Welcome to Chock'Lit Shoppe

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hello there!

woops so finally my lazy ass decided to make a graphic shop. yes, please wish me luck, so i wont postpone and neglect all the request. and i won't quit and vanish--- okay just joking. i'll try my best peeps, i swear!

so welcome to my very own graphic shop! here i provide lots of graphic, such as cover, banner, icon, gif, and others! but not for any commercial use and sorts:)

a little bit of an information–hey guys, you can call me netta or aycee:) I'm fifteen, so you dont have to be so formal with me. baca : jangan manggil kak ya aing ga setua itu;-;. For your information, i used photoshop cs6 to make graphics. I started making graphics on the end of 2016, so it's been roughly a year and a half.


please understand i only have two hands with 5 fingers each.

Selalu sabar. tolong dipahami tangan saia cuma 2.

2. I need you to respect me by using the graphic for at least a week, especially COVERS.

Tolong hargai kerja keras saia dengan menggunakan graphicnya selama seminggu, terutama yg pesen cover.

3. You can request at other graphic shop as well, as long as you use my graphic for at least A WEEK.

Boleh juga request di graphic shop lainnya, tapi graphic saia tolong dipake minimal seminggu.

4. Your book MUST be published.

Bukunya harus udah di publish ya;)

5. I am not accepting trailer, blend, and thread request since i cant made any;_;

Nggak terima request buat bikinin trailer, blend, sama thread gabisa akutu:(

6. I have rights and my reasons to deny your request.

Saia punya hak dan alasan2 tertentu buat nolak request kalian.

7. You can only request one graphic at a time, but you're allowed to request another graphic in the next batch. (this doesn't work on cover set)

cuma boleh request 1 graphic setiap batch, tpi boleh request lagi di batch selanjutnya. (tapi ga berlaku dlm coverset)

8. I'm okay with every type of cover, but not anime cover. And please try not to request vector graphics too often (on cover, icons, etc).

Saia si gapapa sama jenis cover apa aja, tapi bukan yg anime2 an ya. muup. sama tlg jangan sering2 rikwes apapun yang berbau vector ya, mau cover, icon, dll.

9. You need to include password in your form, which is YOUR FAVORITE FOOD
this password is used to show me if you have read all the rules.

Saat request, di formnya harus ada password, yaitu makanan kesukaan kalian. password ini cuma buat nunjukkin saia kalo kalian udah baca semua rulesnya.

10. Last but not least, complete the payments as soon as i finish your graphic. No later than 2 WEEKS!

Terakhir, jangan lupa payment secepatnya setelah aku selesein graphic kamu. Paling lambat 2 minggu!


1. follow my account, permanently.

follow akun ini permanen.

2. Put at least 2 of my books in your reading list.

masukkan minimal 2 worksku ke reading list kamu

3. credits in your book's description/part/wherever you see fits as long as you dont forget to give credits.

credits di deskripsi cerita kamu/part/dimana aja pokoknya credits.

4. for manipulation (any graphic, except icon) and cover set : + 3 honest critiques in one of my book

untuk graphic type manipulasi (kecuali icon) sama coverset, ada tambahan payment yaitu 3 kritik (jujur!) di salah satu worksku


• all Bluegraphic members •

• all GraphicSociety members •

raIijah loyallyric nymphomin Hyderia radarneptunus _EVLestrange eccentriphilia for being an amazing person and an inspiration •

any questions you can ask here aka inline comment ->

next chap : the menu (examples + forms)

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