Dreams of the future

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15 Years ago

Seven year old Sakura walks to into her parents small house after getting off the bus. She runs to her mother

"Hey mom guess what" Sakura asks.

"What is it baby" Sakura's mother asked.

"I got invited to Ino's slumber party. She says I have to bring music something really different then we normally listen to. Something really cool. Something kids are age don't listen too" Sakura said.

Sakura's mother thought about it for a minute then when in too the living and pulled a CD case for her collection and handed it to Sakura.

"This will live up your sleep over trust me" she smirked.

Sakura smiled " thanks mommy your the best"


Later on that night Sakura was dropped off at Ino's house. She knocked on the door. Ino answered the door. Ino was a blue eyed girl with short platinum blonde hair. She had on purple sweat pants and a purple tee on.

"O good you made it Sakura. Come on up stairs to my room and you can meet the girls" Ino smiled.

"Okay lead the way" Sakura said.

They made there way up to Ino's room which was covered in purple. There Sakura saw three other girls in the room.

One had black hair tied in buns with brown eyes. She had a white long sleeve shirt with green sweat pants on.

"Hey Tenten this is Sakura" Ino said

"Hi Sakura nice to meet you"Tenten said.

The other girl had blonde hair tied in four pink tails with teal eyes in white sweat pants and a white tee shirt.

"Hey Temari this is Sakura" Ino said.

Hi Sakura how's it going" Temari asked.

"Hinata this is Sakura" Ino said.

"H-hi Sa-Sakura" Hinata said.

Sakura stood there in her pink tee and and pants with her pink hair and green eyes.

"Hi everyone" Sakura said.

They all sat in a circle around Ino's bed talking about about school and stuff when Ino turns to Sakura.

"So what did you bring for music. I hope its something good" Ino said.

"Yeah something different that all these thumb sucks don't listen to" Temari said.

"I was sure what to bring so I talked to my mom she said that this would liven up our sleep over" Sakura said.

Sakura pulled the CD out of her over night bag. The all looked at the nude baby swimming in a pool with a dollar bill. She opened the case and handed it to Ino she put it in her CD player.

The first song came on and the guitar started to play with the bass for a few notes then the drums smashed in. The song continued all 5 girls really started to get in to it.

Ino turned up the volume and they started jumping around.

"WHAT'S THIS SONG CALLED" Tenten yelled.

Sakura who had when to pick up the CD case yelled out.



Ino hit the stop button "that a great Idea lets all learn how to play instruments and maybe we can form a band" she said.
Middle school thur highschool

The girls had play around and figured out who did what in the band. Sakura was the singer and played piano. She was the singer because she had the best set of lungs and her mom had bin teaching her how to play piano since she was 5.

Temari learned how to play the guitar faster then the other girls. She also had a nack for writing so she wrote there songs

Ino also learned guitar and she could sing to so she was the back up singer.

With Temari and Ino learn lead guitar. Tenten went and learn bass guitar. Tenten learned to write music. So she would write the music for the songs Temari wrote.

Hinata really like the drums so thats what she decided on. She was great at it. Being a shy person outside of music but get her on the drums she was a different person and let emotion pour in to her drum playing.

In middle school they would play at the talent shows and at friends party's they would practice almost everyday if not together than by them selfs.

The band would play in Temari's garage on weekends to practice.

Everyone's parents liked that the girls were so dedicated to there music. Just not Hinata's father he saw it as a waste of time. But her mother kelp him away so her baby girl could go what see loved.

They all when to college and worked part time playing really on the weekends saving every penny they could move from there hometown of Buffalo New York to Los Angeles California. After 4 years they had 10 grand saved up. Tenten owned a van and with Ino and Temari having cars they packed up all there stuff and hit the road.

Hinata kind of ran away her father tried to make her stay but the other girls grabbed all her stuff the night before they left. But her father called the cops but she was over 18 and there was nothing they could do.
Present day Los Angeles 2017

When they got out there they bought a old fire house that was surrounded by warehouses. They moved in soon after.

The fire house was cool they each had there own room upstairs and the down stairs was the studio to practice and play for people if need be.

They need to keep money coming in for food and bills. So they all went out and got small jobs Temari and Tenten became bar tenders on the Lighting Blade. Ino worked at some flower shop downtown. Hinata and Sakura got a jobs as a waitress at Denny's.

So working part time they had money coming in the needed to play some where to start working there way up in the business.

They had been in LA for two months and no one would give them a shot to play anywhere.

Temari was bartending at the Lighting Blade when the owner Kakashi Hatake came in to talk to her.

"Hey Temari your in a band right" he asked.

"Yes I'm in a band called The Foxy why" Temari asked.

"Well in two weeks the bar is having a festival and were going to have live music from 4pm to 2am and all the bands I had cancelled and im looking for bands to play. So maybe we can set something up so I can hear you guys play and if i think your good I let you play for the festival" Kakashi said.

Temari was ecstatic " that would be great. Were having a practice tomorrow because were all off so you can come around 6 pm okay" she said.

"Sounds great Ill be there" Kakashi said.

Temari then pulled out her phone.
Temari:hey girls I mite have got us a gig.
Ino:what really.
Tenten: yeah how did you that.
Temari: Kakashi is looking for bands to play at the festival at the bar in two weeks.
Sakura: that would be great just the kind of thing we have to do.
Hinata: how do we get the the gig.
Temari: he is coming over tomorrow night to hear us play and if he likes it. We can play at the festival.
Ino: that's great.
Tenten: let's rock his socks off.
Sakura: hell yeah its about time.
Hinata: Yes this is a good thing.
Temari: Yeah will go over the set when I get home later we need to rock his world.

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