Chapter 8

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"I love when we do engagements together," Jackie gushed, climbing into the back seat of a Range Rover with Kate.

"So do I!" Kate agreed. "It's been such a long time."

"Our first one together as mums," Jackie added.

The women were off to the unveiling of their Vogue portraits at the National Portrait Gallery in London. Both Duchesses were patrons, as Kate was interested in photography and portraiture and Jackie loved learning about all the historic subjects of the portraits at the massive gallery. Though Jackie had loved the photos of herself when she saw them, she was a bit nervous about how they would be received. They had been shot only a month after Mary Kate was born, and Jackie's post-baby body was still being criticized even two months after Mary Kate was born.

Jackie had chosen to wear a yellow sleeveless dress to the Portrait Gallery. She and Elizabeth had narrowed her entire wardrobe down to 2 dresses that they thought looked best, and then Jackie had wandered Kensington Palace, asking for the opinions of Harry, Will, Kate, and about a dozen household staff members. In the end, the yellow dress had gotten the majority of the votes for making her look the slimmest. The Queen had lent both Duchesses jewelry for the event- diamond drop earrings for Jackie and an impressive diamond necklace for Kate.

The outside of the National Portrait Gallery was packed with people by the Duchesses arrived. Kate got out first, Jackie following closely behind.


"Jackie! Kate!"

"Over here!"

The cheers of the fans mixed with the calls of the paparazzi, everyone vying for a picture. Jackie and Kate smiled and gave a few waves as they walked through the doors.

"Welcome, Your Highnesses," greeted the Director of the gallery.

Jackie and Kate chatted with a few VIP guests before they were given a brief tour of the gallery. Jackie was fascinated by photos and paintings of historic members of the royal family before her. Her favorite was a portrait of Diana, sitting alone in a room. Jackie thought about how young her mother in law was when she was thrown into the royal spotlight- only 19 when she got engaged to Prince Charles. To deal with the terrible things the tabloids wrote as not only a young woman, but a young woman struggling with an eating disorder and an unhappy marriage was unimaginable. Diana's tragic end came when she was 36- only 7 years older than Jackie.

"Oh, look," Kate said, pointing at a painting hanging on a wall near Diana's portrait.

Jackie grinned at the sight of two familiar faces, leaning in to read the plaque under the portrait. According to the information, it was commissioned in 2009, meaning the brothers were 27 and 25.

"This is great," Kate said to the director of the gallery. "It really captures their personalities."

"I love how Harry's shoulders are slumped forward," Jackie agreed. "And William's expression is just perfect."

Before long, it was time for Jackie and Kate to view their brand new portraits taken during their Vogue photo shoots. A bottle of champagne was opened to celebrate the unveiling, and Jackie and Kate were thrilled to see their gorgeous portraits.

"They're beautiful!" both Duchesses gushed in unison, earning laughter and applause from the gallery employees, guests, and press.

Jackie was pleasantly surprised by her photos. Though she'd seen them before, she'd forgotten how beautiful they were. She didn't look fat at all, and something about seeing her own picture hanging in the walls of The National Portrait Gallery gave her a huge confidence boost. Jackie didn't care what the paparazzi said- she looked good.


"What's going to be done about the possibility of the photos being published?" Elizabeth asked.

"Any UK paper is going to contact us if the photos are presented to them," said the Queen's press advisor, "as they always have when a controversial photo comes their way. Unfortunately, we don't have any control over the international papers."

"That's not acceptable," Elizabeth bristled.

Jackie, Harry, and Elizabeth were meeting with a team of the Queen's top advisors about the drone that had flown over Kensington Palace the week before. Jackie was nervous, but it was Harry who was most agitated.

"We currently do not have any restrictions against drones, it hasn't been an issue until now," said the Kensington Palace security advisor. "However, a ban is being issued today."

Harry scoffed. "Well I would hope so!"

Jackie spoke up. "I'm just very concerned the photos will be published."

"Obviously we are going to do our best to prevent another photo scandal," said the Queen's press advisor, referring to the nude photos of Kate that had been released in 2012, and Harry's Las Vegas photo scandal.

"If there's anything I can do, please call," Jackie said, feeling as though there was nothing that could be done. If the drone had captured photos, there was a very high possibility they would be released. If the British tabloids were too intimidated by the Palace to purchase them, a foreign paper would.

"We will, Your Highness. I'm sorry this has happened," the security advisor said.

Harry was still fuming when he, Jackie, and Elizabeth left the Queen's Kensington Palace office. "I can't believe they let this happen," Jackie's husband repeated.

"It's going to be okay," Jackie answered. Her chest was tight with worry, but the whole situation was totally out of her hands.

"They should have shot it out of the sky," Elizabeth sniffed. "Absolutely unacceptable."


Sorry for the delay! Please leave any comments or suggestions, I need some new ideas! :)

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