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"The tag in this shirt is itchy!" Will complained in a southern accent. He was originally from Texas, but his accent had faded since he'd moved multiple times. Will was dressed like a stereotypical southern dude, with a plaid shirt, ripped jeans, and boots. He'd even put in hazel colored contacts. He didn't have any cowboy hats, so instead he wore a dorky fedora.

Nico, on the other hand, was wearing one of the nicest things he owned; a black button up with royal purple at the cuffs and collar, with black jeans and maroon Doc. Martens. And, since Will made him wear contacts, his were gray. Will thought he looked outstanding. "It was your idea to dress up in a disguise," The shorter boy retorted.

"Well, it's better to surprise him. He hasn't seen us in person yet, and we don't want him to recognize us later." The blond shifted his arms, which were full of the cheap toys from Reyna.

"Hold them behind your back!" Nico hissed quietly, "and wait until I say to fire!"

"Fine, fine. Do we wait for him to say something, or do we just pelt them right away?"

"Depends on what he says, and how he reacts to us,," Nico whispered to Will.

"We should have a witty comeback," Will suggested.


"Because it's funny. Also, it adds to the story. Cecil is gonna love it when I tell him about this."

"Well, you need to hurry up and come up with something, then. We're right outside his door, and if he hears us-"

Too late.

"Who are you? An emo and a farm boy? At my door? Who sent you here? If you're selling something, I'm not interested. Get the hell away from-"

Nico didn't even get to say something back, for Will had already begun whipping those toys out like he'd been doing it for years. Talented, he was.

Due to his staring, Nico started chucking the toys a couple of seconds later.

"What the actual-" Octavian's words were cut off due to a hard plastic toy hitting him in the mouth. "-fuck! I could call the police on you two bastards!" He taunted.

"Ya don't know our names, good sir," Will said, his accent very fake. Nico hoped Octavian didn't notice that.

"I can still fucking turn you in! This is assault!"

Nico shot another hard plastic figurine at the pale boy's face. "How about if we murdered you and escaped?" He snapped, voice deep and cold. He wasn't sure if he was kidding or not, but the one thing he knew was that this was not going the way he planned it to go.

"I'd like to see that," he sneered in reply, though Nico could tell there was a hint fear in his voice.

"Well too bad! Face the wrath of the Happy Meal toys!" Will screamed, reusing his previous amo to chuck at the creepy boy. The two had moved in on Octavian now; they were standing in the middle of the living room.

"I give in! Stop! I'll buy whatever the hell you're selling, just leave me alone!" Octavian wailed.

Nico snickered. "Consider this a lesson learned. And don't fuck with your neighbors," he warned.

Octavian muttered something in reply that he didn't catch.

"Have fun with your dollies!" Will laughed, pointing to the pile of bears on the floor.

"They're not dollies!"

"I beg to dif-"

"Just get out!" Octavian grabbed Will by the shirt collar. "Would you like me to show you to the door?" He whispered darkly.

"Well, actually, my eyesight isn't too bad, so I think I'll be able to find it," Will replied in a snarky matter. "But thank you for the offer!"

"I fucking hate you, and your fucking accent, and your little remarks."

"You wanna know something you don't hate?"


"The word, 'fucking,'" Will snorted.

Octavian was speechless.

Will yanked the other boy's hand from his shirt collar. "Got 'em."

Nico cleared his throat. "We should be going now, good sir. Thank you for your time."

"I'll be reporting you to the lobby! I'll have you under arrest!" The boy with the bleach blond hair snarled.

"Good luck with that, darlin,' Will stuck his tongue out at Octavian, who scowled.

"Enjoy stabbing your new toys!" Nico sing-songed as he and Will slid out the door, leaving their neighbor utterly shocked and furious.


"-and he was so pissed," Will gushed into the phone. He was outstretched on the bed, having a conversation with one of his best friends. He was changed out of his 'disguise' now; he had on a plain teal shirt on with jean shorts.

"I can't believe you pulled off a prank, dude! " That was the voice of Cecil.

"What? You think I'm hopeless without you?"

"Well, yeah," Cecil said, as if it was completely obvious.

"Care to explain?"

"Well, you make jokes in spite of yourself."

"So do you!" Will argued.

"You literally walk into my place and say, 'I'm here, and I'm queer!' before you start laughing hysterically. You do it every time."

"You are so starting to sound like Lou Ellen. What BS has she plugged into your brain this time?" Will smiled.

"She didn't," Cecil stated.

"Are you drunk, Cecil?"

Will heard laughing over the phone. "Maybe."

"I should've known," Will smirked. "What kind of trouble are you getting into?"

"Eh, nothing too bad," he admitted.

"I'm honestly shocked."

"Whoa whoa whoa, you're the one who yelled, 'I'm as straight as cooked spaghetti!' at some dude's party," Cecil cackled.

"And then I illegally drove you home while I was drunk," Will said proudly, then added, "and we didn't die!"

"Was that the night you stole that cooler of Sprite?"

"Hell yeah. I love that stuff," he confirmed.

"You know, you're going to get caught for stealing on of these days," Will said seriously.

"Eh. Lou knows when I get out of hand. She actually made me stop drinking a little bit ago. She's always got her moments of being the mom friend."

"Without me around all the time now, you're lucky she does that. Other wise, you'd be either in jail, or you'd be flat out dead." The blond was only half joking with that statement.

"Well, you probably wouldn't even know if either of those happened. You're never hanging out with us lately," Cecil grumbled.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I should be a better friend, but I've been at work or at home lately."

"Will Solace? At home? I don't believe this. You're always doing something. Did your membership at the gym expire or something?"

