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The next day they all got ready for Kakashi to come watch them play. All of them had mixed feelings about it they were excited and very nervous at the same time. 6pm rolled around and he wasn't there.

After a while of waiting for him they were pissed. "The hell with him then lets just practice without him" Sakura said.

"Mite as well Hinata pick up from song 3 on the set list" Temari said.

Hinata nodded the and started smashing the drums and double bass over and over again. Then Tenten and Temari came in with there parts and Ino followed suite. They were playing fast and loud.

You could see reach one of them with laser focus but feel there passion as they played. Sakura was jumping all over head banging waiting to start singing.

This is when Kakashi came in and saw them playing he didn't say anything as just watched and listened.

Am I going insane?
My blood is boiling inside of my veins
An evil feeling attacks
My body's shaking, there's no turning back
Don't take your eyes off the trigger
I'm not to blame if your world turns to black
As your eyes start to blister
There's just no hope for our final embrace

So here we are, I'm in your head
I'm in your heart!
You were told to run away
Soak the place, and light the flame
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, your betrayal!
I was told to stay away
Those two words I can't obey
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, your betrayal!

Is it my turn to die?
My heart is pounding as I say goodbye
So now I dance in the flames
I love you crying and screaming my name
You said that we'd be forever
How could you kill me and lie to my face?
Now that we can't be together
There's just no hope for our final embrace

He watched the way the the Tenten held her bass it was like she held her lover. He could see the passion in her eyes and she stared at her bass watching every note she played. 

He turned to Ino she was wild with her guitar. She dancing as she played. Her long platinum blonde hair was going everywhere. Her eyes were closed as she didn't miss a note. Then she screamed out in to her mic " YOUR BETRAYAL" in a deep voice.

Then he turned to Temari who was just tearing it up she played super fast. She like Tenten held her guitar like she would her lover or a child. Her hands and fingers moved to fast but everything else about her was calm.

Then turned to Hinata on drums. Her face show rage and anger. The way she attacked the drums. "Speed demon" he thought.

Then turned to Sakura as she danced and song. It just bought you in soon he wasn't watching he was listen to Sakura sing and the rest of them play.

"So here we are, I'm in your head
I'm in your heart!
You were told to run away
Soak the place, and light the flame
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, your betrayal!
I was told to stay away
Those two words I can't obey
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, your betrayal!


So here we are (so here we are, I'm in your head)
(I'm in your head)
I'm in your heart!
You were told to to run away
Soak the place and light the flame
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, your betrayal!
I was told to stay away
Those two words I can't obey
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, your betrayal!"

The song ended and all look at each other when they herd clapping. They turned to see Kakashi standing in the corner clapping for them.

"You girls kick ass I'm not going to lie that once the best live performances I've seen in 15 years" Kakashi said proudly.

"Thank you" they said.

"Sorry for my tardiness I got lost on the road of life" Kakashi said.

Temari didn't respond to her bosses comment. And asked the big question.

"Well you see how good we are do we to play in the show".

"Cutting right to the chase I like that Temari. Too answer no you don't get to play the show you are the show. I want your guys to play the whole show no one that I've seen can compare. So you guys start playing at 4pm and you can talk a 20 break every 2 hours and you guys will play till 2am.

I am confident you guys will do great so I'm play you half now half after. Here's 1 thousand now and get a thousand after. So are you in or out" Kakashi asked.

Temari looked at all the girls and they all nodded back at her.

"Deal" Temari said.

"Its been real but I got to go ill see you to at work" Kakashi said.

When Kakashi left he went to the Lighting Blade to sit in his office. As he sat in his chair he pulled out a. Small orange book. When he was tackled to the floor.

"Anko do you need to do this to me everytime i try and read"  Kakashi asked.

Sitting on top of him was a woman in black leather pants and matching low cut leather top with purple hair.

"Yes Kakashi I do. So did you find bands for the festival" Anko asked.

"I found one band there good tho. I haven't seen a band perform like that in 15 years. I think they can go places" Kakashi said.

"Really they must have made a real impression on you because you dont like anybody really" Anko smirked.

"That they did now can you get off of me what would people say if they saw us like this" Kakashi said.

"They would think I finally made a man out of you" Anko laughed.

"Your not funny Anko" Kakashi said.

Anko finally got off and said " spoiled sport you need to find a woman"

Kakashi shook his head" Anko I'm fine. I don't need anything. I know its bin a while since I dated anyone but really I'm okay" Kakashi said.

"Okay you know I'm just looking out for you. I really care about you. You been my friend almost my hole life. I just want you to be happy" Anko said sadly.

She held out her hand to help him up. When he was up on his feet he looked in the eyes. He saw something in her eyes. But he didn't say anything about it. "Thank you Anko you are my best friend I've know you since I was was 5 years old. My life wouldn't be the same with out you. But I'm telling you I'm fine okay" Kakashi said.

"Okay whatever you say" Anko shook her head and left his office.

The next day Ino finish her shift at the flower shop and decided to grab some Starbucks before heading home. They were working on new song all week so she was looking at some long nights.

When she was coming out of Starbucks with her double mocha latte with extra whip cream.

Something hit her and she spilled her latte all over herself. She was pissed she had just bought that top the week before.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't see you. Let me get you some napkins and I'll buy you a new coffee" the stranger said.

She looked at him he was taller than her. With blue eyes and messy thick blonde hair. She let all of her anger go and started thinking how cute he was.

"Oh okay thank you" she repiled.

They walked back in to Starbucks and he grabbed a ton of napkins and started to dry her off. When he asked her" so what did I spill on you so I know what to buy"

"I had a double mocha latte with extra whip cream" Ino said flatly as she looked at the cute boy.

It took a few mins but he paid and got her another latte. As they walked out he looked at her and said "sorry again I hope the stain comes out. But what's your name".

"My name is Ino and thank you for helping me and buying me another latte what your name" Ino asked.

"My name is Naruto" then got really nervous and asked. "Do you think I could have your number. If you say no I understand because I spilled coffee all over you and looked like a fool" he asked.

Ino thought about it for less an a second but made if sweat it out for a min. " okay Naruto give me your phone" she asked.

He pulled out his smart phone and handed it to her. She took it and put he number in it and handed it back.

"Thanks Ino I look forward to talking to you soon" Naruto said.

"Likewise" Ino smiled.

As she was walking away her phone rang so she picked up.

"Hello" Ino said.

"Oh Hi Ino its Naruto I just want to make sure this was a real number" he asked.

"Well you can see that its real" she teased. " why wouldn't it be a real number tho" Ino asked.

"Well most girls thank look like you don't really give me the time of day so I wanted to make sure. But now I know so have a good day I'll talk to you soon" Naruto said.

Ino blushed at his comments and thought it was a good thing she was away from him so he didn't see her turn red. "Sounds good talk to you later".

She made it back to the house for band practice. But in the back of her head she still was thinking about the blonde haired Naruto.

An( The song in the chapter is Your  Betrayal by Bullet for my Valentine.

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