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Rose stood there with the son of Jupiter, staring at the spot Leo Valdez had once been. "Why'd he run away from me like that?" She questioned, slightly hurt.

Jason sighed, "He's not good with. . . What did he call us? Oh yeah! He's not good with Organic life forms." Jason told Rose, patting her shoulder.

"Come on. Let's go train." He said, trying to make her feel better.

"Couldn't hurt." He added, taking out a coin from his pocket.

"Hm." Rose shrugged, "I guess." She answered, looking at her jeans. The weapon clasp (whatever it was called) was hooked onto them almost immediately.

Just like how her father claimed her as soon as she walked into the boarders of the camp ground. And the sword that had been given along with the clasp.

The sword was about 2 feet long. The blade sharp and nearly crystallized at the area near the hilt, smoothing itself out as the blade went further. It's hilt was a black color, the darkest black Rose had ever seen.

And the whole sword just radiated power. It seemed to give out a shadowy aura. (Thank you Hades/Dad!)

Rose quickly unclasped her sword, letting Jason quickly flip his coin.

"Woah." Rose said in amazement, the coin transforming into a full lengthened sword right in front of her eyes.

"That. Was. Awesome!" She exclaimed, smiling widely.

"Oh please, you're sword looks like it could kill me with a single poke!" Jason shot back playfully, getting in a stance.

"You ready?" He questioned, seeing as they had made it to the training area.

Rose smirked.

"Come at me!" Rose taunted, standing there with her sword gripped tightly in one hand.

Jason raised an eyebrow, then, taking a step forward, he attacked.

Rose, not surprised by the movement (having been pretty obvious to her (I mean, come on! She's seen this happen a million times in the movies!)), just moved out of the way with elegance.

Jason, managed to trip, and go face first into the ground— giving Rose some time to attack him.

Her sword scratched his shirt, and drew no blood as Rose pressed the sword too gently against Jason's back.

"I think I win." She stated with a smirk.

Jason, still in the ground, chuckled.

"Rematch!" He declared, Rose removing her sword and helping him up.


Now, both again in their positions. Rose looked over, her eyes stopping as she saw him.

His smooth skin, short height, and shiny tool belt.


She was so distracted, that Jason lunged at her. She was quickly pushed to the ground. Jason's sword at her neck.

Jason, seeing his victory, grinned widely.

"How's that for a rematch?" He asked.

Rose blushed, still staring at Leo. Her weapon out of her hands.

"Heh–" She said, still out of it.

Jason noticed.

"Rose?" He asked, getting off of her.

Rose blushed harder as Leo looked at her from across the training grounds.

She gave a small smile, her heart speeding up.

"Crap." She whispered.

"I like him."

2nd chapter is finally up! Yay!

To the (sorta original/only 2 I can name off the bat) Roe shippers:

- Bridget

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