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Sorry if this chapter kind of sucks. More stuff happens in the chapters after this, promise. 


It was about eleven o'clock when Nico woke again. He remembered seeing Will earlier, but he couldn't completely recall what he'd said or done. Hopefully not anything too stupid.

So, to refresh his memory on the morning's happenings, he grabbed his phone and sent Will a simple text of, 'What the fuck did I say this morning before you left?'

Good enough.

As he made his way to the kitchen to get a bite to eat, he saw Mrs. O'Leary chewing on a tissue. What was up with her eating things that weren't her food?! Did she need to go to a doggy training class or something? It wasn't like she was never fed or anything. She just slept most of the day.

"Hey, you little bitch," Nico snapped, laughing at his pun. He didn't often make jokes, but when he did, he mentally applauded himself for being funny. 

If only Will was there to witness it. Oh well. His loss.

The black furred dog looked over and cocked her head.

"So why did you think it was okay to tear apart my aviator jacket?" He asked her, as if he thought he was getting a reply.

Mrs. O'Leary just stared at him.

"If you're gonna be doing that shit, I'm going to take you to a dog class. So I would suggest you not do that, understand?"

She (obviously) didn't reply, and took her outside to do her business before coming back inside to get ready. He could eat later.

But before he showered, Nico texted Will again. Why the hell hadn't he replied?! The Italian didn't want to seem clingy or anything, but Will always answered quickly. 

'Answer me, you dirty microwave. You'd yell at me for ignoring you, and I'm not gonna play this game.'

After he was showered, he threw on a black shirt with a trippy looking skull, as well as ripped black skinny jeans and his maroon Doc. Martens. To finish his outfit, he slipped on Will's purple jacket. One thing he did remember was requesting the two coats.

The sweatshirt smelled of chlorine, Easy Mac, and whatever kind of cologne Will wore. The smell of the cologne made him feel all dreamy.

Checking his phone yet again, Nico noticed that he still didn't have a reply. What the fuck was this sexy blond's problem?!

Throughout the afternoon, he sent numerous text messages to his friend. He was bored without him, so why not be a bother? He could totally see Will doing it, so this would give him a pleasant surprise.

Okay, truth was, Nico was just pissed off for some reason. He couldn't come up with a legitimate reason as to why, he just was.

So, in that case, he spammed Will's phone. (He sent the texts at different times, mind you.)

'Hey, I want to have a little talk with you about some stuff..."

'Solace, it's weird for you to ignore me like this.'


'It's like you WANT to piss me off.'

'You know what, fuck you. Go die.'

'I didn't mean for you to actually die. Answer me.'

'siKE BITCH! Of course I meant for you to actually die.'

'Your fucking cologne makes me high.'

'Screw you.'

'Don't even say 'if you insist.'

'I love you.'



'I hate* you.'

'Bye, motherfucker.'

It wasn't until Nico went to get his lunch (he was pretty hungry after skipping breakfast) that he saw the note from his friend on the counter.


Hi. I don't know when you'll be reading this, but just to let you know, I left. I mean, I guess that's obvious, but whatever. Be good to yourself, and I might be able to arrange a day when you can come see me. Because, you know, I totally understand that you would miss seeing me. I'm cool. Anyways, I hope you enjoy wearing my sweatshirts that are 'hot as fuck, like me.' Heh. I miss you, Sunshine. You, too, are hot as fuck.


And that's when Nico remembered what he'd said. He'd been in one of his 'no filter in the morning' moods, which were never good.


Hopefully Will hadn't heard him calling him 'my love.'

Well, it was true enough, so Nico let it slide. Just this once. 

The rest of the afternoon was rather boring. He didn't have to work, and he wasn't in the mood for people, so he decided he would most likely stay home and maybe finish painting Will's room. He'd honestly spaced it off until now.

So then, Nico pushed open the door to his roommate's bedroom. He didn't have much left to paint, so he figured he'd just get it done.

The Italian figured he'd look his phone one last time, but there was still no reply.

That's when he saw it.

Will's cell phone was lying in the middle of his bedside table, completely forgotten about. Or maybe it was just an excuse so he could see Nico.

Either way, the dark eyed boy was going to pay him a visit. He'd go through being out in public to see his friend. 

Nico slid Will's phone, along with his own, in the pocket of his (well, it was technically Will's) sweatshirt. He decided he'd just walk to the college; it was silly to wait for Jules-Albert to pick him up.

He abandoned his painting idea and headed back to the kitchen to stuff the paper with Will's schedule on it, ignoring the fact that he probably wasn't 'allowed' to see him at the moment.

