Hollywood Vampires

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Wykonawca: Hollywood Vampires
Utwór: People who died
Tekst piosenki w oryginale:

Teddy sniffing glue he was twelve years old
Fell from the roof on East Two-nine
Cathy was eleven when she pulled the plug
On twenty six reds and a bottle of wine
Bobby got leukemia, fourteen years old
He looked like sixty five when he died
He was a friend of mine

Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
They were all my friends, and they died

G-berg and Georgie let their gimmicks go rotten
So they died of hepatitis in upper Manhattan
Sly in Vietnam took a bullet in the head
Bobby OD'd on Drano on the night that he was wed
They were two more friends of mine
Two more friends that died

Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
They were all my friends, and they died

Mary took a dry dive from a hotel room
Bobby hung himself from a cell in The Tombs
Judy jumped in front of a subway train
Eddie got slit in the jugular vein
And Eddie, I miss you more than all the others
I salute you brother

Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
They were all my friends, and they died

Herbie pushed Tony from the Boys' Club roof
Tony thought that his rage was just some goof
But Herbie sure gave Tony some bitchen proof
Herbie said "Tony, can you fly?"
But Tony couldn't fly, Tony died

Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
They were all my friends, and they died

Brian got busted on a narco rap
He beat the rap by rattin' on some bikers
He said "Yeah, yeah, yeah I know it's dangerous
But uh, it sure beats Riker's"
The next day he got offed
By the very same bikers

Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
They were all my friends, and they died

Teddy sniffing glue, he was twelve years old
Fell from the roof on East Two-nine
Cathy was eleven when she pulled the plug
On twenty six reds and a bottle of wine
Bobby got leukemia, fourteen years old
He looked like sixty five when he died
He was a friend of mine

Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
They were all my friends, and they died

G-berg and Georgie let their gimmicks go rotten
So they died of hepatitis in upper Manhattan
Sly in Vietnam took a bullet in the head
Bobby OD'd on Drano on the night that he was wed
They were two more friends of mine
I miss 'em, they died

Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
They were all my friends and they died

Mary took a dry dive from a hotel room
Bobby hung himself from a cell in the tombs
Judy jumped in front of a subway train
Eddie got slit in the jugular vein
And Eddie, I miss you more than all the others
This song is for you my brother

Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
They were all my friends, and they died
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
Those are people who died, died
They were all my friends, and they died

Tekst przetłumaczony:

Teddy wąchał klej w wieku 12 lat
Spadł z dachu na East 2/9
Cathy miała 11 lat kiedy wykorkowała
Na 26 seronilach* i butelce wina
Bobby miał białaczkę miał 14 lat
Wyglądał jak 65 latek kiedy zmarł
Był moim przyjacielem

To są ludzie, którzy umarli, umarli
To są ludzie, którzy umarli, umarli
To są ludzie, którzy umarli, umarli
To są ludzie, którzy umarli, umarli
Wszyscy byli moimi przyjaciółmi, i umarli

G-ber i Georgine pozwolili swoim sztuczką zmurszeć
Więc zmarli na zapalenie wątroby na górnym Manhattanie
Sly dostał kulkę w głowę w Wietnamie
Bobby OD zmarł w Dano** w nocy swojego ślubu
Kolejni dwaj przyjaciele
Kolejni dwaj przyjaciele zmarli (Tęsknię za nimi, zmarli)

To są ludzie, którzy umarli, umarli
To są ludzie, którzy umarli, umarli
To są ludzie, którzy umarli, umarli
To są ludzie, którzy umarli, umarli
Wszyscy byli moimi przyjaciółmi, i umarli

Mary wyskoczyła z hotelowego pokoju
Bobby powiesił siebie w celi w grobowcu
Judy wskoczyła pod metro
Eddie został dźgnięty w tętnicę szyjną
I Eddie, tęsknię za tobą bardziej niż za innymi
I oddaję honory tobie bracie / Ta piosenka jest dla ciebie

To są ludzie, którzy umarli, umarli
To są ludzie, którzy umarli, umarli
To są ludzie, którzy umarli, umarli
To są ludzie, którzy umarli, umarli
Wszyscy byli moimi przyjaciółmi, i umarli

Herbine zepchnęła Tony'ego z dachu Boys' Club
Tony myślał, że jego wściekłość była tylko głupim błędem
Ale oczywiście Herbine dała Tony'emu kilka sukowatych powodów
"Hej" powiedziała Hebrine, "Tony umiesz latać?"
Ale Tony nie mógł latać, Tony zmarł

To są ludzie, którzy umarli, umarli
To są ludzie, którzy umarli, umarli
To są ludzie, którzy umarli, umarli
To są ludzie, którzy umarli, umarli
Wszyscy byli moimi przyjaciółmi, i umarli

Dawno Alice'a nie było. Tęskniliście? Ja tak, hah

Jutro sobie jeszcze trochę Alice'a posłuchamy, o ile będzie chcieli, dzisiaj już nie spamię, bo pewnie większość osób na chwilę obecną ma mnie dosyć 😂

Do jutra
Alice <3

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