Chapter 17

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"Happy birthday dear George and Mary Kate, happy birthday to you!"

Everyone clapped as the little cousins took big handfuls of their very own birthday cupcakes, getting just as much icing on their faces as they did in their mouths.

It was July 24th, the day of Mary Kate and George's joint first birthday party on the lawn of Sandringham House. A few white tents had been set up on the lush green grass, and a refreshing breeze ruffled the simple decorations. It was a small gathering, only close family and friends in attendance. The Queen and Prince Phillip were due to make a brief appearance near the end of the party to celebrate with their great-grandchildren.

"They love your cupcakes, Jackie, you'll have to share your recipe," said Camilla, snapping pictures as Mary Kate and George squealed with delight, making massive messes in their highchairs.

"There's cupcakes for everyone coming out now," Jackie announced, just as a few Sandringham House staff members carried out platters filled with her homemade cupcakes.

Jackie was basking in the happiness of the day. She felt like a normal mum throwing a normal birthday party with her normal sister-in-law for their normal children. Everyone was having a wonderful time, Mary Kate and George were being showered with love from their doting family members. Even the world was celebrating, Kensington Palace's twitter's birthday tweets for the children had gotten a record number of favorites and responses. Jackie had snapped a few photos of Mary Kate for the occasion, and the cousins posed together for one adorable shot on the steps of York Cottage.

Jackie thought back over the past year of her life. She felt like a totally different person than the woman she was before becoming a mum. Mary Kate had changed every single one of Jackie's priorities. She could remember the days where she was throwing herself into her public engagements just after she and Harry got married. Now, two years later, Jackie was contemplating her role as a senior member of the Royal family.

"What are you doing, darling?" Jackie was pulled out of her thoughts to see Charles and Camilla leaning over Mary Kate's highchair. The little girl had finished her cupcake and was holding her hands in front of her, tapping her right fingers to her left fingers.

"Oh, she's saying she wants more food," Jackie explained with a laugh. "We've taught her some sign language, I read it helps with developing language skills." Jackie smiled and shook her head at Mary Kate. "No more food."

"What else can she sign?" Charles asked, his eyes shining.

"She can sign 'eat', 'thank you', 'more', and 'enough'. She caught on quite quickly," Jackie said proudly.

"Our little genius," Charles cooed, scooping up Mary Kate and giving her a squeeze.

"Her Majesty has arrived," Elizabeth announced just as a Range Rover drove down the gravel drive towards the white party tents. Jackie and her lady in waiting still weren't back on speaking terms, but they worked together with Kate to put to finishing touches on Mary Kate and George's party.

Everyone gathered at the edge of the tent, waiting for the Queen and Prince Philip. Jackie carried Mary Kate and stood next to Harry, who put an arm around her waist.

"Can you believe we've been parents for a whole year?" Harry asked.

Jackie smiled. "It feels like she was born a few weeks ago."

"I think this is my favorite age so far," Harry said thoughtfully, brushing Mary Kate's hair back from her forehead. "She's so active."

"Can you imagine having two?" Jackie asked with a laugh.

"I can imagine two, but not three. I'm not sure I'm keen on us being out-numbered by children," Harry said. On cue, Mary Kate let out a mischievous laugh, trying to worm out of Jackie's arms.

"Behave, young lady," Jackie whispered, holding onto Mary Kate a bit tighter as the Queen approached, Prince Philip at her side.

All the women curtsied as the Queen greeted each guest with a warm smile. She was dressed in a flamboyant blue and pink ensemble, obviously paying homage to the birthday boy and girl.

The Queen approached Jackie, Harry, Kate, Will, and the children last.

"Happy Birthday, my dears," she cooed in a most dignified way, giving both Mary Kate and George a peck on the cheek. George eyed his great-grandmother intently, while Mary Kate flashed a four-toothed smile. "I can't believe how they've grown."

"We've been trying to teach them to say Granny, no luck yet," William said.

"They've got to spend more time with me, that'll do the trick," the Queen said with a grin.

"I'm sure they would love to run around the halls of one of the big palaces," Harry said. "William and I would chase each other for hours."

Mary Kate, who was relaxing in Jackie's arms, reached out her hands towards the Queen, wanting her great-grandmother to hold her.

Before Jackie could say anything, the Queen took Mary Kate into her arms. Despite being 88 years old, the Queen looked like a natural. "She's quite the people-person," said the Queen with a smile. "I'm sure she'll do quite well at engagements."

Jackie smiled and nodded with the others, but the gears in her head were spinning. Would she force Mary Kate into a public role? Or would she encourage her daughter to go to university and pursue a life out of the spotlight?

The party continued, filled with laughter and food. Mary Kate and George began to get fussy, a bit bored of mingling with guests in the tent, so Jackie held their hands and led them on a brief excursion to the flower gardens.

Jackie squatted down and pointed to a lavender bush. "Look, this is a purple flower. Purple."

George, always the thinker, studied the flower with furrowed brows. Mary Kate, on the other hand, let out a happy laugh and bent over to sniff the blooms. Jackie laughed. "Do they smell good? George, can you smell them too?"

Jackie let the children lead the way through the bushes, explaining everything they came across. "Let's find some white flowers," she said.

"I think you should have been a teacher," came a voice. Jackie looked up to see Harry approaching, ducking under the low-hanging leaves of an apple tree.

"I'm not sure if I'm patient enough," Jackie said with a smile. She bent down to admire a rose bush George was pointing to. "Those are red flowers."

"Will you tell me what you and Elizabeth were disagreeing over?" Harry asked all of a sudden.

Jackie sighed. She had been wary of telling Harry she was wanting to pull out of public engagements, but decided there was no time like the present. "Well, we were discussing my schedule, and I told her I want to cut back on my public appearances."

Harry didn't react. "Why's that?"

Jackie pointed to Mary Kate. "Going on tour got me thinking, I don't want her childhood to consist schedules and nannies and- and us not being there."

"Do you feel as though you're being overworked?" Harry questioned.

Jackie shook her head. "Not overworked, exactly, but I worry about being absent. I want us to be the people who shape her and teach her, not our staff, like Nanny Sophia and Mrs. Woodsworth."

Harry's brows were furrowed, a sign he was in deep thought. "Well, I'm open to anything. If you want to cut back a bit, that's fine by me."

Jackie beamed. "I'm glad you approve."

Harry pulled his iPhone out of his pocket. "Squeeze them together, I want a picture."


Thank you all for being so patient and giving me lots of suggestions! There will be two more updates for Royals: Part 5, and then I will start Royals: Part 6. I have lots planned for the next book (lots of drama!)

Thanks Atlantismyhome for adding Jackie's ring and fixing up the final photo of the chapter!

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