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Nico was, well, drunk. He was dizzy, confused, and he didn't know what was even going on. He wasn't even aware that he was speaking in full Italian over the phone.

"Nico... I need you to come and pick me up. I have no idea what you just said, but I need you now. Please. I'm at college," Will croaked.

"Non so come. Non riesco a guidare, e non riesco a ottenere un passaggio, sia. Non ho soldi per un taxi," Nico replied.

"I can't understand you, Sunshine. Can you understand me?"


"I'll take that as a yes. I don't know why you're speaking in Italian, but I need you to listen. Come. Pick. Me. Up. Now.  Please, hurry," Will pleaded. Nico swore he was crying.

"Non posso!"

"I believe that he is saying no. He isn't coming, therefore he doesn't love you." That was the voice of a girl. Was that girl Nyssa? Why was she with Will? That bitch. Nico was going to kill her one of these days.

"Fottuto cagna! Mettere le mani  lontano da Will!" The dark haired boy cursed. He had to find a way to get to Will. Could he steal a car? No, that was illegal. He couldn't get arrested if his friend was in trouble. 

Right at that moment, a scream erupted from an open window.


But if his creepy neighbor could hear him, Nico could ask him if he could use his car. He could make things work. He had to. It was for Will, after all. 

"Was that a scream?" Nyssa's voice was muffled from the other end.

"Sì. Ho intenzione di chiedere Ottaviano se posso usare suoi car per venire aiuto. Spero di non urtare le altre auto." His words were slurred. 

"Did you just say Octavian?" Will gasped worriedly. "Don't mess with him, Nico. Especially not at this time."

"Sì. Addio; Sarò lí.   presto...fiduciosamente." Nico hung up the phone, stuffing it into his pocket.

Nico had a plan in his head, assuming Octavian would let him use his car: He would drive over, hopefully not crashing or getting pulled over (he didn't have his license with him right now), he'd find Will, give Nyssa a piece of his mind, and Will could drive them both home. Well, Will would drive home if they were both alive. The plan sounded good to him.

He stood, knees wobbling, and tried to stagger over so he could be closer to the window. It turned out that he could walk pretty normally.

Once he'd gotten as close to the building as he could get, he looked up and yelled, "Ottaviano! Auto! Auto!"

His neighbor looked down from the window. "English, please!" He snapped.

"Inglese?" Wait, he'd been speaking in Italian? Nico didn't even know. No wonder Will was freaking out!

"English!" Octavian screamed.

"Shit," Nico cursed under his breath. "Listen, I need to borrow your car. I can't afford to lose time waiting for a ride or getting money for a taxi. I really, really need it. Please, Octavian," Nico pleaded, words jumbling on top of each other.

"And at what cost? It's one in the morning, you imbecile!" He sneered in reply.

"Well, for starters, I'll promise you I won't be the one complaining about your noise," Nico retorted.

The other boy huffed. "And why do you need a ride?"

"It's Will. He needs me. I'll do whatever else you want in return, just please let me-"

"Shut up! We'll be at this all night if you keep ranting like this. Just take the keys to my fucking motorcycle and go away! And if it has any damage, you'll never be hearing the end of it," he warned.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Just hurry the hell up!"

"You're lucky I'm doing this, you disgusting freak." Octavian stalked off from the window to retrieve his keys.

"I'll pay you back," Nico promised.

The scrawny guy returned and dropped the keys down to Nico. "Humph. Now go away, and if there are any-"

Nico didn't listen to the rest of his lecture; he was already searching the parking lot for the motorcycle. He'd never actually driven one, but this was for Will. He knew the blond would do anything for him, so he had to return the favor.

After hitting a button on the remote part of the keys, the black haired boy found the vehicle parked in the lot. He was a bit dizzy, but he could walk well enough. Hopefully he'd be able to get to Will in time.


Where was the college?

Nico took out his phone to check, and searched all of the colleges in the area. He then found one with a name that sounded very familiar, so he went with that one, and programmed his phone to speak the directions aloud.

Riding a motorcycle was a lot harder than he thought it'd be, but Nico got the hang of it pretty quickly. Besides the facts that he wasn't sure if he was hearing his phone correctly, and that he couldn't really tell where he was going, Nico thought all was going pretty well. He wasn't dead yet, after all.

Thankfully, there were no police around. (That he knew of, of course.)

But when he was about five minutes away from the college, Nico's phone died. Great.

So, in that case, he had to drive around the city, not even knowing where he was going. The pale boy stopped to vomit a couple of times, but other than that, the drove was still going pretty well. As far as Nico was concerned, at least. He was still a bit hazy.

Nico stopped abruptly at the first college he saw, wildly turning into the parking lot.

And that's when Will stumbled into view, blood dripping from his face. He looked terrible. Cuts and bruises littered his entire body, and his shirt was caked with blood. Fear was in his eyes.  A girl's scream erupted from the distance.

In other words, that's when Nico exploded.

Metaphorically, of course.  

He parked the vehicle, not caring that he wasn't even in a parking spot, and rushed over to Will. He almost tripped himself a couple of times, but he didn't completely fall over.

"N-Nico, where have you been?" Will asked, panting. "Y-You smell like booze..."

"That doesn't fucking matter! What happened?" The dark eyed boy hissed. 

"T-there was a gang. Nyssa and them, they teamed up on me. Two or three of them, I think. It was bad, but it could have been w-worse. I can't fight, Nico. I can heal, but I'm useless for everything else. I'm worthless," Will sobbed.

"Where the hell are these people?!"

"G-gone. They're all on drugs, Sunshine. I could smell it. A-and there was pepper spray, so I picked it up and got them all with it," the blue eyed boy explained, wiping blood away from his nose.

Nico scowled. "They're lucky they're gone, or-"

Will put a shaking finger to his lips to silence him. "Don't start. Just...get me home. Please."

"Can you even-"

"Nico, please stop. I could pass out any m-minute." There were tears in his eyes.

"O-okay. But I'll warn you that I'm drunk, and I don't even remember how I got here, and-" Nico shook his head. "Oh, whatever. Let's go home."

He took Will's hand and propped him up on the motorcycle. He then vomited and sat himself down. "Hold onto me," the black haired boy instructed. Will definitely wasn't well enough to drive, so he'd have to do it himself. 

"I don't want to ever let go," Will breathed, arms around Nico's waist.

"I would say the same, but that's not how the world works."

"We can have our own reality, Nico," Will whispered as his friend began steering them in the direction that he assumed took them home.

Nico didn't reply to that, but instead let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

And then he vomited on the road again.


I HOPE GOOGLE TRANSLATE DIDN'T FAIL ME TODAY. I hope this is well written. Anyways, I'm not really sure how many more chapters there will be...However, I do have an ending planned, and I could make a sequel if you guys wanted. Would you rather have a sequel, or a completely different book?  It doesn't have to be Solangelo.  Also, Is there anything you guys want to happen before this story ends? Any ideas are welcome. Thanks, and have a stupendous day!

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