"Yeah. And, I have a dog to take care of now, and a," -he paused, then whispered,- "soon-to-be-boyfriend to hang out with."

"Damn, boi! You get 'em!"

"I'm not sure how, to be honest. He doesn't like people, and though he's opening up to me, he still is hard to read," he replied in a hushed tone.

The sound of a crash suddenly erupted from the other side of the line. Moments later, the familiar sound of Lou Ellen's voice was heard. "Hey, Cecil just fell out of the chair he was lounging in, and I'm going to have to hang up. He's such an idiot," she snorted, and Will was positive she was rolling her eyes at the scene.

"Alright. You two take care, and tell Cecil I said goodbye."

"Will do," she promised.



"I'm...sorry for neglecting you guys lately," Will bit his lip.

"It's fine. We have lives now. I'll see you whenever. Bye." The call was ended, and Will let out a dramatic sigh.

He didn't know what Nico was up to, but since college months were creeping up on him, he decided to get back to reading his medical books that were placed neatly on the shelf. He'd always known he'd wanted to be a doctor, the thought of healing people, and making a difference in this world made him feel happy inside.

As he skimmed through the titles, he couldn't help but remember the first day he'd moved in, when Nico had scolded him for spilling the box.

When Will had finally picked one out and quit his procrastination, he was interrupted by Nico cursing, "You piece of shit!"

"You called?" Will abandoned the book and poked his head into the kitchen.

"I don't have time for your sass right now, Solace," Nico snapped.

"Hey now, what happened?" Will asked. He noticed two pots on the stove.

Nico turned on the sink and placed his arm and hand under the water, totally ignoring his roommate.

"Did wittle baby Nico burn himself?" Will asked in a babyish voice, walking up to the shorter boy and wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Get off," Nico complained through clenched teeth. "You know I don't like that." He shut off the water and nudged Will off of him.

"Okay, okay." Will put his hands up, then asked, "Whatcha makin?'"

"Spaghetti," Nico replied, shaking water off of his hand.

"Sunshine, are you okay?"

"I'm never okay."

"Nico..." Will trailed off. "Here, let me look at your arm. I can bandage it up if it's major ," he requested.

"No," Nico snapped.

"I'll shut up if you let me," Will bribed.

"As long as you keep your promise." He stuck out his arm for Will to observe.

"Sunshine, you're always so cold," Will noted. "It looks pretty bad. Did you stick your hand in the boiling water?"

"...Yes," he confessed.

"Well, that was pretty stupid, wasn't it?"

The shorter boy mumbled something that Will didn't catch.

"I'm going to get you some gauze. It's kind of a severe burn," he explained. "Stay here."

Will scurried off to the bathroom to find his first aid kit. He always had plenty of supplies on hand, since he often practiced applying different ointments and treatments on himself.

He soon returned with a white roll of gauze. Nico, thankfully, was still standing in his exact same spot.

"I'm only doing this because I don't want you to get worse, you know," Will said as he wrapped the gauze around his friend's arm and hand. "Now, I don't know how or why you did this, but don't do it again." He started rambling, but Nico wasn't really listening,

"Now, I'm going to finish cooking the spaghetti, and you are going to go relax either on the couch or in your room," he instructed after he'd finished.


Will put a finger to his mouth. "No. Sit."

Nico finally gave in and stalked off.

Meanwhile, Will dumped the spaghetti into a strainer and waited for it to cool before he dished it into two bowls. He didn't want to burn himself while doing so, that'd make him feel stupid.

After it was warmed, the blond removed the sauce from the burner and spooned it into the bowls. He then grabbed two forks and two cups and filled the cups with iced water.

"Sunshine! I'm bringing dinner!" He called, grabbing a bowl, a fork, and a cup and carrying it to Nico's room.

He pushed open the door and stalled in to see Nico sprawled out on the bed, staring at the ceiling with his earbuds in. "Hey, cutie," he whispered, knowing Nico wouldn't hear him.

"Hey, sexy," Nico breathed, which startled the blond. He thought for sure he wouldn't hear him, oh no...

"Uhm, I brought your dinner," Will bit his lip awkwardly.

"Thanks. You can leave now."

"You don't want me to stay?" Will cocked his head.


"Well, little mister, looks like you don't have a choice," Will replied stubbornly, taking a seat on the bed next to Nico. "Up," he ordered.

Nico obeyed, which shocked the blond. "Eat," he commanded.

"Where's your food?"

"In the kitchen."

"Are you just gonna stare at me while I eat then?"

"Well, if you want me to," Will winked.

"I don't."


"Go get your food. I'm not reenacting Lady and the Tramp with you," Nico said.

"Alright." Will left, grabbed his food, and came back.


"What?" The blue eyed boy looked over.

"I don't know," Nico sighed.

They ate their dinner in a comfortable silence, and afterwards, Will set their empty bowls and cups on the bedside table.


"What?" His heart started pounding.

"When you came in, did you call me cute?" Nico asked.

"I did."

"Why?" The black haired boy turned to look at him.

"Because it's true. You, on the other hand, called me sexy."

"Uhh..." Nico's face heated up.

"Hey, Nico?"


"Have you ever fallen in love?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

"Does the person have a name?" Will hoped Nico couldn't hear his heart beating. What if he said his name? How was he supposed to react? He figured he'd just kiss him. That'd break the tension, right? That's what always happened in the movies.

"What is it?" Will asked.


Well, that certainly wasn't the name Will was expecting.

Though I don't have this story planned to end anytime soon, would you be okay if it had a very...devastating ending? Or do you want a cliche sort of happy ending? I have some drama planned for the next few chapters, by the way. *evil laugh* ALSO, thank you all SO much for all of the comments and votes!! You guys are amaZHANG! Have an outstanding day ~

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