5 - Realization

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Katherine smiled as she opened the door to her and Jordan's shared room. Jordan was already sitting in bed, and he glanced up at the door, smiling back at Katherine when he saw it was her. Beckoning her over, Jordan patted the space beside himself. She just chuckled and shook her head at Jordan's antics, before changing into something a little more comfortable to sleep in. Crawling in next to Jordan, she let him wrap and arm around her waist, letting out a soft laugh when Jordan pressed a kiss on the top of her head. They sat in silence for a few moments, enjoying each other's company, before Katherine decided that she might as well tell Jordan what she was feeling. After mulling over her feelings that afternoon, Katherine had come to a conclusion; that she liked Tom, leaning towards the way she liked Jordan. It was more of a hopeless crush than anything else, and plus, she hadn't known him for more than a week, so that added to her worry. She wanted to be honest with Jordan, and being honest meant opening up about her feelings.

"Jordan?" She asked, looking up at him. He hummed, glancing at her. "Can we talk about something? It's important. To me, at least." Jordan nodded, a slightly concerned look on his face.

"Of course we can, Kathy." Jordan replied, shifting a little so that they were facing each other. "Go ahead." Katherine nodded nervously and felt her stomach churn with worry. What if Jordan hated her?

"Okay so, I've been having these... feelings when I'm around Tom. I think they're more of the romantic kind than... the platonic kind." Katherine paused, looking up at Jordan to gauge his reaction. His face was mostly neutral, but the way he was biting his lip, and how his eyes were squinting a little, told Katherine that he was thinking over what she was saying. She continued. "I just... At the start of our relationship, we said that we were gonna be open about our feelings, and, well... I just wanted you to know." Katherine swallowed, not looking at Jordan. Jordan mulled over what Katherine had said. She liked Tom? That was, at least, what he had gotten from what she had said. Jordan knew that deep, deep inside of him, he also had a growing fondness for Tom, that had sprouted when they had first met and became so much more over the past few days.

"So... you like Tom." He replied after a few moments. Did she still hold feelings for him, just like he did? Did she also find herself torn between two people, one of which he loved fiercely and the other which he was just beginning to love? Katherine frowned a little at Jordan's reply.

"Not just him. You too, Jordan. I still love you, I just... Have these new feelings for Tom as well, and I don't... I don't know if I should peruse them." She said, her voice dropping to a whisper near the end. Jordan nodded. So, she did have the same feelings as he did. He smiled a little.

"I... guess I should also talk about my feelings towards Tom. When I first met him, I realized that... I don't know... That I liked him? I just wasn't able to put into words how I felt about him, mostly cause I'm still in love with you and I didn't want to mess that up but... Hearing you say that you also have feelings for him and for me it... it made me happy cause you were able to say what I couldn't." Jordan reached out, taking Katherine's hands into his, a smile still on his face. "I love you Kath, and nothing's going to change that, even if we both have feelings for the same man." Katherine sniffled a little.

"I though you would be angry with me because I have feelings for him." She whispered, shuffling closer to Jordan. "But... you also have the same feelings, so that means that..." Katherine trailed off, looking to Jordan for an answer. Jordan leaned in and kissed her on the forehead gently.

"It means that we could be in a relationship with Tom, and with each other, and that it could work out that way if Tom has the same feelings." Katherine smiled a little and moved even closer to Jordan, close enough that she could lay her head on his chest comfortably.

"Thank you." She whispered, smiling as Jordan pulled her closer, burying his face into her hair. If Tom shared their feelings than, well, Katherine knew that herself and Jordan would be happy.


Tom felt a hand gently carding through his hair, and he stirred slightly, frowning a little when the hard withdrew. He let out a little murmur, reaching out for the person to come back, to continue. He smiled a little when the hand returned and began brushing through his hair once more. It was strangely comforting, and Tom almost found himself slipping back to sleep when the person stopped once more. Not caring about who this person was, Tom let out a small whine, grumbling a little as the person drew away from him once more. He heard a small giggle in response, and then a hand was gently shaking his shoulder.

