving to get supplies. It would be a long night.

A few moments later, Dick returned with his arms full of things. One was a chair presumably so he could sit by his friend. He spread out the supplies and handed a chocolate bar to the speedster. He glared at him until he took it. Those blue eyes could be so piercing when he wanted them to be. Wally took it and decided to focus on nibbling on that. The only other thing he could focus on was the acrobat and that would only end with him getting flustered. At least there would be no awkward boner or anything. Did he even- no he wasn't going to think about that. He had enough on his mind that he didn't want to deal with that. "I can't really bring a TV in here but I have a speaker so we can have at least have nice tunes? I have my computer too so I guess we could watch Netflix."

"As long as it's not sea-themed," Wally huffed. Dick put the rest of the food on the side of the sink and offered a pillow to the ginger. "It's gonna get wet."

"Duh, I know how water works. I'd rather save you some discomfort though." Taking the silence as a yes, Dick stuffed the pillow behind Wally's back. His fingers accidentally trailed along the ginger's freckled skin, making him shiver. "Is the water cold?" the younger asked innocently.

"Uh a little," Wally lied. Nice save. 

"I'll add some hot water. Here's a cup to help wet the uh tentacles and then I have some candles if you wanted to relax maybe? I know it's difficult but it might help get some ideas if you're calm."

"How can I stay calm when there are tentacles where my dick used to be?" he huffed.

"Well, at least dicks sorta look like tentacles. In a way. Sorta. I'm gonna stop talking now." He looked away with an embarrassed smile and Wally felt his chest tighten. Everything his friend did just reminded him how much he wished they were more than friends. He didn't like to think about what it would be like if they were together because it would either make him feel sad or creepy for some reason. "Maybe you can work in Atlantis? If we don't figure this out."

"You'll have to come visit me," Wally replied. 

"Of course! What would I do without my favourite ginger? Don't tell anyone I said that, I have way too many gingers in my life that will take offence to that." The pair shared a laugh. He did seem to attract gingers like metal to a magnet. "Hey, what did Z tell you about this thing? When she made me go out?"

Wally fell silent and shifted uncomfortably. If he explained what she said then Dick might bring up Artemis or something. He liked the blonde and at one point he didn't doubt that he was in love with her but he couldn't commit. Not whilst his heart jumped to his throat whenever Dick got too close. "It's alright, dude. You don't have to tell me," Dick assured him.

"Can I ask you something?" The acrobat nodded. "Would you still be my friend no matter what?" 

"Walls, it doesn't matter what you look like I'll still hang out with you," he responded.

"That's not what I meant," the ginger muttered. He was about to elaborate before one of his tentacles once again reached out and wrapped around Dick's wrist only this time it jerked him forward. Another one jumped out and pulled him into the water. He yelped at the suddenness and the sheer strength of it whilst Wally had never felt more ashamed in his life. The tentacles now having ample real estate, wrapped around his other wrist and around his waist to keep him from jumping out. 

"Wally!" he called out.

"I-I can't control them!"

"Well figure something out!" Wally started grabbing at the tentacles but they wouldn't loosen. Instead, they pushed Dick forward so their faces were only inches apart. Their eyes locked onto each other and was only broken by Dick glancing to his friend's lips then back up to meet his gaze. "Wally. What did Z tell you?"

"Promise you won't hate me?" A tentacle slipped up the acrobat shirt, making him shiver. He had half the mind to understand that they were going to explore somewhere he wouldn't enjoy being explored. Well, maybe he would if Wally was actually in control of these things.

"Promise!" The speedster squeezed his eyes shut and balled his hands into fists. This was going to be the way he confessed and this would potentially be the end of their friendship but he couldn't sit back anymore. 

"I love you!"

There was a purple poof of smoke that once cleared, Wally had his legs back and Dick was no longer struggling against the tentacles. He fell forward a bit and accidentally crashed his lips into the speedsters but he didn't instantly pull away. He leaned into it a little whilst he steadied himself in the bathtub. Honestly one of the worst feelings in the world were wet clothes sticking to his skin but the best was the feeling of his lips against the speedsters. Wally's lips felt soft and tasted almost sweet though that could've been done thanks to the chocolate he was eating before. Eventually, he got a hold of himself and pulled away, his cheeks warming up as he did. Wally opened his eyes reluctantly and studied the other's face. He was surprised to see it wasn't scrunched up in disgust. "You love me?" he asked quietly, his voice barely any louder than the water still sloshing around them. Wally nodded. "Why didn't you say? Dude I've been crushing on you for the past five years!" He lightly punched the ginger in the shoulder and sat up. 

"Pause, why didn't you say anything?" he exclaimed. The acrobat went to defend himself but closed his mouth when he found he didn't have anything good to say. He decided instead to change the subject. 

"You don't have pants," he stated. 

"I do not."

"Do you want pants?"

"I mean, if we're not going to make up for lost time." Dick smirked at him, catching his drift. 


"If you want to?" Wally added. The smaller bit his lip and nodded. "Just to be clear, we're having sex right?"

"Oh my God you can't keep a mood to save your life," Dick taunted before pressing his lips against the ginger's. Not how he thought their first kiss would go but it felt oddly fitting for them. 

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