Chapter 1

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In this world, there are those given royal flush and those given shitload of nothing. What really matters is how people play the cards they were given.

Me and my brother... well, we were given really shitty cards. It could be worse, I'm sure of that. But as it is, we've just always known that nothing special is waiting for us in our future. I think we are okay with that. I know I am. I'm very okay with who I am, which caused countless sleepless nights for my brother, I'm sure of it. But he's still here, with me, and that's what matters.

I look around me. All these people... They are the lucky ones. Snotty little assholes, thinking they are superior to all mankind. They couldn't be more wrong. Seeing all the kids drinking, dancing, laughing... I want to leave instantly. I hate it here. Why did I come again? Oh, that's right! Wade!

I've lived in this town my whole life. I've seen thousands of kids come and go. I've spent countless evenings just like this one. In the quarry where kids from the local college throw down parties.

My brother and I go to these parties so he can hunt for the drunkest girl he can find. Drunk enough to let him fuck her so he could save money that he usually spends on hookers.

I don't know why he always insists I go with him every time he goes... well anywhere. Maybe it's because he feels like he can watch me this way, like he would change anything. Well, he can't and he won't. Deep down he knows that fact, but whatever helps him sleep at night.

"There you are, Jackie boy!" Wade's hand lands on my shoulder. I look behind me and there he is, next to him a girl, swaying on her feet. His other hand around her is probably the only reason she's still standing, if you can call it that. Her eyes are unfocused and her hair and face look like Wade spent some time with her already, or someone else did. Oh yeah, looks like we got a winner this evening.

"You ready to go?" I ask him, I can't get out of here fast enough.

"I don't think she'll make it to my place before going completely comatose on me. I'll fuck her at your place, it's closer."

"Fuck no!" I don't need a second to think about that. No way I'm cleaning after him and some skank he fucked, the way she looks it wouldn't be only fluids from fucking either. Ugh!

"Why not? You got the room!" Why he sounds so surprised is beyond me. The girl doesn't even look like she knows what's going on around her.

"Just bend her over a car or something. Better hurry up too, she looks ready to throw up, or pass out."

"Not cool, baby brother, not cool! Wait for me here then. You little shit," he mutters the last part and starts to drag the girl away. I can still hear him talking to her. "Come on sugartits, I'll show you my brother's nice truck."

That fucker. "Use the bed, not the cabin! I told you I'm not cleaning anything after this bitch!" I quickly shout after him.

I notice people around me are now looking at me after the shouting as if they weren't the ones making all the fucking noise here.

"What?!" I growl at them and all the eyes are anywhere but on me in a second. I light a smoke, grab a beer and get comfortable while waiting for Wade.

Guess he's wasted too because it's taking a while. I finished my second beer and I'm on another smoke. Looking around I notice quite a few people giving me nervous glances. Guess I don't look like I could be a college student anymore.

I see a girl then, she's looking at me too but when she realizes she got caught she immediately looks away. I watch her nervously tapping her leg. She doesn't look like a stuck up bitch to me, in fact, she looks kinda out of place. Sitting alone, no low cleavage, no heavy makeup, her blond hair loosely falling around her shoulders, she's not drinking neith-

"Okay, I'm ready to go now." Finally! Wade is walking my way, still struggling with his belt. "Gotta love school breaks, it's like Easter holiday here. You just go and look for the right egg! You should try it sometime Jackie!" he says on our way back to my truck.

I quickly check the bed, just to make sure he didn't leave the girl there. It wouldn't be the first time either. Empty, good!

"Yeah, I don't think so. We wouldn't want any of those eggs to get broken now, would we?"

Wade shoots me a look but says nothing. I didn't even mean it like that, but whatever. I just need more than a barely conscious someone to stick my dick into. Where's the fun in that? But I'm not going to explain myself to him. Which leads to an unusually quiet ride home.

I leave Wade at his house and head off back to mine which is actually closer to the quarry. I can't stand the place Wade lives in. Not the house itself but with all the nosy neighbors, I would go mad.

Wade likes it. He says that it's because there is always someone to have a beer with or to just hang out with but that's not for me. I don't need some assholes constantly talking about their stupid problems. I'd rather drink a beer alone. It's enough I have to listen to the guys at work, Wade being one of them.

That's why my house is outside of the city. Right on the edge of the forest. Quiet, just perfect. I think to myself while pulling over.

I turn on the TV, leave whatever is on, and go heat something to eat. As I look through the fridge, the 11 o'clock news crackles through my old set.

... and we are back with the latest shocking discovery. A body of a young woman was found today by the riverside of White River less than two miles from Montrose. It's the fifth body found in the area in the last six months and the police believe that we are facing a case of a serial killer...

Just great! Looks like the fish aren't hungry.

...I would like to welcome Mr. Freeman a specialist on serial killer behavior who is working with the police on this case. Thank you for being here with us tonight, Mr. Freeman.

Thank you for having me.

Mr. Freeman, what are your thoughts about this case. Do you find the suspicion correct?

Yes, I do, to my understanding. Although the victims aren't all of the same gender, they are all young between twenty and thirty, and they all seem to suffer the same cause of death. There are other similarities in the way the victims were treated before they died, as well. I can't disclose these details at the moment.

Any thoughts about the killer himself? About who we are facing? Can you give us some advice we could follow to protect ourselves?

There's no way to... tell a serial killer simply by his appearance; most of them look like everyone else. Ted Bundy, who was convicted of thirty murders, was often described as attractive, charismatic and articulate. In this particular case, I believe we are looking for a male, a strong one if you consider the way the victims were murdered. Caucasian, in his twenties or in his thirties. He's most likely from this area. If he'd fell under the organized, nonsocial category we would be talking about an average guy, could be married even. But seeing all the evidence I do believe that we are facing the less common type, the disorganized, antisocial type. It means that our killer most likely keeps to himself, he comes from a family with abusive behavior, lives alone, does not date...

So what you are saying is that it's not likely the women victims met him on, say, a blind date?

I don't believe they did. Those kind of killers are-

I switch to another channel as I sit down with my dinner. What the fuck does he know about shit?

  I hope you enjoy the story. If you do, feel welcome to push that little star to let me know, or better yet, leave me a comment ;) 

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