Oh well. He'd do anything for his Solace, even though he didn't want to admit it.

And then he was out the door, on his way to see Will.

There were people everywhere on the streets, which Nico despised. He would out the hood of the sweatshirt up, but it was too big, so it would just make him look weird.

He was pretty sure remembered how he'd gotten to the college when he'd picked up Will that one night; he hoped he was going the right way.

Thinking about that made him think about Nyssa. That fucking bitch needed to be turned in to the police. He was definitely going to talk to Will about that.

Nico decided that if he saw Nyssa, he was going to give her a piece of his mind. She could cry him a river if she wanted to, or if she was going to get salty, he'd out sass her. He'd even fight her if he needed to. 

Because, bottom line was, nobody hurt Will unless they wanted to fucking die.

Nyssa had apparently signed herself up.

Upon arriving at the college, the Italian boy walked into the doors and took out Will's schedule from his pocket. He then checked the time on his phone and compared it to the schedule. Will was apparently in some class about medicines and stuff like that.

Nico tried to avoid the obnoxious college kids the best he could, but some of them kept running into him. That was one of his biggest pet peeves.

The college itself was huge, so Nico had a very hard time finding the correct room number. He wasn't even exactly sure if he was allowed to be there, but guess what, he was, and he wasn't going back.

Fuck the rules.

A couple of stressed out students and suspicious looking professors glared at him as he walked past, but he ignored them. He didn't have time for their shit.

After a few minutes of aimlessly wandering around, Nico had finally found the classroom. He tried to peer in the window of the door, but unfortunately, he was too short.

So instead, he just carefully turned the knob, not even caring if he disturbed the class.

Right as he entered the room, a set of heads turned to him, none of which were Will's.

"May I help you, sir?" The professor faced Nico, hands on her hips.

"Well...um, is William Solace in this class?" He stammered.

"He is. He had to leave, but he should be back any minute now. May I ask your name?"

"Nico di Angelo."

The class gasped, and Nico heard murmurs of things like, "That's the name on Will's arm!" and "Is he the guy? His boyfriend?" Most of those people were younger; the older ones were more respectful.

The professor pursed her lips. "And do you have a pass, Mr. di Angelo?"


"I will take that as a no. I'm going to have to ask you to leave now, for the class and I have business to take care of. You may visit your, er, friend's, dorm if you need to see him," she explained.

"But I want to return his phone to him. I don't have a key to his dorm. And frankly, I don't give a shit about your class," Nico pressed. Oops. He probably shouldn't have said that, but it was too late now.

A few students snickered.

"Let him see his boyfriend," a girl said. She looked around Will's age, with red hair and a green streak through it. 

"He's not my boyfriend. I don't know who told you that, but whoever did, they lied," the dark eyed boy snapped.

"Will wouldn't lie," some random guy piped in. "He talks about you like you've been dating for months."

Nico could feel his face turn as dark of shade of maroon as his shoes, and before he could reply, the professor made her way towards him with a scowl on her face. "Listen, if you don't make your way out of here, I'll be calling security-"

And that's when the door clicked, and Will walked in. He did a double take when he saw Nico, but then he managed to say, "Sunshine? Why are you here? I specifically wrote on the paper I left for you that you couldn't-"

"Enough! Nico, out! Will, sit down!" The lady stormed.

Nico didn't even glance back as he chucked his friend's phone as dashed out the door.

However, he stayed clung to the back of the door and listened to the conversation in the classroom.

"Oh my god, it says 'nine plus messages from 'My Sexy Sunshine.'" That was the voice of the girl who'd spoken earlier.

Nico rolled his eyes at that, and then decided to scram before the security was called to pick him up.

And after that, he headed to the building with the dorms, checked his friend's schedule for his room number, picked the lock with a paper clip that was in his pocket (that took him a while, hopefully he didn't get caught by cameras), and slipped into the room so he could wait for Will.

There were things they needed to talk about.


THANK YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH FOR 2K READS!!! (and 1K comments, haha.) I can't thank you all enough for actually continuing to read this.

I think I have a plot for the sequel, by the way. I'd post a blurb, but it includes spoilers for this book. Though, some of you probably already know. Hehehe. I'll be writing the sequel after this book is finished. I hope you guys will stick around and read it, and that it's just as good (if not better) than this one. And, yes, there IS drama. 

Credits to Shingeki_No_Homo for the idea of Will forgetting his phone. *cough* they 'casually' stalked this until it was updated ;) *cough* 

As always, ideas as such are welcome. 


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