"C'mon Tom. Time to wake up." The familiar voice called out. Tom frowned. What was the Captain doing? He opened his eyes and froze. He was most definitely not in the cell that he was starting to get used to. No. This room was much nicer, and he realized that he was actually laying on a plush white bed. Sitting up, he took in more of the room. Crisp white sheets bunched up around him, and looking down he realized that he was actually shirtless. He felt his face heat up and he heard the Captain giggle again, only making his face redder. Where was he? "You feeling alright?" She asked, and Tom turned to face her, blushing more as he saw her.

"I... I'm alright, thank you." He murmured back to her, trying his best not to look at her. She looked wonderful, and he knew that meeting her eyes would only make him more embarrassed. There was the sound of a door opening, and someone stepping inside, before another familiar voice spoke.

"So you were able to wake him up!" Jordan said happily. Tom timidly looked up at him and swallowed. Jordan was also shirtless. Damn, Tom had been right when he said that Jordan should never wear a shirt. Jordan just chuckled, coming over to the bed and sitting down next to Tom. "See something you like?" He murmured, looking at Tom flirtatiously. Tom just nodded timidly, unable to look away from Jordan's piercing blue eyes. He could feel the Captain moving to sit on his other side and he swallowed again, feeling one of her hands brush over his back. Leaning in, Jordan firmly kissed him, Tom letting out a soft sigh as he did, eyes fluttering closed. One of Jordan's hands made its way to cradle the back of his head, the other resting on his hip as they kissed. Tom couldn't help but cup Jordan's face, feeling Jordan's beard underneath his hands. When Jordan pulled away, Tom let his eyes stay closed for a few moments, before opening them again to see Jordan smiling at him. He weakly smiled back, before feeling Jordan's hands slip away from him. Pouting slightly, Tom withdrew his own hands. A few fingers grasped his chin, and he let himself be turned to face the Captain, a wide smile on her face.

"My turn." She whispered, before leaning in to kiss him. Her lips were much softer than Jordan's, Tom noticed. She kissed much more gently too. He sighed, letting her take the lead, her head tilting and the kiss becoming much more controlling. She pulled away sooner than he had hopped, and he found himself whimpering a little at the loss. Smiling at him, she scooted forwards slightly, and Tom felt Jordan's strong arms wrap around him, the other man's jaw resting on his shoulder. The Captain placed her hands on his cheeks and let her thumb trace his cheek bone. Tom felt his eyes slip closed, feeling content just to lay with the two of them. This was probably the best he had felt in a long time, and he knew that if he had tried to stand, he wouldn't've been able too. "Tom." He heard the Captain whisper. Opening his eyes, he saw that she was still smiling at him, although her smile had gotten a lot sadder.

"Yeah?" He murmured back. She just gave him a sad smile and leaned in, gently pecking him on the forehead.

"It's time to wake up, Tom." She said sadly. Tom's eyes winded and he shook his head. No, he, he couldn't just leave.

"But I..." Tom reached out for her but she disappeared. "Jordan?" He called out, but the strong arms and bearded that had tickled his neck were also gone. Tom blinked, and suddenly he was back in his cell, alone. A few hot tears rolled down his cheeks before he wiped them away, cursing at himself. Of course, it was a dream. He sat up, wincing slightly as his back ached a little. Tom feels a lump starting to grow in his throat and he curses his heart for falling for them. He can't have them, Tom tells himself. Dianite would never allow it, even if he was just dating the Captain. He wanted to be a good champion, and the only way to do that would be to stop playing nice with the two of them. Dianite wanted a soldier, someone with no mercy and unrelenting loyalty, not a some hopeless romantic.

He had to stop getting close to them, before he hurt himself more and destroyed his chances of staying as Dianite's champion.

(This chapter was... hard to write to say the least. Chapter 6 should be out shortly, and hoo boy some stuff's gonna happen)

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