Chapter Two

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Two black cars stop on a runway in front of the BAU's aeroplane. Gideon and Reid step out of one car with their gear and head for the jet as Hotch, Amelia and Morgan exit the second car with an unknown female agent.

"This girl may only have 36 hours to live," she warns "We're not asking for a judgement of Gideon. We want an assessment. We want to know that you," her voice lowers, looking ahead at Morgan and Amelia climbing the plane steps "or Agent Rowe, are there to step in if he can't perform. Are we clear?"

"Of course," Hotch gets on to the plane and half an hour later, the team is up in the sky, Gideon is walking over to the main seating area, where the rest of the team is.

"His first victim was 26-year-old Melissa Kirsh. Stab wounds, strangulation," Spencer is reading from a file

"Wait, wait. Back up, back up. He stabbed her...and then strangled her to finish her off?" Morgan asks

"Other way around," Gideon quickly replies, "Why do you think he started using the belt with the second murder?"

"Strangulation with your bare hands is not as easy as one would believe," Spencer explains

"So, he probably tried and thought it took too long," Amelia is opposite Hotch

"So stabbed her instead,"

"And realised it would be hours cleaning up the blood," Hotch finishes

"Next time, our boy's got a method -- the belt," Derek sighs

"He's learning," Gideon nods "perfecting his scenario. Becoming a better killer,"



The team exits their black SUV vehicle and enters the F.B.I. Field Office, Gideon quickly picks up his bag from the conveyor belt after entering the metal detector, heading inside. Behind him, Reid, Morgan and Amelia follow.

"He never stands with his back to a window," Derek nudges the young agents beside him "When I was between him and a doorway, he asked me to move,"

"He does it all the time with me," Amelia mutters "I just got used to thinking about where I stand," Hotch comes up behind them as Spencer starts speaking

"That's hyper vigilance. It's not uncommon in post-traumatic stress disorder,"

Derek scoffs "Just how much disorder are we talking about?"

"Morgan, it's been six months. Everything's okay," Hotch reassures.

In the Bullpen, Hotch starts his introduction "This is Special Agent Gideon, Special Agent Morgan, our expert on obsessional crimes, Special Agent Reid-"

"Doctor Reid!" Gideon clarifies

"Dr. Reid, our expert on, well, everything, and Special Agent Rowe, she focuses on the finer details and keeps us all in check," Amelia grins "and after two years busting my butt in this office, I hope you remember me,"

The office chuckles, but it's interrupted by Gideon, who's looking at a map set up on one of the many boards from around the room "He's willing to travel with the body,"

"Then he drives a vehicle capable of concealing one," Hotch adds, and Reid goes into statistics

"One in 7.4 drivers in Seattle owns an SUV,"

"Explorer with tinted windows?" Derek suggests

"Explorers rates higher with women,"

Amelia scans her eyes over the victim boards, which show Melissa Kirsch, Anne Cushing, Amy Haberland and Sondra Watts. Heather Woodland has her own board, still 'Missing'.

"But how do we know it's his car?" Morgan asks, "Ted Bundy drove a VW Bug."

"What about a Jeep Cherokee?"

"Jeeps are more masculine,"

"How?" Amelia falls on deaf ears as Gideon speaks up

"We all know how an Unsub feels about asserting his masculinity,"

"When did the Bureau become involved in the case?" Hotch turns to a lead agent

"After the fourth body. He dumped that one out of state,"

"On purpose most likely," Amelia sighs, leaning on a desk "Probably has knowledge of law enforcement,"

"That suggests a Criminal Record," Reid adds

"Or that he watches television. May I?" A Seattle agent hands Morgan the file he was holding.

"So, you wanna see our suspect list?" another agent asks

"No, we won't look at a suspect list until after we come up with a profile. It keeps our perspective unbiased,"

"When do we sit down with your task force?" Amelia questions the same agent

"Four o'clock,"

Morgan looks up from the file, unimpressed "An accurate profile by four o'clock today?"

Gideon is looking at something on one of the victim boards, he walks past his team and absently replies "That's not a problem,"

"Agent Gideon, where would you like to start?" Hotch seems to be testing him

Gideon points to a photo "Let's start at the site of the last murder,".


a/n: I know, I know the chapters are pretty sort right now, but I'm still getting into the swing of things with this fic, and I'm finishing chapters where I think there's a natural pause in the episode.

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