The encore an after party

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Looking throughout the crowd everyone screaming, enjoying loving the performance everyone yelling, encore, encore encore.  

"Do you guys want us to do one more?" Ino screamed. " OK, we will do one more. We just came up with this song so bear with us guys.

Soccer came back out all the girls looked at each other they gave each other I head nod tomorrow started out first, making a guitarist Creech like crazy, going nuts on her guitar, and then everyone else chimed in. As the music raged, soccer got ready to start singing her part of the song. She really loved this song. She couldn't believe how good of a song it was when Tenten came up with the music to this song and how great Temari's lyrics were when they went with this song.

Watch your tongue or have it cut from your head
Save your life by keeping whispers unsaid
Children roam the streets now orphans of war
Bodies hanging in the streets to adore
Royal flames will carve a path in chaos
Bringing daylight to the night (night)
Death is riding into town with armor
They come to take all your rights
Hail to the Queen
Hail to the one
Kneel to the crown
Stand in the sun
Hail to the Queen
(Hail, hail, hail)
(The King)

Naruto and Gaara we're both wide eyed stunned. They couldn't believe how good the girls were. They were jamming out, losing their minds.

Blood is spilt while holding keys to the throne
Born again but it's too late to atone
No mercy from the edge of the blade
Dare escape and learn the price to be paid
Let the water flow with shades of red now
Arrows black out all the light (light)
Death is riding into town with armor
They come to grant you your rights
Hail to the Queen
Hail to the one
Kneel to the crown
Stand in the sun
Hail to the King
(Hail, hail, hail)

Anko who is supposed to be managing the bar was dancing on top of the bar, losing her mind so much so that she took her bra off and threw it at Kakashi.

There's a taste of fear (hail, hail, hail)
When the henchmen call (hail, hail, hail)
Iron fist to tame them (hail, hail, hail)
Iron fist to claim it all
Hail to the Queen
Hail to the one
Kneel to the crown
Stand in the sun
Hail to the Queen
Hail to the one
Kneel to the crown
Stand in the sun
Hail to the Queen
(Hail, hail, hail).

As the song finished, Sakura  took a drink of water, cleared her throat, and then yelled out thank you guys we love performing for you. We are the foxy. We love you guys, we hope to see you again soon.

The girls walked off, backstage and into the little dressing room that they had back there. They were so ecstatic. Hinata was crying and Sakura and Ino were hugging each other. Temari and Tenten went and grabbed a bottle and took a shot of whiskey. Ino had turned away from Sakura

" Hey girls don't drink too much we have to pack up and then we start the after party to go to. I invited Naruto and his cute redheaded friend so let's hurry up because the night is young. "Ino said.

The girls hurried up and packed up and helped clean up a little bit. Temari went over and invited Anko and Kakashi back for the after party. Ino the text Naruto address of the fire house.

With Temari

Tamari walked over and saw Anko and Kakashi back by the bar and she went over to talk to them. She noticed that Anko kissed Kakashi on the lips.

Temari cleared her throat to let the two adults know that she was there.

" Well, how do you think we did? Did we do better than you thought? Did we knock it out of the park? Do you want us coming back almost every weekend?" Temari asked.

Anko blushed when she realized that her and Kakashi were not alone. But she turned around with a super smile on her face.

" Girl, you and your friends kick ass. I haven't seen a show like this in forever. You girls definitely got something. Kakashi said you guys were good, but damn." Anko said.

"Thank you Anko it means alot seriously" Temari replied

" Listen, I know you and the girls are going to go out and party tonight. You guys knocked it out of the park you fucking rock so I will not talk business today take tomorrow to relax and recover Monday at 2 o'clock. You and all the girls meet me here. We have much to discuss." Kakashi smiled.

Temari was enveloped in a hug by Anko and Kakashi over the last two months, Anko had really hit it off with Temari. She saw Temari as her little sister Anko had beat the shit out of some asshole who threw a drink at Temari her first week since then they have been yo peas in a pod.

" Thank you so very much. I really mean  the world to us but if you guys want to we are throwing  an after party here a little while at our house I'll text Anko the directions. If you guys want to join."

Kakashi was going to politely decline, but Anko jumped at the idea of another party.

" An after party at your guises place hell yeah we'll be there who knows Kakashi you just might get lucky tonight" Anko said as she walked away bouncing her hips provocatively.

" Anyway, I guess we'll see you at the after party, Temari," Kakashi said. As he walked away smiling.


With Ino at the Firehouse

The after party was now in full swing as the band had packed 20 to 30 people plus them in the fire house.

Ino was waiting patiently for Naruto and his friend to make the party so Ino was looking forward to getting to know him, finally they had text chatted a few times.

Everyone was having a great time partying just enjoying the after party. Temari introduced only other girls size Tenten to Kakashi and Anko. The couple had both disappeared into the party, and could not be found.

Ino finally got a buzz. It was Naruto saying that they were finally there and walking into the party. Ino introduced Naruto and Gaara to the other girls. Gaara was taken back by Hinata's beauty, and he hoped that if Naruto and Ino did work out Ino mite try to set him up with Hinata. Gaara could tell that Hinata was a shy girl and he didn't have much better luck with girls than Naruto so he needed help.

Hey guys, thanks for reading this. I just felt that the chapter had to come out. It was jumping at me so I had to write it down I'll be getting back to you desert flower very soon. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter and if you're wondering, the song is actually hail to the King. by Avenged Sevenfold I just change the name slightly.

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